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COMP3331/9331 Computer Networks and Applications

Assignment for Term 1, 2022

Version 1.0

Due: 11:59am (noon) Friday, 22 April 2022 (Week 10)

  1. Change Log

Version 1.0 released on 7th March 2022.

  1. Goal and learning objectives

Online discussion forums are widely used as a means for large groups of people to hold

conversations on topics of mutual interest. A good example is the online forum used for this

course. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to implement your own version of an

online discussion forum application. Your application is based on a client server model

consisting of one server and multiple clients communicating either sequentially (i.e., one at a

time) or concurrently. The client and server should communicate using both UDP and TCP. Your

application will support a range of functions that are typically found on discussion forums

including authentication, creation and deletion of threads and messages, reading threads,

uploading and downloading files. However, unlike typical online forums that are accessed

through HTTP, you will be designing a custom application protocol. Most functions should be

implemented over UDP except for uploading and downloading of files, which should use TCP.

2.1 Learning Objectives

On completing this assignment, you will gain sufficient expertise in the following skills:

  1. Detailed understanding of how online discussion forums work.
  2. Expertise in socket programming.
  3. Insights into designing an application layer protocol and a fully functioning networked


The assignment is worth 20 marks. We will test it in two distinct configurations. In the first

instance, we will test the interaction between the server and a SINGLE active client. All outlined

functionality will be tested. Multiple clients will connect to the server but sequentially – one

client connects, interacts, exits, the second client connects, interacts, exits and so on. The first

configuration is worth 14 marks (70% of the total mark). In the second instance, we will test

the interaction of the server with multiple concurrent clients. All outlined functionality will be

tested. The second configuration is worth 6 marks. Submissions from CSE students will be

tested in both configurations. Submissions from non-CSE students will only be tested in the first

configuration. The marking guidelines are thus different for the two groups and are indicated in

Section 7.

Non-CSE Student: The rationale for this option is that students enrolled in a program that does

not include a computer science component have had very limited exposure to programming and

Updates to the assignment, including any corrections and clarifications, will be posted on the subject

website. Please make sure that you check the subject website regularly for updates.


in particular working on complex programming assignments. A Non-CSE student is a student

who is not enrolled in a CSE program (single or double degree). Examples would include

students enrolled exclusively in a single degree program such as Mechatronics or Aerospace or

Actuarial Studies or Law. Students enrolled in dual degree programs that include a CSE program

as one of the degrees do not qualify. Any student who meets this criterion and wishes to avail

of this option MUST email cs3331@cse.unsw.edu to seek approval before 5pm, 18th March

(Friday, Week 5). We will assume by default that all students are attempting the CSE version

of the assignment unless they have sought explicit permission. No exceptions.

  1. Assignment Specification

In this programming assignment, you will implement the client and server programs of a

discussion forum application, similar in many ways to the discussion forum we use for this

course. The difference being that your application is not web-based (i.e. non-HTTP) but uses a

custom application layer protocol which you will design. The client and server must

communicate using both UDP and TCP as described in the rest of the specification. Your

application will support a range of operations including creating a new user account, creating

and deleting a new thread, posting a message on a thread, editing or deleting messages, uploading

and downloading files to/from a thread, reading a thread, and listing all threads. You will

implement the application protocol to implement these functions. Most of the communication

between the client and server will take place over UDP, except for file uploads and downloads

which must use TCP. The server will listen on a port specified as the command line argument

and will wait for a message from the client. When a user executes a client, the authentication

process will be initiated. The client will interact with the user through the command line

interface. Following successful authentication, the user will initiate one of the available

commands. All commands require a simple request response interaction between the client and

server. The user may execute a series of commands (one after the other) and eventually quit.

Both the client and server MUST print meaningful messages at the command prompt that capture

the specific interactions taking place. You are free to choose the precise text that is displayed.

Examples of client server interactions are given in Section 8. All communication between the

client and server must happen over UDP. The only exception is uploading and downloading files

to/from a thread, where the file transfer process must use TCP. The implementation of these

operations will require your client to initiate a TCP connection with the server. The server would

first need to open a TCP port using the port number specified as the command line argument and

listen for connection requests. Note that, UDP and TCP port numbers are distinct (e.g., UDP port

53 is distinct from TCP port 53). Thus, your server can concurrently open a UDP and TCP port

with the specified port number (as the command line argument). Once the TCP connection is

established, the file upload or download should be initiated. The TCP connection should be

immediately closed after the file transfer is completed.

The assignment will be tested in two configurations. In the first configuration, the server will

interact with a single client at any given time. The interaction will involve authentication

followed by the execution of several commands, one after the other. Multiple clients can connect

with the server in a serial fashion, i.e., one client is initiated, the client authenticates and executes

several commands one after the other and quits, a second client is initiated, authenticates,

executes several commands, and quits, and so on. The server design is significantly simplified

(i.e., you won’t need to deal with concurrency) if you only wish to implement this portion of the

assignment. A correct implementation of this first part is worth 70% of the assignment marks

(14 marks, see Section 7). In the second configuration, the server must interact with multiple

clients concurrently. The client design should not require any changes to meet this requirement.


