共计 18149 个字符,预计需要花费 46 分钟才能阅读完成。
在开发某个公共利用时,笔者发现该公共利用的数据是所有测试环境(假如存在 dev/dev2/dev3)通用的。
这就意味着只需部署一个利用,就能满足所有测试环境的需要;也意味着所有测试环境都须要调用该公共利用,而不同测试环境的利用注册在不同的 Nacos 命名空间。
后行交代笔者的版本号配置。Nacos 客户端版本号为 NACOS 1.4.1
;Java 我的项目的 Nacos 版本号如下。
最后想法是将该公共利用同时注册到多个命名空间下。在查找材料的过程中,团队成员在 GitHub
上发现了一篇相似问题的博客分享:Registration Center: Can services in different namespaces be called from each other? #1176。
01 注册多个命名空间
阐明:以下代码内容来自用户 chuntaojun 的分享。
@RunWith(SpringRunner.class) | |
@SpringBootTest(classes = NamingApp.class, properties = {"server.servlet.context-path=/nacos"}, | |
webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT) | |
public class SelectServiceInShareNamespace_ITCase { | |
private NamingService naming1; | |
private NamingService naming2; | |
@LocalServerPort | |
private int port; | |
@Before | |
public void init() throws Exception{NamingBase.prepareServer(port); | |
if (naming1 == null) {Properties properties = new Properties(); | |
properties.setProperty(PropertyKeyConst.SERVER_ADDR, ""+":"+port); | |
properties.setProperty(PropertyKeyConst.SHARE_NAMESPACE, "57425802-3058-4507-9a73-3229b9f00a36"); | |
naming1 = NamingFactory.createNamingService(properties); | |
Properties properties2 = new Properties(); | |
properties2.setProperty(PropertyKeyConst.SERVER_ADDR, ""+":"+port); | |
properties2.setProperty(PropertyKeyConst.NAMESPACE, "57425802-3058-4507-9a73-3229b9f00a36"); | |
naming2 = NamingFactory.createNamingService(properties2); | |
} | |
while (true) {if (!"UP".equals(naming1.getServerStatus())) {Thread.sleep(1000L); | |
continue; | |
} | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
@Test | |
public void testSelectInstanceInShareNamespaceNoGroup() throws NacosException, InterruptedException {String service1 = randomDomainName(); | |
String service2 = randomDomainName(); | |
naming1.registerInstance(service1, "", 90); | |
naming2.registerInstance(service2, "", 90); | |
Thread.sleep(1000); | |
List<Instance> instances = naming1.getAllInstances(service2); | |
Assert.assertEquals(1, instances.size()); | |
Assert.assertEquals(service2, NamingUtils.getServiceName(instances.get(0).getServiceName())); | |
} | |
@Test | |
public void testSelectInstanceInShareNamespaceWithGroup() throws NacosException, InterruptedException {String service1 = randomDomainName(); | |
String service2 = randomDomainName(); | |
naming2.registerInstance(service1, groupName, "", 90); | |
naming3.registerInstance(service2, "", 90); | |
Thread.sleep(1000); | |
List<Instance> instances = naming3.getAllInstances(service1); | |
Assert.assertEquals(1, instances.size()); | |
Assert.assertEquals(service1, NamingUtils.getServiceName(instances.get(0).getServiceName())); | |
Assert.assertEquals(groupName, NamingUtils.getServiceName(NamingUtils.getGroupName(instances.get(0).getServiceName()))); | |
} | |
} |
02 跨命名空间拜访
针对实际问题查找材料时,咱们找到了相似的参考分享《重写 Nacos 服务发现逻辑动静批改近程服务 IP 地址》。
跟着博客思路看代码,笔者理解到服务发现的次要相干类是 NacosNamingService
, NacosDiscoveryProperties
, NacosDiscoveryAutoConfiguration
@Slf4j | |
@Configuration | |
@ConditionalOnNacosDiscoveryEnabled | |
@ConditionalOnProperty(name = {"spring.profiles.active"}, | |
havingValue = "dev" | |
) | |
@AutoConfigureBefore({NacosDiscoveryClientAutoConfiguration.class}) | |
public class DevEnvironmentNacosDiscoveryClient { | |
@Bean | |
@ConditionalOnMissingBean | |
public NacosDiscoveryProperties nacosProperties() {return new DevEnvironmentNacosDiscoveryProperties(); | |
} | |
static class DevEnvironmentNacosDiscoveryProperties extends NacosDiscoveryProperties { | |
