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本文次要记录一下 leetcode 之单词替换
在英语中,咱们有一个叫做 词根 (root) 的概念,它能够跟着其余一些词组成另一个较长的单词——咱们称这个词为 继承词(successor)。例如,词根 an,跟随着单词 other(其余),能够造成新的单词 another(另一个)。当初,给定一个由许多词根组成的词典和一个句子。你须要将句子中的所有继承词用词根替换掉。如果继承词有许多能够造成它的词根,则用最短的词根替换它。你须要输入替换之后的句子。示例 1:输出:dictionary = ["cat","bat","rat"], sentence = "the cattle was rattled by the battery"
输入:"the cat was rat by the bat"
示例 2:输出:dictionary = ["a","b","c"], sentence = "aadsfasf absbs bbab cadsfafs"
输入:"a a b c"
示例 3:输出:dictionary = ["a", "aa", "aaa", "aaaa"], sentence = "a aa a aaaa aaa aaa aaa aaaaaa bbb baba ababa"
输入:"a a a a a a a a bbb baba a"
示例 4:输出:dictionary = ["catt","cat","bat","rat"], sentence = "the cattle was rattled by the battery"
输入:"the cat was rat by the bat"
示例 5:输出:dictionary = ["ac","ab"], sentence = "it is abnormal that this solution is accepted"
输入:"it is ab that this solution is ac"
提醒:1 <= dictionary.length <= 1000
1 <= dictionary[i].length <= 100
dictionary[i] 仅由小写字母组成。1 <= sentence.length <= 10^6
sentence 仅由小写字母和空格组成。sentence 中单词的总量在范畴 [1, 1000] 内。sentence 中每个单词的长度在范畴 [1, 1000] 内。sentence 中单词之间由一个空格隔开。sentence 没有前导或尾随空格。起源:力扣(LeetCode)链接:https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/replace-words
class Solution {public String replaceWords(List<String> dictionary, String sentence) {String[] words = sentence.split("\\s+");
for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {for (String dic : dictionary) {if (words[i].startsWith(dic)) {words[i] = dic;
return Arrays.asList(words)
.collect(Collectors.joining(" "));
这里用双层循环应用 startsWith 来判断是否命中词根,如果是则替换,如果后面命中的词根不是最短的,则前面遇到会被替换掉,最初再将替换后的 words 数组拼接为 sentence。
- 单词替换