The server design, however, would require a significant change, in that, the server would need

to send and receive messages to and from multiple clients concurrently. We strongly recommend

using multi-threading to achieve this. The interaction with a single client, would however be

similar as in the first configuration. Note that, a correctly implemented multi-threaded server

should also be able to interact correctly with a single client at any given time. So, if you design

your client and server to achieve all functionality expected for the second configuration, it should

work as expected in the first configuration.

The server program will be run first followed by one or more instances of the client program

(each instance supports one client in the second configuration). They will be run from different

terminals on the same machine (so you can use localhost, i.e., as the IP address for

the server and client in your program). All interaction with the clients will be through a command

line interface.

3.1 File Names & Execution

The main code for the server and client should be contained in the following files: server.c,

or Server.java or server.py, and client.c or Client.java or client.py. You

are free to create additional files such as header files or other class files and name them as you

wish. Submission instructions are in Section 5.

The server should accept one argument:

• server_port: this is the port number which the server will use to communicate with

the clients. Since TCP and UDP ports are distinct, the server can open a UDP and TCP

port with the same port number. Recall that UDP is connectionless, so the server should

be able to communicate with multiple clients (in the second configuration) through a

single server-side UDP socket. Also, a TCP socket is NOT uniquely identified by the

server port number. It should thus be possible for multiple TCP connections to use the

same server-side port number (when multiple clients are simultaneously

uploading/downloading files to/from the server in the second configuration).

The server should be executed before the clients. You may assume that the server will remain

executing forever. While marking, we will not abruptly kill the server or client processes (CTRLC).

The server is not expected to maintain state from previous executions. When it is executed,

it is assumed that no users are logged on and that the discussion forum is empty, i.e., there are

no threads or messages. The spec indicates that we will test your code in two configurations. We

The server will remain executing for the entire duration that encompasses all tests. In other

words, the server will not be restarted after concluding the tests for the first configuration.

It should be initiated as follows:

If you use Java:

java Server server_port

If you use C:

./server server_port

If you use Python:

python server.py server_port OR

python3 server.py server_port


The client should accept one argument:

• server_port: this is the port number being used by the server. This argument should

be the same as the first argument of the server.

Note that, you do not have to specify the port to be used by the client. You should allow the OS

to pick a random available port (for both UDP and TCP). Each client should be initiated in a

separate terminal as follows:

If you use Java:

java Client server_port

If you use C:

./client server_port

If you use Python:

python client.py server_port OR

python3 client.py server_port

3.2 Authentication

You may assume that a credentials file called credentials.txt will be available in the current

working directory of the server with the correct access permissions set (read and write). This file

will contain username and passwords of authorised users. They contain uppercase characters (AZ),

lowercase characters (a-z) and digits (0-9) and special characters (~!@#$%^&*_-

+=`|(){}[]:;”‘<>,.?/). Username and passwords are case-sensitive, so Yoda and yoda are

distinct usernames. An example credentials.txt file is provided on the assignment page. We may

use a different file for testing so DO NOT hardcode this information in your program. You may

assume that each username and password will be on a separate line and that there will be one

white space between the two. Neither the username nor password will contain white spaces.

There will only be one password per username. The credentials.txt file will terminate with a‘\n’

(newline character). There will be no other empty lines in this file.

Upon execution, a client should prompt the user to enter a username. The username should be

sent to the server. The server should check the credentials file (credentials.txt) for a match. If the

username exists, the server sends a confirmation message to the client. The client prompts the

user to enter a password. The password is sent to the server, which checks for a match with the

stored password for this user. The server sends a confirmation if the password matches or an

error message in the event of a mismatch. An appropriate message (welcome or error) is

displayed to the user. In case of a mismatch, the client prompts the user to enter a username and

the process explained above is repeated. You may assume that there is no limit to the number of

login attempts that a user may try if they keep entering a wrong password. If the username does

not exist, it is assumed that the user is creating a new account and the server sends an appropriate

message to the client. The client prompts the user to enter a new password. You may assume the

password format is as explained above (no need to check). The password is sent to the server.

The server creates a new username and password entry in the credentials file (appending it as the

last entry in the file). A confirmation is sent to the client. The client displays an appropriate

message to the user. You should make sure that write permissions are enabled for the

credentials.txt file (type“chmod +w credentials.txt”at a terminal in the current

working directory of the server). After successful authentication, the client is assumed to be

logged in. All messages exchanged for implementing authentication should use UDP.


When your assignment is tested with multiple concurrent clients, the server should also check

that a new client that is authenticating with the server does not attempt to login with a username

that is already being used by another active client (i.e., the same username cannot be used

concurrently by two clients). The server should keep track of all users that are currently logged

on and check that the username provided by an authenticating client does not match with those

in this list. If a match is found, then a message to this effect should be sent to the server and

displayed at the prompt for the user and they should be prompted to enter a username.

