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明天持续 javascript 数据结构系列队列,概念性货色其余文章都有介绍,这里就不在具体介绍,间接看一下代码实现

export default class Queue {constructor() {
    // We're going to implement Queue based on LinkedList since the two
    // structures are quite similar. Namely, they both operate mostly on
    // the elements at the beginning and the end. Compare enqueue/dequeue
    // operations of Queue with append/deleteHead operations of LinkedList.
    this.linkedList = new LinkedList();}

其次,判断队列是否为空 isEmpty 办法

   * @return {boolean}
  isEmpty() {return !this.linkedList.head;}

peek 办法,在不删除 i 的状况下,读取队列后面的元素

   * Read the element at the front of the queue without removing it.
   * @return {*}
  peek() {if (!this.linkedList.head) {return null;}

    return this.linkedList.head.value;

enqueue 办法队列开端增加元素

   * Add a new element to the end of the queue (the tail of the linked list).
   * This element will be processed after all elements ahead of it.
   * @param {*} value
  enqueue(value) {this.linkedList.append(value);

dequeue 删除队列后面的元素

   * Remove the element at the front of the queue (the head of the linked list).
   * If the queue is empty, return null.
   * @return {*}
  dequeue() {const removedHead = this.linkedList.deleteHead();
    return removedHead ? removedHead.value : null;

