

共计 2789 个字符,预计需要花费 7 分钟才能阅读完成。

School of Sciences
MATH 2109 – Mathematical Computing Week 6 – Hand in Lab Class –
Due 5 : 00pm Friday 23rd April 2021.

  1. Write a function in an m-file for y = cos5
    (x) sin3
    (x) + 2 that will accept a row vector of x
    values as input and output a row vector of y values. Now generate a row vector of x values in
    the interval [0, 7] (use 100 points) and input this into your function to find the corresponding
    y values. Plot the function using the plot() command. Also by looking up the xlabel()
    and ylabel() functions label the x and y axes.
  2. A sequence is given by a5 = 2, a6 = −4, and a7 = 1, and the recurrence relation
    an = 5 an−1 − 3 an−2 + 6 an−3an−2
    when n ≥ 8.
    Write a function in an m-file that has n as its only input, where n > 5, and returns the value
    an. Put in a check that n ≥ 5 and exit with a printed error if this is not the case, assigning
    an the value NaN.
    Call your function in a main program, so that it prints, using fprintf, a table of values for
    n and f(n), for n = 5, 6, . . . 13. Your table should have headers.
  3. The symbolic toolbox allows us to integrate symbolic expressions using the following commands
    (as an example):
    f = @(x) cos(x). ̂5.*sin(x). ̂3
    syms x ;
    ans =
    (cos(x) ̂5(5cos(x) ̂2 – 7))/35
    Write a function call IntFunct in an m-file that takes as input a function of one variable
    and values of a and b for x. As outputs it returns the value of the definite integral over the
    interval [a, b] and (only if asked for) additionally a symbolic expression for its derivative. Also
    include a check that not more than 2 outputs are requested and if they are, return a printed
    error message (of your making) and cease execution before Matlab complains. Test this by
    calculating the integral of y = cos5
    (x) sin3
    (x) over [0, 2]. You need to pass the function f
    and the values a = 0 and b = 2 as parameters when you call the function from the command
    [Hint: Use double(subs(Sym_expression, x, a)) to get a number after substituting. ]
  4. The intersection of a circular cylinder of unit radius, oriented around the xn axis, and the
    sphere centred at the point e1 = (1, 0, . . . , 0) correspond to the points (x1, x2, . . . , xn) (in
    n-dimensions) that satisfy the equations:
    Write a function area_approx = Monte_Carlo_Test(n,N) that inputs the dimension n
    and the number of random samples N in the following Monte-Carlo estimation of the volume
    of the intersection. Generate N uniformly distributed random samples in the following n
    dimensional box that contains the region defined in (1):
    and count the number k, of the N, events that land inside the region defined in (1). Include this function as a sub-functions (place it at
    the end of your work) and call it to print a table of the areas associated with the dimensions
    n = 3, 4, 5, 6 using N = 106.
    [Hint: Watch the week 5 Wednesday Lectorial Collaborate Ultra recording.]
    NOTE : Note that M-File functions MUST NOT contain any fprintf() or disp() commands,
    or echo print any values inside the function (other than for error messages). The Function MUST
    return a value or values, NOT just print them with a disp() command.
    You MUST include listings of your functions in your published output as follows. If your function
    is contained in the M-file with name myfunction.m, just include the line
    type myfunction.m
    at the point in your code where you want the listing of the function to appear.
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