3.3 Discussion Forum Operations

Following successful login, the client displays a message to the user informing them of all

available commands and prompting to select one command. The following commands are

available: CRT: Create Thread, LST: List Threads, MSG: Post Message, DLT: Delete Message,

RDT: Read Thread, EDT: Edit Message, UPD: Upload File, DWN: Download File, RMV:

Remove Thread, XIT: Exit. All available commands should be shown to the user in the first

instance after successful login. Subsequent prompts for action should include this same message.

If an invalid command is entered, an error message should be shown to the user, and they should

be prompted to select one of the available actions.

In the following, the implementation of each command is explained in detail. The expected usage

of each command (i.e. syntax) is included. Note that, all commands should be upper-case

(CRT, MSG, etc.). All arguments (if any) are separated by a single white space and will be one

word long (except messages which can contain white spaces). You may assume that all

arguments including thread names, file names and the message text may contain uppercase

characters (A-Z), lowercase characters (a-z), digits (0-9) and the‘.’special character. The

message text can additionally contain white spaces. You are not required to check if the names

or message text adhere to this format.

If the user does not follow the expected usage of any of the operations listed below, i.e., missing

(e.g., not specifying the title of the thread when creating a thread) or additional arguments, an

error message should be shown to the user, and they should be prompted to select one of the

available commands. Section 8 illustrates sample interactions between the client and server.

The error checking described above can be readily implemented in the client program.

The application can support 10 different commands. 8 of these (excluding file upload and

download) should use UDP for communication. Note that UDP segments can be occasionally

lost, so you should implement some simple mechanisms such as a retransmission timer to deal

with the possibility of packet loss. We will leave the specifics for you to decide. We have

discussed several mechanisms for implementing reliable data transfer in the lectures. The file

upload and download commands (UPD and DWN) should use TCP for transferring the file. The

server should first open a TCP socket on the port number specified in the command line argument

(UDP and TCP ports are distinct, so the server can simultaneously use UDP port X and TCP port

X). The client should initiate the establishment of the TCP connection. Once the TCP connection

is established, the file transfer should be initiated from the client (UPD) or the server (DWN).

The TCP connection should be closed immediately after the file transfer concludes. Since the

file transfer takes place over TCP, you do not have to worry about reliable transfer of the file.

The execution of each individual command is described in detail below.


CRT: Create Thread

CRT threadtitle

The title of the new thread (threadtitle) should be included as an argument with this command.

Thread titles are one word long and case sensitive. The client should send the command (CRT),

the title of the thread and the username to the server. Each thread is represented as a text file in

the current working directory of the server with the same file name as the thread title (threadtitle,

DO NOT add“.txt”extension to the name). The first line of the file should contain the username

who created the thread. Each subsequent line should be a message, added in the chronological

sequence in which they were posted. The server should first check if a thread with this title exists.

If so, an error message should be conveyed to the client and displayed at the prompt to the user.

If the thread does not exist, a new file with the provided title should be created as per the

convention noted above (the first line of this file should be the username of the creator). You

may assume that the server program will have permission to create a file in the current working

directory. A confirmation message should be sent to the server and displayed at the prompt to

the user. The client should next prompt the user to select one of the available commands.

MSG: Post Message

MSG threadtitle message

The title of the thread that the message should be posted to and the message should be included

as arguments. Note that, the message may contain white spaces (e.g.“hello how are you”). The

client should send the command (MSG), the title of the thread, the message and the username to

the server. In our tests, we will only use short messages (a few words long). The server should

first check if a thread with this title exists. If so, the message and the username should be

appended at the end of the file in the format, along with the number of the message (messages

within each thread are numbered starting at 1):

messagenumber username: message

An example:

1 yoda: do or do not, there is no try

A confirmation message should be sent to the server and displayed to the user. If the thread with

this title does not exist, an error message should be sent to the client and displayed at the prompt

to the user. The client should next prompt the user to select one of the available commands.

DLT: Delete Message

DLT threadtitle messagenumber

The title of the thread from which the message is to be deleted and the message number within

that thread to be deleted should be included as arguments. A message can only be deleted by

the user who originally posted that message. The client sends the command (DLT), the title

of the thread, the message number and the username to the server. The server should check if a

thread with this title exists and if the corresponding message number is valid and finally if this

user had originally posted this message. In the event that any of these checks are unsuccessful,

an appropriate error message should be sent to the client and displayed at the prompt to the user.


If all checks pass, then the server should delete the message, which entails deleting the line

containing this message in the corresponding thread file (all subsequent messages and

information about uploaded files in the thread file should be moved up by one line and the

message numbers should be updated appropriately) and a confirmation should be sent to the

client and displayed at the prompt to the user. The client should next prompt the user to select

one of the available commands.

