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  1. Android Generic 我的项目让定制 ROM 在 PC 上更容易装置
  2. Android Auto 取得更新 彻底改变了设置菜单使之更容易体验
  3. Android UI 开发框架 Jetpack Compose 进入 Alpha 测试阶段


  1. 重要变更 | Android 11 中的软件包可见性
  2. Android 中的卡顿丢帧起因概述 – 方法论
  3. Android Material 组件 1.2.0 现已公布
  4. 在 View 上应用挂起函数 | 实战
  5. Android 款式零碎 | 主题背景属性


  1. Showkase

    an annotation-processor based Android library that helps you organize, discover, search and visualize Jetpack Compose UI elements

  2. dslint

    A lightweight Android linter for Kotlin DSL aimed to solve the problem of verifying mandatory DSL attributes at compile time.

  3. StatusNavigationTransparent

    Android 屏幕适配之状态栏导航栏半透明、全透明(5.0 以上去暗影),办法多样

  4. lint-rules

    Lint rules for android. Checked Exceptions for kotlin.

  5. otpview

    A lightweight, highly customizable and reliable OTP input field for Android

  6. MultiLanguages

    android multi language support (support android O+)

  7. CanvasX

    脱离 Android 模拟器,在 Java 程序中应用 Android 下的 Canvas、Paint、Bitmap 等 Graphics 类(提取自 Android Studio)

  8. CoLocation

    ???? Coroutines Location APIs Library for Android and Kotlin

  9. MaterialTimelineView

    With MaterialTimelineView you can easily create a material looking timeline.

  10. libaums

    Open source library to access USB Mass Storage devices on Android without rooting your device

  11. TimeLineView

    A simple Timeline View that demonstrates the power of ConstraintLayout and RecyclerView. No drawing, just plug in and play.

  12. RxPay

    一个集成支付宝微信的领取工具齐全兼容 kotlin

  13. DropdownTextView

    Simple drop-down(expandable) TextView for Android

  14. databinding-recycler-adapter

    A universal RecyclerView.Adapter based on Android’s DataBinding

  15. OnBoardingScreen

    create animated onboarding or welcome screen with MotionLayout

  16. CacheX

    A feasible caching library for Android

  17. SkeletonLoadingView

    SkeletonLoadingView(Shimmer) with Kotlin in Android????????

  18. LiveChart

    Android library to draw beautiful and rich charts.

  19. DocumentReader

    This library reads word documents (.doc and .docx), txt and PDF files, and gives the output content of the document as a String.

  20. GraphView

    A simple graph library unlike other available libraries in the graph drawing arena.

  21. handle-path-oz

    Android Library to handle multiple Uri’s(paths) received through Intents.


  1. TemplateAndServer

    简化版的 Android 服务端模版,用于接口模仿测试。


  1. Kotlin-Espresso-sample

    MVP Android project that uses Espresso instrumentation tests and Robolectric. All written in Kotlin.


  1. Resplash

    Unofficial Unsplash Android App

  2. fenix

    Firefox for Android

  3. orgzly-android

    Outliner for taking notes and managing to-do lists

  4. hiya-hiya-hiya

    Whatsapp Clone base on Firebase Cloud Messaging

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