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业务运行中,高可用治理平台报错 MySQL 数据库的从库 GTID 与主库不统一了,从库踢出高可用集群,开启了 read_only 与 super_read_only 的从库怎么会 GTID 不统一呢?
首先查看 show master status 与 show slave status,发现从库的确多了一个 GTID,而后拿着 GTID 去 binlog 里找问题:
发现从库 binlog 被写入 FLUSH TABLES 语句,产生新的 GTID 号。
本地测试发现在开启 read_only 与 super_read_only 的实例外面执行 FLUSH TABLES 是能够写入 binlog,产生新 GTID 的。
经业务反馈,这个工夫点 ClickHouse 在从库同步数据,应该就是 ClickHouse 在某些状态下工作会对 MySQL 数据库实例下发 FLUSH TABLES 语句。
官网的确在一个不起眼的中央说这个语句会写入 binlog:
Some forms of the FLUSH statement are not logged because they could cause problems if replicated to a replica: FLUSH LOGS and FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK. For a syntax example, see Section,“FLUSH Statement”. The FLUSH TABLES, ANALYZE TABLE, OPTIMIZE TABLE, and REPAIR TABLE statements are written to the binary log and thus replicated to replicas. This is not normally a problem because these statements do not modify table data.
However, this behavior can cause difficulties under certain circumstances. If you replicate the privilege tables in the mysql database and update those tables directly without using GRANT, you must issue a FLUSH PRIVILEGES on the replicas to put the new privileges into effect. In addition, if you use FLUSH TABLES when renaming a MyISAM table that is part of a MERGE table, you must issue FLUSH TABLES manually on the replicas. These statements are written to the binary log unless you specify NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG or its alias LOCAL.
- flush ENGINE LOGS ;
- flush ERROR LOGS ;
- flush GENERAL LOGS ;
- flush HOSTS ;
- flush PRIVILEGES ;
- flush QUERY CACHE ;
- flush SLOW LOGS ;
- flush STATUS ;
均会在 read_only 状态下写入从库的 binlog 中。
本文简短,次要是给没遇到该状况的同学揭示下,须要留神 FLUSH 的一些治理命令语句会被写入 read_only 状态下的从库 binlog,从而造成主从 GTID 不统一;还有就是 ClickHouse 在同步数据时,某些状况会写入 FLUSH TABLE,在应用 ClickHouse 须要留神(因没 CK 环境,此条没通过验证,有 CK 应用教训的同学可自行验证,评论回复 ^_^)。