EDT: Edit Message

EDT threadtitle messagenumber message

The title of the thread from which the message is to be edited, the message number within that

thread to be edited and the new message should be included as arguments. A message can only

be edited by the user who originally posted that message. The client should send the command

(EDT), the title of the thread, the message number, the new message and the username to the

server. The server should check if a thread with this title exists and if the corresponding message

number is valid and finally if the username had posted this message. In the event that any of

these checks are unsuccessful, an appropriate error message should be sent to the client and

displayed at the prompt to the user. If all checks pass, then the server should replace the original

message in the corresponding thread file with the new message (the rest of the details associated

with this message, i.e. message number and username should remain unchanged) and a

confirmation should be sent to the client and displayed at the prompt to the user. The client

should next prompt the user to select one of the commands.

LST: List Threads


There should be no arguments for this command. The client sends the command (LST) to the

server. The server replies back with a listing of all the thread titles. Only the thread titles should

be listed, not the messages. The client should print the list on the terminal (one thread per line).

If there are no active threads, then a message to that effect should be displayed at the prompt to

the user. The client should next prompt the user to select one of the available commands.

RDT: Read Thread

RDT threadtitle

The title of the thread to be read should be included as an argument. The client should send the

command (RDT) and the title of the thread to be read to the server. The server should check if a

thread with this title exists. If so, the server should send the contents of the file corresponding to

this thread (excluding the first line which contains the username of the creator of the thread) to

the client. The client should display all contents of the file including messages and information

about uploaded files (see next action) at the terminal to the user. If the thread with this title does

not exist, an error message should be sent to the client and displayed at the prompt to the user.

The client should next prompt the user to select one of the available commands.

UPD: Upload file

UPD threadtitle filename


The title of the thread to which the file is being uploaded to and the name of the file should be

included as arguments. Thread titles and file names are case sensitive. You may assume that the

file included in the argument will be available in the current working directory of the client with

the correct access permissions set (read). You should not assume that the file will be in a

particular format (e.g., text file), i.e., assume that it is a binary file. Be careful to not use

functions for file access (reading, writing, etc.) that assume the file to be in text format. The

client should send the command (UPD), the title of the thread, the username, and the name of

the file being uploaded to the server. The server should check if a thread with this title exists. If

it does not, then an appropriate error message should be sent to the client and displayed at the

prompt to the user. The server should also check if a file with the provided file name already

exists. If it does, an appropriate error message should be conveyed to the client and displayed at

the prompt to the user (Note that the same file can be uploaded to different threads). If the thread

exists and the file has not already been uploaded to the thread, then a confirmation message

should be sent to the client. Following this, the client should transfer the contents of the file to

the server. All communication between the client and server described so far should happen over

UDP. TCP should only be used for transferring the contents of the file. The TCP connection

should be immediately closed after completion of the file transfer. The file should be stored in

the current working directory of the server with the file name threadtitle-filename (DO NOT add

an extension to the name. If the filename has an extension in the name, retain it, e.g., test.exe

should be stored as threadtitle-test.exe). File names are case sensitive and one word long. You

may assume that the server program will have permission to create a file in its current working

directory. A record of the file should be noted on the thread, i.e., an entry should be added at the

end of the file corresponding to the thread title indicating that this user has uploaded a file with

the specified name. The format should be as follows (note the lack of a message number which

differentiates it from a message):

Username uploaded filename

The entries for file uploads cannot be edited using the EDT command or deleted using the DLT

command. They should however be included when a thread is read using the RDT command.

Finally, the server should send a confirmation message to the client and a message to this effect

should be displayed at the prompt to the user. The client should next prompt the user to select

one of the available commands.

DWN: Download file

DWN threadtitle filename

The title of the thread from which the file is being downloaded and the name of the file should

be included as arguments. The client should send the title of the thread and the name of the file

to the server. The server should check if a thread with this title exists and if so whether a file

with this name was previously uploaded to the thread. If either check does not match, then an

appropriate error message should be sent to the client and displayed at the prompt to the user. If

a match is found, then the server should transfer the contents of the file to the client. As with the

UPD command, all communication between the client and server described so far should happen

over UDP. TCP should only be used for transferring the contents of the file. The TCP connection

should be immediately closed after completion of the file transfer. The client should write the

contents to a local file in the current working directory of the client with the same name

(filename, DO NOT include threadtitle in the file name). You may assume that the client program

will have permission to create a file in the current working directory. You may also assume that

a file with this same name does not exist in the current working directory of the client. Once the


file transfer is complete, a confirmation message should be displayed at the prompt to the user.

The client should next prompt the user to select one of the available commands. Note that, the

file should NOT be deleted at the server end. The client is simply downloading a copy of the file.

