SimpleMDE.JS 轻松打造一个类似简书的纯前端MarkDown语法编辑器


共计 5722 个字符,预计需要花费 15 分钟才能阅读完成。

一直想搞一个纯前端的 markdown 编辑器 + 解析器。将个人博客 的文章语法用 markdown 实现。既可以大幅节省写文章耗费时间,也能通用到简书或思否。试了多个纯前端 markdown 库以后,感觉 simpleMDE 的用法最简单,效果也与简书等最为接近。
最终效果演示: 最终源码下载:

入门款 demo
只需要引入 CSS、JS、一个 textarea 标签即可。无其他依赖。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”zh-CN”>
<meta charset=”UTF-8″>
<link href=”” rel=”stylesheet”>
<script src=””></script>
var simplemde = new SimpleMDE();

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”zh-CN”>
<meta charset=”UTF-8″>
<link href=”” rel=”stylesheet”>
<link href=”” rel=”stylesheet”>
<link href=”” rel=”stylesheet”>
<script src=””></script>
<script src=””></script>
var simplemde = new SimpleMDE({
element: document.querySelector(‘textarea’),
autoDownloadFontAwesome:false,//true 从默认地址引入 fontawesome 依赖 false 需自行引入 (国内用 bootcdn 更快点)
autosave: {
enabled: true,
uniqueId: “SimpleMDE”,
delay: 1000,
blockStyles: {
bold: “**”,
italic: “*”,
code: ““`”
forceSync: true,
hideIcons: false,
indentWithTabs: true,
lineWrapping: true,
singleLineBreaks: false,
codeSyntaxHighlighting: true // 需要 highlight 依赖
showIcons: true,
spellChecker: true
// 默认开启预览模式


启用自动保存 (每秒保存到 localstorage,防刷新后丢失)
启用自定义地址的 font-awesome

更多内容可以参考作者在 github 写的说明文档…

autoDownloadFontAwesome: If set to true, force downloads Font Awesome (used for icons). If set to false, prevents downloading. Defaults to undefined, which will intelligently check whether Font Awesome has already been included, then download accordingly.autofocus: If set to true, autofocuses the editor. Defaults to false.autosave: Saves the text that’s being written and will load it back in the future. It will forget the text when the form it’s contained in is submitted.

enabled: If set to true, autosave the text. Defaults to false.

delay: Delay between saves, in milliseconds. Defaults to 10000 (10s).

uniqueId: You must set a unique string identifier so that SimpleMDE can autosave. Something that separates this from other instances of SimpleMDE elsewhere on your website.

blockStyles: Customize how certain buttons that style blocks of text behave.

bold Can be set to ** or __. Defaults to **.

code Can be set to “` or ~~~. Defaults to “` .

italic Can be set to * or _. Defaults to *.

element: The DOM element for the textarea to use. Defaults to the first textarea on the page.forceSync: If set to true, force text changes made in SimpleMDE to be immediately stored in original textarea. Defaults to false.hideIcons: An array of icon names to hide. Can be used to hide specific icons shown by default without completely customizing the toolbar.indentWithTabs: If set to false, indent using spaces instead of tabs. Defaults to true.initialValue: If set, will customize the initial value of the editor.insertTexts: Customize how certain buttons that insert text behave. Takes an array with two elements. The first element will be the text inserted before the cursor or highlight, and the second element will be inserted after. For example, this is the default link value: [“[“, “](http://)”].


lineWrapping: If set to false, disable line wrapping. Defaults to true.parsingConfig: Adjust settings for parsing the Markdown during editing (not previewing).

allowAtxHeaderWithoutSpace: If set to true, will render headers without a space after the #. Defaults to false.

strikethrough: If set to false, will not process GFM strikethrough syntax. Defaults to true.

underscoresBreakWords: If set to true, let underscores be a delimiter for separating words. Defaults to false.

placeholder: Custom placeholder that should be displayedpreviewRender: Custom function for parsing the plaintext Markdown and returning HTML. Used when user previews.promptURLs: If set to true, a JS alert window appears asking for the link or image URL. Defaults to false.renderingConfig: Adjust settings for parsing the Markdown during previewing (not editing).

singleLineBreaks: If set to false, disable parsing GFM single line breaks. Defaults to true.

codeSyntaxHighlighting: If set to true, will highlight using highlight.js. Defaults to false. To use this feature you must include highlight.js on your page. For example, include the script and the CSS files like:<script src=””></script><link rel=”stylesheet” href=””>

shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts associated with this instance. Defaults to the array of shortcuts.showIcons: An array of icon names to show. Can be used to show specific icons hidden by default without completely customizing the toolbar.spellChecker: If set to false, disable the spell checker. Defaults to true.status: If set to false, hide the status bar. Defaults to the array of built-in status bar items.
Optionally, you can set an array of status bar items to include, and in what order. You can even define your own custom status bar items.
styleSelectedText: If set to false, remove the CodeMirror-selectedtext class from selected lines. Defaults to true.tabSize: If set, customize the tab size. Defaults to 2.toolbar: If set to false, hide the toolbar. Defaults to the array of icons.toolbarTips: If set to false, disable toolbar button tips. Defaults to true.

一般个人建博客站,如果是不用 hexo、wp 的话,就需要自己写个后台新增编辑文章,这样一来可能每篇文章就都需要用 html 语法来写大量代码,消耗不少时间,还不能实时查看效果。用本工具既可以用在后台的文章编辑,也可以把编辑器配置成页面显示,直接渲染出 html 代码。从而大幅缩减开发时间和编辑文章的时间。写出来的内容语法和简书、思否等一致都是 markdown,复制过来也完美兼容

本文也会发布在我的个人博客, 并会附上在线演示,欢迎查看 最终效果演示 最终源码下载 参考…simplemde 官网…