private NamingService namingService; | |
@Override | |
public NamingService namingServiceInstance() {if (null != this.namingService) {return this.namingService;} else {Properties properties = new Properties(); | |
properties.put("serverAddr", super.getServerAddr()); | |
properties.put("namespace", super.getNamespace()); | |
properties.put("com.alibaba.nacos.naming.log.filename", super.getLogName()); | |
if (super.getEndpoint().contains(":")) {int index = super.getEndpoint().indexOf(":"); | |
properties.put("endpoint", super.getEndpoint().substring(0, index)); | |
properties.put("endpointPort", super.getEndpoint().substring(index + 1)); | |
} else {properties.put("endpoint", super.getEndpoint()); | |
} | |
properties.put("accessKey", super.getAccessKey()); | |
properties.put("secretKey", super.getSecretKey()); | |
properties.put("clusterName", super.getClusterName()); | |
properties.put("namingLoadCacheAtStart", super.getNamingLoadCacheAtStart()); | |
try {this.namingService = new DevEnvironmentNacosNamingService(properties); | |
} catch (Exception var3) {log.error("create naming service error!properties={},e=,", this, var3); | |
return null; | |
} | |
return this.namingService; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
static class DevEnvironmentNacosNamingService extends NacosNamingService {public DevEnvironmentNacosNamingService(Properties properties) {super(properties); | |
} | |
@Override | |
public List<Instance> selectInstances(String serviceName, List<String> clusters, boolean healthy) throws NacosException {List<Instance> instances = super.selectInstances(serviceName, clusters, healthy); | |
instances.stream().forEach(instance -> instance.setIp("")); | |
return instances; | |
} | |
} | |
} |
但侥幸的是,调试过程发现 Nacos 服务发现的要害类是 com.alibaba.cloud.nacos.discovery.NacosServiceDiscovery
,其中的要害办法是 getInstances()
和 getServices()
,即「返回指定服务 ID 的所有服务实例」和「获取所有服务的名称」。
也就是说,对 getInstances()
/** | |
* Return all instances for the given service. | |
* @param serviceId id of service | |
* @return list of instances | |
* @throws NacosException nacosException | |
*/ | |
public List<ServiceInstance> getInstances(String serviceId) throws NacosException {String group = discoveryProperties.getGroup(); | |
List<Instance> instances = discoveryProperties.namingServiceInstance() | |
.selectInstances(serviceId, group, true); | |
return hostToServiceInstanceList(instances, serviceId); | |
} | |
/** | |
* Return the names of all services. | |
* @return list of service names | |
* @throws NacosException nacosException | |
*/ | |
public List<String> getServices() throws NacosException {String group = discoveryProperties.getGroup(); | |
ListView<String> services = discoveryProperties.namingServiceInstance() | |
.getServicesOfServer(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, group); | |
return services.getData();} |
03 最终解决思路及代码示例
- 生成一个共享配置类
; - 重写配置类
),将新增的共享配置类作为属性放进该配置类,后续会用到; - 重写服务发现类
),这是最要害的逻辑; - 重写主动配置类
,将自定义相干类比 Nacos 原生类更早的注入容器。
/** | |
* <pre> | |
* @description: 共享 nacos 属性 | |
* @author: rookie0peng | |
* @date: 2022/8/29 15:22 | |
* </pre> | |
*/ | |
@Configuration | |
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "nacos.share") | |
public class NacosShareProperties {private final Map<String, Set<String>> NAMESPACE_TO_GROUP_NAME_MAP = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); | |
/** | |
* 共享 nacos 实体列表 | |
*/ | |
private List<NacosShareEntity> entities; | |
public List<NacosShareEntity> getEntities() {return entities;} | |