TESTING NOTES: (1) When you test the operation of the UDP and DWN command, you will

likely first upload a test file from the client to the server using the UPD and then try to download

the same file from the server using the DWN command. You should make sure that you remove

this file from the current working directory of the client between these two commands (to be

consistent with the assumption stated in the description above). You can do this by opening a

separate terminal and deleting this file from the client’s working directory. (2) For similar

reasons, when testing your program under the second configuration, make sure that the multiple

clients are executed in different working directories.

RMV: Remove Thread

RMV threadtitle

The title of the thread to be removed should be included as an argument with this action. A

thread can only be removed by the user who originally created that thread. The client should

send the operation (RMV), the title of the thread and the username to the server. The server

should first check if a thread with this title exists and if so, whether the user who created the

thread matches with the provided username. If either check doesn’t match, then an error message

should be sent to the client and displayed at the terminal to the user. Else, the thread is deleted

including the file storing information about the thread, any files uploaded to the thread and any

state maintained about the thread at the server. A confirmation message should be sent to the

client which is displayed at the prompt to the user. The client should next prompt the user to

select one of the available actions.

XIT: Exit


There should be no arguments for this command. The client should inform the server that the

user is logging off and exit with a goodbye message displayed at the terminal to the user. The

server should update its state information about currently logged on users. Note that, any

messages and files uploaded by the user must not be deleted.

3.3 Program Design Considerations

Transport Layer

You MUST use UDP for communicating between the client and server to implement the

authentication process and 8 of the 10 commands, i.e., excluding UPD and DWN. TCP should

only be used for transferring the contents of the file. All other message exchanges required to

implement UDP and DWN should use UDP. Remember that UDP is connectionless and that

your client and server programs must explicitly create UDP segments containing your

application messages and send these segments to the other endpoint. The client has the socket

information about the server ( and server_port). The server program should extract

the client-side socket information from the UDP segment sent by the client. The responses sent

by the server to the client should be addressed to this socket. Note that a maximum size of UDP

segment is 65,535 bytes. The loopback interface ( on the machine you are executing


the program on may have a smaller MSS value. Either way, it is unlikely that you would need to

send very large UDP segments, so this should not be an issue.

Since, UDP segments can be occasionally lost, you must implement some simple mechanisms

to recover from it. We have discussed several mechanisms for implementing reliable data

transfer in the lectures. You are free to use one or more of those in your implementation. We do

not specifically mandate the mechanisms to be used.

The file transfer process associated with the UPD and DWN commands should use TCP.

The server port is specified as a command line argument (server_port). Note that TCP and

UDP ports are distinct, so the server can open a TCP port at server_port and a UDP port at

server_port. The client port does not need to be specified. Your client program should let the

OS pick a random available port.

If you no not adhere to the choice of the transport layer as noted in the specification, then a

significant penalty will be assessed.

Client Design

The client program should be relatively straightforward. The client needs to interact with the

user through the command line interface and print meaningful messages. Section 8 provides

some examples. You do not have to use the same text as shown in the samples. Upon initiation,

the client should first execute the user authentication process. Following authentication, the user

should be prompted to enter one of the available commands. Almost all commands require

simple request/response interactions between the client with the server. Note that, the client does

not need to maintain any state about the discussion forum.

We don’t anticipate that any changes would be required to your client design as you progress the

implementation from the first configuration to the second configuration.

Server Design

The server code will be fairly involved compared to the client as the server is responsible for

maintaining the message forum. However, the server design to implement functionality for the

first configuration of testing should be relatively straightforward as the server needs to only

interact with one client at a time. When the server starts up, the forum is empty – i.e., there

exist no threads, no messages, no uploaded files. The server should open a UDP socket and

wait for an authentication request from a client. Once authentication is complete, the server

should service each command issued by the client sequentially. This will require the client and

server to exchange application layer messages (which you will design) with each other,

encapsulated within UDP segments.

Recall, that the file transfer for the UPD and DWN commands should take place over TCP. The

server should first open a TCP socket on server_port and wait for the client to establish a TCP

connection. Once the TCP connection is established, the file transfer should be initiated. The

TCP connection should be closed immediately after the file transfer is complete. Note that, the

user can only initiate the next command once the file transfer process has completed, and a

confirmation message is displayed to the user followed by a prompt to enter the next command.

While we do not mandate the specifics, it is critical that you invest some time into thinking about

the design of your data structures. Examples of state information includes (this is not an

exhaustive list): the total # of online users (and their usernames), the total of threads and their

names, the posts and files associated with each thread. On start-up, the server can determine the


total number of users (by reading the entries in the credentials file). However, it is possible for

new user accounts to be created. Thus, you cannot assume a fixed number of users upfront for

defining data structures. As you may have learnt in your programming courses, it is not good

practice to arbitrarily assume a fixed upper limit on the number of users. Thus, we strongly

recommend allocating memory dynamically for all the data structures that are required.

Implementing functionality for the second configuration will require a significant change as the

server must interact with multiple clients simultaneously. A robust way to achieve this to use

multithreading. We do not mandate a specific approach. There are various approaches that

could be employed to achieve this functionality. Do note that, it is feasible for multiple threads

to send and receive data from the same UDP socket. Thus, you should not need to create multiple

UDP sockets at the server.

