共计 3255 个字符,预计需要花费 9 分钟才能阅读完成。
- 客户端申请主节点执行一些操作(发送申请)
- 主节点将申请多播到所有备份节点
- 各节点执申请,响应客户端
客户端期待 f + 1 个不同节点响应的雷同后果
The algorithm works roughly as follows:
- A client sends a request to invoke a service operation to the primary
- The primary multicasts the request to the backups
- Replicas execute the request and send a reply to the client
- The client waits for f+1 replies from different replicas with the same result; this is the result of the operation.
Three Phase 共识的三个阶段
<m>σi示意 i 节点对音讯 m 进行签名
pre-prepare 预筹备阶段
, 将预筹备音讯 (pre-prepare message) 多播给所有备份节点,并将其追加到日志中。
- v:视图号
- d:m 的摘要
- n:视图中的音讯序列号
- m:客户端的申请音讯
In the pre-prepare phase, the primary assigns a sequence number, , to the request, multicasts a pre-prepare message with piggybacked to all the backups,and appends the message to its log. The message has the form <<PRE-PREPARE,v,n,d>σp,m>, where indicates the view in which the message is being sent, is theclient’s request message, and is’s digest.
prepare 筹备阶段
如果节点 i 接管到经校验无误的预筹备音讯,就将筹备音讯多播给所有节点进入筹备阶段,并将预筹备音讯和筹备音讯追加到日志中。否则不作任何解决。
If backup accepts the <<PRE-PREPARE,v,n,d>σp,m> message, it enters the prepare phase by multicasting a <PREPARE,v,n,d,i>σi message to all other replicas and adds both messages to its log. Otherwise, it does nothing.
谓词 (predicate) prepared(m,v,n,i)
为真,当且仅当节点 i 在日志中插入了:
- 申请音讯 m
- m 的预筹备音讯 <<PRE-PREPARE,v,n,d>σp,m>
- 与预筹备音讯匹配的 2f 个节点(包含本人)的筹备音讯
We define the predicate prepared to be true if and only if replica has inserted in its log: the request m, a pre-prepare for in view with sequence number n, and 2f prepares from different backups that match the pre-prepare. The replicas verify whether the prepares match the pre-prepare by checking that they have the same view, sequence number, and digest.
The pre-prepare and prepare phases of the algorithm guarantee that non-faulty replicas agree on a total order for the requests within a view.
commit 提交阶段
当谓词 prepared
Replica multicasts a COMMIT to theother replicas when prepared becomes true.
谓词 committed(m,v,n)
为真,当且仅当某 f + 1 个节点中的谓词 prepared
committed(m,v,n) is true if and only if prepared(m,v,n,i) is true for all in some set of f+1 non-faulty replicas
谓词 committed-local(m,v,n,i)
为真,当且仅当谓词 prepared
为真,且收到了来自不同节点(通常包含本人)2f+ 1 个与 m 的预筹备音讯匹配的提交音讯。即 v, n, d 雷同
committed-local(m,v,n,i) is true if and only if prepared is true and has accepted 2f+1 commits (possibly including its own) from different replicas that match the pre-prepare for m. a commit matches a pre-prepare if they have the same view, sequence number, and digest.
在谓词 committed-local(m,v,n,i)
为真之后,节点执行 m 申请,i 的状态反映了较小序列号申请线性执行的后果。
Each replica executes the operation requested by m after committed-local is true and i’s state reflects the sequential execution of all requests with lower sequence numbers.
3 个失常节点,1 个离线节点
- A 节点接管到申请后,将 <<PRE-PREPARE,v,n,d>σp,m>(省略为[P-P])多播给所有备份节点
- 各备份节点校验正确后,进入筹备阶段,将 <PREPARE,v,n,d,i>σi(省略为[P])多播给所有节点
- 各节点谓词
为真后,将 <COMMIT,v,n,d,i>σp(省略为[C])多播给所有节点。谓词prepared
的意义在于节点可借此判断本人是否收与到了正确的信息,与网络中的信息统一。但并不能判断其余节点是否也正确收到了音讯(因为可能存在拜占庭节点向不同的节点发送不同的音讯)。 - 各节点谓词
的意义在于,能够确认 2f+ 1 个(即 n -f,除拜占庭节点外的所有节点)曾经收到了正确的音讯,因而能够执行申请内容。
- 第一阶段只有主节点发送音讯,第二阶段主节点不发送音讯
节点会持有本人向其余节点多播的音讯,例如第二阶段后 B 节点只收到了一条 (2f-1)[P],加上本人持有的[P] 即为两条(2f)
3 个失常节点,主节点为拜占庭节点
主节点 A 向 BC 发送了 <<PRE-PREPARE,v,n,d>σp,m>(省略为[P-P],相应的 PREPARE 音讯为[P]),向 D 发送了 <<PRE-PREPARE,v,n,d>σp,m’>(省略为[P-P]’,相应的 PREPARE 音讯为[P]’)
在 prepare 阶段后,失常节点的谓词 prepared 为假,不再进入 commit 阶段
Miguel Castro and Barbara Liskov.“Practical Byzantine fault tolerance”Operating Systems Design and Implementation (1999).