public void setEntities(List<NacosShareEntity> entities) {this.entities = entities;} | |
public Map<String, Set<String>> getNamespaceGroupMap() {safeStream(entities).filter(entity -> nonNull(entity) && nonNull(entity.getNamespace())) | |
.forEach(entity -> {Set<String> groupNames = NAMESPACE_TO_GROUP_NAME_MAP.computeIfAbsent(entity.getNamespace(), k -> new HashSet<>()); | |
if (nonNull(entity.getGroupNames())) | |
groupNames.addAll(entity.getGroupNames()); | |
}); | |
return new HashMap<>(NAMESPACE_TO_GROUP_NAME_MAP); | |
} | |
@Override | |
public String toString() { | |
return "NacosShareProperties{" + | |
"entities=" + entities + | |
'}'; | |
} | |
/** | |
* 共享 nacos 实体 | |
*/ | |
public static final class NacosShareEntity { | |
/** | |
* 命名空间 | |
*/ | |
private String namespace; | |
/** | |
* 分组 | |
*/ | |
private List<String> groupNames; | |
public String getNamespace() {return namespace;} | |
public void setNamespace(String namespace) {this.namespace = namespace;} | |
public List<String> getGroupNames() {return groupNames;} | |
public void setGroupNames(List<String> groupNames) {this.groupNames = groupNames;} | |
@Override | |
public String toString() { | |
return "NacosShareEntity{" + | |
"namespace='" + namespace + '\'' + | |
", groupNames=" + groupNames + | |
'}'; | |
} | |
} | |
} |
/** | |
* @description: naocs 服务发现属性重写 | |
* @author: rookie0peng | |
* @date: 2022/8/30 1:19 | |
*/ | |
public class NacosDiscoveryPropertiesV2 extends NacosDiscoveryProperties {private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NacosDiscoveryPropertiesV2.class); | |
private final NacosShareProperties nacosShareProperties; | |
private static final Map<String, NamingService> NAMESPACE_TO_NAMING_SERVICE_MAP = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); | |
public NacosDiscoveryPropertiesV2(NacosShareProperties nacosShareProperties) {super(); | |
this.nacosShareProperties = nacosShareProperties; | |
} | |
public Map<String, NamingService> shareNamingServiceInstances() {if (!NAMESPACE_TO_NAMING_SERVICE_MAP.isEmpty()) {return new HashMap<>(NAMESPACE_TO_NAMING_SERVICE_MAP); | |
} | |
List<NacosShareProperties.NacosShareEntity> entities = Optional.ofNullable(nacosShareProperties) | |
.map(NacosShareProperties::getEntities).orElse(Collections.emptyList()); | |
entities.stream().filter(entity -> nonNull(entity) && nonNull(entity.getNamespace())) | |
.filter(PredicateUtil.distinctByKey(NacosShareProperties.NacosShareEntity::getNamespace)) | |
.forEach(entity -> { | |
try {NamingService namingService = NacosFactory.createNamingService(getNacosProperties(entity.getNamespace())); | |
if (namingService != null) {NAMESPACE_TO_NAMING_SERVICE_MAP.put(entity.getNamespace(), namingService); | |
} | |
} catch (Exception e) {log.error("create naming service error! properties={}, e=", this, e); | |
} | |
}); | |
return new HashMap<>(NAMESPACE_TO_NAMING_SERVICE_MAP); | |
} | |
private Properties getNacosProperties(String namespace) {Properties properties = new Properties(); | |
properties.put(SERVER_ADDR, getServerAddr()); | |
properties.put(USERNAME, Objects.toString(getUsername(), "")); | |
properties.put(PASSWORD, Objects.toString(getPassword(), "")); | |
properties.put(NAMESPACE, namespace); | |
properties.put(UtilAndComs.NACOS_NAMING_LOG_NAME, getLogName()); | |
String endpoint = getEndpoint(); | |
if (endpoint.contains(":")) {int index = endpoint.indexOf(":"); | |
properties.put(ENDPOINT, endpoint.substring(0, index)); | |