When interacting with one client, the server should receive a request for a particular command,

take all necessary action and respond accordingly to the client and then process the next request.

This process is exactly like what you would have implemented to meet the functionality of the

first configuration.

You may assume that each interaction with a client is atomic. Consider that client A initiates an

interaction (i.e., any of the 10 commands or the authentication process) with the server. While

the server is processing this interaction, it cannot be interrupted by a command from another

client B. Client B’s command will be acted upon after the server has finished processing the

command from client A. In the context of UDP and DWN, this means that at any given time, the

server can either be receiving or sending a file from/to at most one client. Thus, the server should

only be managing at most one TCP connection at any given time.

You should be particularly careful about how multiple threads will interact with the various data

structures. Code snippets for multi-threading in all supported languages are available on the

course webpage. A server program that correctly implements functionality for the second

configuration should be able to correctly accomplish all interactions expected in the first


  1. Additional Notes

• This is NOT a group assignment. You are expected to work on this individually.

• Tips on getting started: The best way to tackle a complex implementation task is to do it in

stages. We recommend that you first implement the functionality for the first configuration,

i.e., the server interacts with a single active client at any time. A good place to start would

be to implement the functionality to allow a single user to login with the server. Next, add

functionality to implement one command. Ensure you thoroughly test the operation of each

command, including typical error conditions, and then progress to the next. We recommend

that you start with the simpler commands such as CRT, MSG, LST before progressing to

more complex commands such as UPD and DWN. Once you have thoroughly tested your

code for the first configuration, proceed to the second configuration. It is imperative that you

rigorously test your code to ensure that all possible (and logical) interactions can be correctly

executed. Test, test and test.

• Application Layer Protocol: Remember that you are implementing an application layer

protocol for realising a fully functional discussion forum. You will have to design the format

(both syntax and semantics) of the messages exchanged between the client and server and

the actions taken by each entity on receiving these messages. We do not mandate any specific

requirements with regards to the design of your application layer protocol. We are only

concerned with the end result, i.e. the functionality outlined above. You may wish to revisit


some of the application layer protocols that we have studied (HTTP, SMTP, etc.) to see

examples of message format, actions taken, etc.

• Backup and Versioning: We strongly recommend you to back-up your programs

frequently. CSE backups all user accounts nightly. If you are developing code on your

personal machine, it is strongly recommended that you undertake daily backups. We also

recommend using a good versioning system so that you can roll back and recover from any

inadvertent changes. There are many services available for both which are easy to use. We

will NOT entertain any requests for special consideration due to issues related to computer

failure, lost files, etc.

• Language and Platform: You are free to use C, Java, or Python to implement this

assignment. Please choose a language that you are comfortable with. The programs will be

tested on CSE Linux machines. So please make sure that your entire application runs

correctly on these machines (i.e. your lab computers) or using VLAB. This is especially

important if you plan to develop and test the programs on your personal computers (which

may possibly use a different OS or version or IDE). Note that CSE machines support the

following: gcc version 8.2, Java 11, Python 2.7 and 3.7. If you are using Python, please

clearly mention in your report which version of Python we should use to test your code.

You may only use the basic socket programming APIs providing in your programming

language of choice. You may not use any special ready-to-use libraries or APIs that

implement certain functions of the spec for you.

• There is no requirement that you must use the same text for the various messages displayed

to the user on the terminal as illustrated in the examples in Section 8. However, please make

sure that the text is clear and unambiguous.

• You are strongly encouraged to use the course forum to ask questions and to discuss different

approaches to solve the problem. However, you should not post your solution or any code

fragments on the forums.

• We will arrange for additional consultations in Weeks 7-10 to assist you with assignment

related questions. Information about the consults will be announced via the website.

  1. Submission

Please ensure that you use the mandated file names (see Section 3.1). You may of course have

additional header files and/or helper files. If you are using C, then you MUST submit a

makefile/script along with your code (not necessary with Java or Python). This is because we

need to know how to resolve the dependencies among all the files that you have provided. After

running your makefile we should have the following executable files: server and client. In

addition, you should submit a small report, report.pdf (no more than 3 pages) describing the

program design, the application layer message format and a brief description of how your system

works. Also discuss any design trade-offs considered and made. If your program does not work

under any circumstances, please report this here. If you have implemented functionality for

handling multiple concurrent clients, then you should indicate your approach in the report. Also

indicate any code segments that were borrowed from the Web or other sources.

You are required to submit your source code and report.pdf. You can submit your

assignment using the give command through VLAB. Make sure you are in the same directory as

your code and report, and then do the following:

  1. Type tar -cvf assign.tar filenames


e.g. tar -cvf assign.tar *.java report.pdf

  1. When you are ready to submit, at the bash prompt type 3331
  2. Next, type: give cs3331 Assign assign.tar (You should receive a message

stating the result of your submission). The same command should be used for 3331 and 9331.

