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“隐语”是开源的可信隐衷计算框架,内置 MPC、TEE、同态等多种密态计算虚构设施供灵便抉择,提供丰盛的联邦学习算法和差分隐衷机制。



隐语 awesome-PETs(PETs 即 Privacy-Enhancing Technologies,隐衷加强技术 )精选业内优秀论文,按技术类型进行整顿分类,旨在为隐衷计算畛域的学习研究者提供一个高质量的学习交换社区。awesome-PETs 蕴含:平安多方计算 (MPC)、零常识证实(ZKP)、联邦学习 (FL)、差分隐衷 (DP)、可信执行环境 (TEE)、隐衷求交 (PSI) 等系列主题论文!
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返回 GitHub 提交 PR,举荐隐衷计算主题论文 (CCF- B 及以上, 不限定 PSI),胜利签订 CLA 后,私信隐语小助手 SecretFlow01,支付处分。(⏰ 本期流动截止工夫:9 月 7 日)。

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🌟 隐语 awesome-PETs PR 提交流程

正确 PR 示例:

提交 PR 步骤:

1、把 secretflow/secretflow 我的项目 fork 到本人的仓库。

2、回到本人账号的主页,找到 fork 的我的项目,点击 Contribute,Open pull request。

3、填写提交内容的 Title,点击 Preview 预览,点击 awesome-PETs,抉择模版。

4、在抉择的模版填写 [x],形容您提交 PR 的起因,创立 Create pull request。

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6、实现提交,期待我的项目维护者合并 PR 或者给出修改意见。(及时关注此 PR 最新 Comment)


1、PKC-based PSI

  • Improved Private Set Intersection for Sets with Small Entries S. Dov Gordon, Carmit Hazay, Phi Hung LePKC 2023, eprint
  • Compact and Malicious Private Set Intersection for Small Sets Mike Rosulek, Ni TrieuCCS 2021, eprint, RT21
  • Private Matching for Compute Prasad Buddhavarapu, Andrew Knox, Payman Mohassel, Shubho Sengupta, Erik Taubeneck, Vlad Vlaskin Unpublished 2020, eprint
  • Scalable multi-party private set-intersection Carmit Hazay, Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam PKC 2017, eprint

2、OT-based PSI

  • Circuit-PSI with Linear Complexity via Relaxed Batch OPPRF Nishanth Chandran, Divya Gupta, Akash ShahPETS 2022, eprint, CGS22
  • Simple, Fast Malicious Multiparty Private Set Intersection Ofri Nevo, Ni Trieu, Avishay YanaiCCS 2021, eprint, NTY21
  • Private Set Operations from Oblivious Switching Gayathri Garimella, Payman Mohassel, Mike Rosulek, Saeed Sadeghian, Jaspal SinghPKC 2021, eprint, GMRS21

3、VOLE-based PSI

  • Blazing Fast PSI from Improved OKVS and Subfield VOLE Peter Rindal, Srinivasan RaghuramanCCS 2022, eprint
  • Fully Secure PSI via MPC-in-the-Head S. Dov Gordon, Carmit Hazay, Phi Hung LePets 2022, eprint
  • PSI from Ring-OLE Wutichai Chongchitmate, Yuval Ishai, Steve Lu, Rafail OstrovskyCCS 2022, eprint
  • Oblivious Key-Value Stores and Amplification for Private Set Intersection Gayathri Garimella, Benny Pinkas, Mike Rosulek, Ni Trieu, Avishay YanaiCrypto 2021, eprint, GPRT+21
  • VOLE-PSI: Fast OPRF and Circuit-PSI from Vector-OLE Peter Rindal, Phillipp Schoppmann EuroCrypt 2021, eprint, RS21

4、Other Variants

  • Labeled PSI from Homomorphic Encryption with Reduced Computation and Communication Kelong Cong, Radames Cruz Moreno, Mariana Botelho da Gama, Wei Dai, Ilia Iliashenko, Kim Laine, Michael RosenbergCCS 2021, eprint, CMBD+21
  • PIR-PSI: Scaling Private Contact Discovery Daniel Demmler, Peter Rindal, Mike Rosulek, Ni Trieu PETS 2018, eprint, DRRT18

因为篇幅起因,还有更多论文未能一一列举,请拜访 GitHub 珍藏!


流动截止工夫:9 月 7 日

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