

共计 6206 个字符,预计需要花费 16 分钟才能阅读完成。

Homework 6 INF 552,

  1. Supervised, Semi-Supervised, and Unsupervised Learning
    (a) Download the Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) Data Set from:
    %28Diagnostic%29. Download the data in https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/
    machine-learning-databases/breast-cancer-wisconsin/wdbc.data, which
    has IDs, classes (Benign=B, Malignant=M), and 30 attributes. This data has
    two output classes. Use the first 20% of the positive and negative classes in the
    file as the test set and the rest as the training set.
    (b) Monte-Carlo Simulation: Repeat the following procedures for supervised, unsupervised,
    and semi-supervised learning M = 30 times, and use randomly selected
    train and test data (make sure you use 20% of both the positve and negative
    classes as the test set). Then compare the average scores (accuracy, precision,
    recall, F-score, and AUC) that you obtain from each algorithm.
    i. Supervised Learning: Train an L1-penalized SVM to classify the data.
    Use 5 fold cross validation to choose the penalty parameter. Use normalized
    data. Report the average accuracy, precision, recall, F-score, and AUC, for
    both training and test sets over your M runs. Plot the ROC and report the
    confusion matrix for training and testing in one of the runs.
    ii. Semi-Supervised Learning/ Self-training: select 50% of the positive
    class along with 50% of the negative class in the training set as labeled data
    and the rest as unlabelled data. You can select them randomly.
    A. Train an L1-penalized SVM to classify the labeled data Use normalized
    data. Choose the penalty parameter using 5 fold cross validation.
    B. Find the unlabeled data point that is the farthest to the decision boundary
    of the SVM. Let the SVM label it (ignore its true label), and add it to
    the labeled data, and retrain the SVM. Continue this process until all
    unlabeled data are used. Test the final SVM on the test data andthe
    average accuracy, precision, recall, F-score, and AUC, for both training
    and test sets over your M runs. Plot the ROC and report the confusion
    matrix for training and testing in one of the runs.
    iii. Unsupervised Learning: Run k-means algorithm on the whole training
    set. Ignore the labels of the data, and assume k = 2.
    A. Run the k-means algorithm multiple times. Make sure that you initialize
    the algoritm randomly. How do you make sure that the algorithm was
    not trapped in a local minimum?
    B. Compute the centers of the two clusters and find the closest 30 data
    points to each center. Read the true labels of those 30 data points and
    take a majority poll within them. The majority poll becomes the label
    predicted by k-means for the members of each cluster. Then compare the
    labels provided by k-means with the true labels of the training data and
    report the average accuracy, precision, recall, F-score, and AUC over M
    Homework 6 INF 552, Instructor: Mohammad Reza Rajati
    runs, and ROC and the confusion matrix for one of the runs.1
    C. Classify test data based on their proximity to the centers of the clusters.
    Report the average accuracy, precision, recall, F-score, and AUC over M
    runs, and ROC and the confusion matrix for one of the runs for the test
    iv. Spectral Clustering: Repeat 1(b)iii using spectral clustering, which is clustering
    based on kernels. Research what spectral clustering is. Use RBF kernel
    with gamma=1 or find a gamma that the two clutsres have the same balance
    as the one in original data set (if the positive class has p and the negative class
    has n samples, the two clusters must have p and n members). Do not label
    data based on their proximity to cluster center, because spectral clustering
    may give you non-convex clusters . Instead, use fit predict method.
    v. One can expect that supervised learning on the full data set works better than
    semi-supervised learning with half of the data set labeled.O ne can expects
    that unsupervised learning underperforms in such situations. Compare the
    results you obtained by those methods.
  2. Active Learning Using Support Vector Machines
    (a) Download the banknote authentication Data Set from: https://archive.ics.
    uci.edu/ml/datasets/banknote+authentication. Choose 472 data points randomly
    as the test set, and the remaining 900 points as the training set. This is a
    binary classification problem.
    (b) Repeat each of the following two procedures 50 times. You will have 50 errors for
  3. SVMs per each procedure.
    i. Train a SVM with a pool of 10 randomly selected data points from the training
    set using linear kernel and L1 penalty. Select the penalty parameter using
    10-fold cross validation.2 Repeat this process by adding 10 other randomly
    selected data points to the pool, until you use all the 900 points. Do NOT
    replace the samples back into the training set at each step. Calculate the
    test error for each SVM. You will have 90 SVMs that were trained using 10,
    20, 30, … , 900 data points and their 90 test errors. You have implemented
    passive learning.
    1Here we are using k-means as a classifier. The closest 30 data points to each center are labeled by
    experts, so as to use k-means for classification. Obviously, this is a na¨?ve approach.
    2How to choose parameter ranges for SVMs? One can use wide ranges for the parameters and a fine
    grid (e.g. 1000 points) for cross validation; however,this method may be computationally expensive. An
    alternative way is to train the SVM with very large and very small parameters on the whole training data
    and find very large and very small parameters for which the training accuracy is not below a threshold (e.g.,
    70%). Then one can select a fixed number of parameters (e.g., 20) between those points for cross validation.
    For the penalty parameter, usually one has to consider increments in log(λ). For example, if one found that
    the accuracy of a support vector machine will not be below 70% for λ = 10?3 and λ = 106
    , one has to choose
    log(λ) ∈ {3, 2, . . . , 4, 5, 6}. For the Gaussian Kernel parameter, one usually chooses linear increments,e.g.
    σ ∈ {.1, .2, . . . , 2}. When both σ and λ are to be chosen using cross-validation, combinations of very small
    and very large λ’s and σ’s that keep the accuracy above a threshold (e.g.70%) can be used to determine the
    ranges for σ and λ. Please note that these are very rough rules of thumb, not general procedures.
    ii. Train a SVM with a pool of 10 randomly selected data points from the training
    set3 using linear kernel and L1 penalty. Select the parameters of the SVM
    with 10-fold cross validation. Choose the 10 closest data points in the training
    set to the hyperplane of the SVM4 and add them to the pool. Do not replace
    the samples back into the training set. Train a new SVM using the pool.
    Repeat this process until all training data is used. You will have 90 SVMs
    that were trained using 10, 20, 30,…, 900 data points and their 90 test errors.
    You have implemented active learning.
    (c) Average the 50 test errors for each of the incrementally trained 90 SVMs in 2(b)i
    and 2(b)ii. By doing so, you are performing a Monte Carlo simulation. Plot
    average test error versus number of training instances for both active and passive
    learners on the same figure and report your conclusions. Here, you are actually
    obtaining a learning curve by Monte-Carlo simulation.
    If all selected data points are from one class, select another set of 10 data points randomly.
    4You may use the result from linear algebra about the distance of a point from a hyperplane.