Alternately, you can also submit the tar file via the WebCMS3 interface on the assignment page.

Important Notes

• The system will only accept assign.tar submission name. All other names will be


• Ensure that your program/s are tested in VLAB before submission. We appreciate that

you may choose to develop the code natively on your machine and use an integrated

development environment. However, your code will be tested in VLAB through

command line interaction as noted in this document. In the past, there were cases where

tutors were unable to compile and run students’programs while marking. To avoid any

disruption, please ensure that you test your program in VLAB before submitting the

assignment. Note that, we will be unable to award any significant marks if the submitted

code does not run during marking.

• You may submit multiple times before the deadline. A later submission will override the

earlier submission, so make sure you submit the correct file. Do not leave until the last

moment to submit, as there may be technical, or network errors and you will not have time

to rectify it.

• Late Submission Penalty: Late penalty will be applied as follows:

• Up to 24 hours after deadline: 10% reduction

• More than 24 hours but less than 48 hours after deadline: 20% reduction

• More than 48 hours but less than 72 hours after deadline: 30% reduction

• More than 72 hours but less than 96 hours after deadline: 40% reduction

• More than 96 hours after deadline: NOT accepted

NOTE: The above penalty is applied to your final total. For example, if you submit your

assignment 1 day late and your score on the assignment is 10, then your final mark will be

10 – 1 (10% penalty) = 9.

  1. Plagiarism

You are to write all of the code for this assignment yourself. All source codes are subject to strict

checks for plagiarism, via highly sophisticated plagiarism detection software. These checks may

include comparison with available code from Internet sites and assignments from previous terms.

In addition, each submission will be checked against all other submissions of the current term.

Do not post this assignment on forums where you can pay programmers to write code for you.

We will be monitoring such forums. Please note that we take this matter quite seriously. The LIC

will decide on appropriate penalty for detected cases of plagiarism. The most likely penalty

would be to reduce the assignment mark to ZERO. We are aware that a lot of learning takes place

in student conversations, and don’t wish to discourage those. However, it is important, for both

those helping others and those being helped, not to provide/accept any programming language

code in writing, as this is apt to be used exactly as is, and lead to plagiarism penalties for both


the supplier and the copier of the codes. Write something on a piece of paper, by all means, but

tear it up/take it away when the discussion is over. It is OK to borrow bits and pieces of code

from sample socket code out on the Web and in books. You MUST however acknowledge the

source of any borrowed code. This means providing a reference to a book or a URL when the

code appears (as comments). Also indicate in your report the portions of your code that were

borrowed. Explain any modifications you have made (if any) to the borrowed code. DO NOT



  1. Marking Policy

The following table outlines the marking rubric for both CSE and non-CSE students. For CSE

students, 14 marks are attributed towards testing the interaction between the server and one

active client (multiple clients will connect sequentially one after the other as in the sample

interaction provided). 6 marks are attributed towards testing the interaction between the server

and multiple concurrent clients. You should test your program rigorously before submission. All

submissions will be manually marked by your tutors and NOT auto marked. Some helper

scripts may be used to assist with the marking. Your submissions will be marked using the

following criteria:

Functionality Marks




Successful authentication for an existing and new user including all

error handling

1 1.5

Successful creation of a new thread (CRT command) including all

error handling

1 1.5

Successful creation of a new message (MSG command) including all

error handling

1 1.5

Successful listing of active threads (LST command) including all

error handling

0.5 0.75

Successful reading of an active thread (RDT command) including all

error handling

1 1.5

Successful editing of an existing message (EDT command) including

all error handling

1 1.5

Successful deletion of an existing message (DLT command)

including all error handling

1 1.5

Successful deletion of an active thread (RMV command) including

all error handling

1 1.5

Successful uploading of a file to a thread (UPD command) including

all error handling

2 3

Successful download of a file from a thread (DWN command)

including all error handling

2 3

Successful log off for a logged in user (XIT command) including all

error handling

0.5 0.75

Implementation of mechanisms to recover from occasional loss of

UDP segments

1 1

Properly documented report 1 1

Successful authentication of multiple concurrent existing and new

users including all error handing

0.5 N/A


Successful execution of all 8 commands excluding UPD and DWN

and associated error handling (8 x 0.5 marks each)

4 N/A

Successful execution of UPD and DWN and associated error

handling (2 x 0.75 marks each)

1.5 N/A

NOTE: While marking, we will be testing for typical usage scenarios for the above functionality

and some straightforward error conditions. A typical marking session will last for about 15-20

minutes. When testing with multiple concurrent clients, we will spawn a maximum of 3

concurrent clients. However, please do not hard code any specific limits in your programs. We

won’t be testing your code under very complex scenarios and extreme edge cases.

  1. Sample Interaction

In the following we provide examples of sample interactions for both configurations to be tested.

