

共计 4865 个字符,预计需要花费 13 分钟才能阅读完成。

The world’s first website
Look at the screenshot of the world’s first website below and think about
how the design of web pages has changed since the early 1990s.

  1. Considering the types of devices and web browsers used in during
    the early 1990’s, what is one of the benefits of this simple design?
    (2 marks)
  2. If you were to redesign this website today for a modern target
    demographic, what changes would you make to each of the
    aspects listed below? (4 marks)
    o Use of media
    o Typography design
    o Navigation
    o Page layout design
    JavaScript code in HTML
    JavaScript code can be added to an HTML document in a few different
  3. Write an example of an HTML script element that contains a
    JavaScript function. (3 marks)
  4. Write an example of an HTML script element that loads an external
    JavaScript file. (2 marks)
  5. What is one of the key benefits of writing JavaScript code in an
    external JS file? (1 mark)
    PHP code in HTML
    You are debugging some PHP functionality in a website that is not
    producing the expected output. You are trying to output a title into a
    $title = ‘Welcome to My Website’;
    if ($title) echo ‘The title is: $title’
    if ($content) echo ‘$content’
  6. Identify the errors in the code and rewrite it as valid PHP. (3
  7. Clearly describe the 3 mistakes in the code that you have
    corrected. (3 marks)
    Addressing systems on the web
    Consider the following standard URL format:
  8. Which part of this address could be replaced with an IP address?
    Rewrite the URL above so that it includes an IPv4 address. (2
  9. Some servers and clients are switching from IPv4 addresses to
    IPv6 addresses. Why is this necessary? What is the main benefit
    of IPv4 compared to IPv6? (2 marks)
  10. What is the purpose a query string? Rewrite the URL above so
    that 3 variables can be passed to a server for processing. (3
    Writing valid HTML code
    The HTML standards include rules about how elements that can nested
    within other elements.
  11. Write some valid HTML code that includes the following: (5 marks)
    • An ordered list containing 3 list items
    • A hyperlink within each list item
    • An image within the first hyperlink
  12. In HTML5, self-closing an empty element is optional. Explain what
    this means and write an example of an empty element that has not
    been self closed. (2 marks)
    Mobile redesign
    Imagine you are working on a project for a music festival. A desktopoptimised
    website has already been built:
    The project’s designer has produced a mock-up of the mobile design:
    Consider the similarities and differences between the 2 designs.
  13. Would you recommend that the client use the responsive web
    design approach for this project? Why or why not? (3 marks)
  14. Briefly describe 2 other mobile delivery approaches that could be
    used for this project. (4 marks)
    Client-side and server-side Scripting
    While using an online file storage website, you notice that the photo
    management page has 3 main features:
    • Images in the left-hand column can be re-ordered by dragging an
    image and dropping into a new position in the column.
    • When an image is clicked, information about the image appears in
    the form in the right-hand column without leaving this page.
    • After modifying information in the form and clicking “Update
    Details”, the browser navigates to a page that shows a success
  15. One of these features will require client-side scripting. Which feature
    is it? Explain why client-side scripting required. (2 marks)
  16. One of these features will require server-side scripting. Which feature
    is it? Explain why server-side is scripting required. (2 marks)
  17. One of these features will require AJAX. Which feature is it? Explain
    why AJAX functionality is used for this feature. (3 marks)
    Image optimisation
    Different image file formats have characteristics that will make them
    more suitable for some types of images than others.
  18. The logo and icon images at the top of the screenshot could be
    saved as a PNG-24 or SVG images. How are these two formats
    different? Which format would you choose and why? (2 marks)
  19. The photograph above “Shop Board Games” could be saved as a
    JPEG or PNG-24 image. How are these two formats different?
    Which format would you choose and why? (2 marks)
  20. The GIF image format has some unique features that give it an
    advantage over the JPEG format. What are 3 things that GIF
    images can do that are impossible with JPEG? (3 marks)
    Designing accessible forms
    Consider the design of the 2 forms below.

Form 1: Using label elements Form 2: Using placeholder values
W3C WCAG 2.0 defines 4 basic principles for accessible web content:
• Perceivable
• Operable
• Understandable
• Robust

  1. Which of the forms has better support for accessibility? Identify 2
    WCAG principles that the form supports and describe how the
    design of the form benefits people with specific disabilities or
    impairments. (5 marks)
  2. Would it be a good idea to indicate a correctly filled field using a
    green border and an incorrectly filled field with a red border?
    Justify your decision. (2 marks)
  3. In terms of information architecture, suggest one other type of
    label that could be added to this form to help users understand
    how to fill it in correctly. (1 mark)
    CSS Box Model
    Consider the following HTML and CSS code and the result that it
    HTML CSS Result
    main {
    background: yellow;
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px;
    padding: 25px;
    border: 5px solid blue;
    margin: 5px;
    Assume that no other CSS rules are being applied to this element.
  4. What are the dimensions of the “main” element, measured from
    the outside of the blue border? Describe how the size of the
    element is calculated (2 mark)
  5. How does the CSS “box-sizing” property affect how the browser
    calculates the size of the main element? What will the dimensions
    of element be if this property is set to “border-box”? (3 marks)