Your server and client code should display similar meaningful messages at the terminal. You do

not have to use the same text as shown below. Note that, this is not an exhaustive summary of

all possible interactions. Our tests will not necessarily follow this exact interaction shown.

First Configuration

In this configuration, the server interacts with a single client at any given time. It is recommended

to execute the client and server in different working directories. Ensure that write permissions

are enabled on the credentials file. In the following, two clients with usernames Yoda and Obiwan

connect and interact with the server sequentially in that order. The inputs from the user are

shown as underlined in the client terminal. Extra spacing is inserted in the server terminal to

align the output with corresponding user interaction at the client end.

Client Terminal Server Terminal

java Client 5000

Enter username: Yoda

Enter password: sdrfdfs12

Invalid password

Enter username: Yoda

Enter password: jedi*knight

Welcome to the forum

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,



No threads to list

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,



Invalid command

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: CRT 3331

java Server 5000

Waiting for clients

Client authenticating

Incorrect password

Yoda successful login

Yoda issued LST command

Yoda issued CRT command


Thread 3331 created

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: CRT 3331

Thread 3331 exists

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: CRT 9331

Thread 9331 created

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: LST 3331

Incorrect syntax for LST

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,



The list of active threads:



Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: MSG 3331 Networks is awesome

Message posted to 3331 thread

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,



Incorrect syntax for RDT

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: RDT 9331

Thread 9331 is empty

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: RDT 3331

1 Yoda: Networks is awesome

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: UPD 3331 test.exe

test.exe uploaded to 3331 thread

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: RDT 3331

1 Yoda: Networks is awesome

Yoda uploaded test.exe

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: RMV 9331

Thread 9331 removed

Thread 3331 created

Yoda issued CRT command

Thread 3331 exists

Yoda issued CRT command

Thread 9331 created

Yoda issued LST command

Yoda issued MSG command

Message posted to 3331 thread

Yoda issued RDT command

Thread 9331 read

Yoda issued RDT command

Thread 3331 read

Yoda issued UPD command

Yoda uploaded file test.exe to

3331 thread

Yoda issued RDT command

Thread 3331 read

Yoda issued RMV command

Thread 9331 removed


Enter one of the following commands: CRT,




java Client 5000

Enter username: Obi-wan

New user, enter password: r2d2

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: CRT 9331

Thread 9331 created

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: MSG 9331 Networks exam PWNED me

Message posted to 9331 thread

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: MSG 3331 Networks exam PWNED me

Message posted to 3331 thread

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,



The list of active threads:



Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: RDT 331

Thread 331 does not exist

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: RDT 3331

1 Yoda: Networks is awesome

Yoda uploaded test.exe

2 Obi-wan: Networks exam PWNED me

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: DWN 9331 test.exe

File does not exist in Thread 9331

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: DWN 3331 test.exe

test.exe successfully downloaded

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


Yoda exited

Waiting for clients

Client authenticating

New user

Obi-wan successfully logged in

Obi-wan issued CRT command

Thread 9331 created

Obi-wan issued MSG command

Obi-wan posted to 9331 thread

Obi-wan issued MSG command

Obi-wan posted to 3331 thread

Obi-wan issued LST command

Obi-wan issued RDT command

Incorrect thread specified

Obi-wan issued RDT command

Thread 3331 read

Obi-wan issued DWN command

test.exe does not exist in Thread


Obi-wan issued DWN command

test.exe downloaded from Thread



XIT: EDT 3331 1 I PWNED Networks exam

The message belongs to another user and

cannot be edited

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: EDT 3331 2 I PWNED Networks exam

The message has been edited

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: RDT 3331

1 Yoda: Networks is awesome

Yoda uploaded test.exe

2 Obi-wan: I PWNED Networks exam

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: RMV 3331

The thread was created by another user

and cannot be removed

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,


XIT: RMV 9331

The thread has been removed

Enter one of the following commands: CRT,



The list of active threads:


Enter one of the following commands: CRT,




Obi-wan issued EDT commend

Message cannot be edited

Obi-wan issued EDT commend

Message has been edited

Obi-wan issued RDT command

Thread 3331 read

Obi-wan issued RMV command

Thread 3331 cannot be removed

Obi-wan issued RMV command

Thread 9331 removed

Obi-wan issued LST command

Obi-wan exited

Waiting for clients

Second Configuration

In this configuration, the server interacts concurrently with multiple clients. In the following,

two clients with usernames Yoda and R2D2 connect and interact with the server concurrently.

The inputs from the user are shown as underlined. You MUST execute each individual client in

a separate working directory. Ensure that write permissions are enabled on the credentials file.

The interaction below shows the server being initiated. However, note that when we test your

code, the server would already be executing as we would have conducted tests for the first

configuration. The server will not be restarted between the tests for the two configurations. Note

that, extra space is added in the two client terminals to simulate some delay before the users enter

commands when prompted to do so. This is simply done to improve readability of the output

below. You should not make such assumptions in your implementation.