properties.put(ENDPOINT_PORT, endpoint.substring(index + 1)); | |
} | |
else {properties.put(ENDPOINT, endpoint); | |
} | |
properties.put(ACCESS_KEY, getAccessKey()); | |
properties.put(SECRET_KEY, getSecretKey()); | |
properties.put(CLUSTER_NAME, getClusterName()); | |
properties.put(NAMING_LOAD_CACHE_AT_START, getNamingLoadCacheAtStart()); | |
// enrichNacosDiscoveryProperties(properties); | |
return properties; | |
} | |
} |
/** | |
* @description: naocs 服务发现重写 | |
* @author: rookie0peng | |
* @date: 2022/8/30 1:10 | |
*/ | |
public class NacosServiceDiscoveryV2 extends NacosServiceDiscovery { | |
private final NacosDiscoveryPropertiesV2 discoveryProperties; | |
private final NacosShareProperties nacosShareProperties; | |
private final NacosServiceManager nacosServiceManager; | |
public NacosServiceDiscoveryV2(NacosDiscoveryPropertiesV2 discoveryProperties, NacosShareProperties nacosShareProperties, NacosServiceManager nacosServiceManager) {super(discoveryProperties, nacosServiceManager); | |
this.discoveryProperties = discoveryProperties; | |
this.nacosShareProperties = nacosShareProperties; | |
this.nacosServiceManager = nacosServiceManager; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Return all instances for the given service. | |
* @param serviceId id of service | |
* @return list of instances | |
* @throws NacosException nacosException | |
*/ | |
public List<ServiceInstance> getInstances(String serviceId) throws NacosException {String group = discoveryProperties.getGroup(); | |
List<Instance> instances = discoveryProperties.namingServiceInstance() | |
.selectInstances(serviceId, group, true); | |
if (isEmpty(instances)) {Map<String, Set<String>> namespaceGroupMap = nacosShareProperties.getNamespaceGroupMap(); | |
Map<String, NamingService> namespace2NamingServiceMap = discoveryProperties.shareNamingServiceInstances(); | |
for (Map.Entry<String, NamingService> entry : namespace2NamingServiceMap.entrySet()) { | |
String namespace; | |
NamingService namingService; | |
if (isNull(namespace = entry.getKey()) || isNull(namingService = entry.getValue())) | |
continue; | |
Set<String> groupNames = namespaceGroupMap.get(namespace); | |
List<Instance> shareInstances; | |
if (isEmpty(groupNames)) {shareInstances = namingService.selectInstances(serviceId, group, true); | |
if (nonEmpty(shareInstances)) | |
break; | |
} else {shareInstances = new ArrayList<>(); | |
for (String groupName : groupNames) {List<Instance> subShareInstances = namingService.selectInstances(serviceId, groupName, true); | |
if (nonEmpty(subShareInstances)) {shareInstances.addAll(subShareInstances); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (nonEmpty(shareInstances)) { | |
instances = shareInstances; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return hostToServiceInstanceList(instances, serviceId); | |
} | |
/** | |
* Return the names of all services. | |
* @return list of service names | |
* @throws NacosException nacosException | |
*/ | |
public List<String> getServices() throws NacosException {String group = discoveryProperties.getGroup(); | |
ListView<String> services = discoveryProperties.namingServiceInstance() | |
.getServicesOfServer(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, group); | |
return services.getData();} | |
public static List<ServiceInstance> hostToServiceInstanceList(List<Instance> instances, String serviceId) {List<ServiceInstance> result = new ArrayList<>(instances.size()); | |
for (Instance instance : instances) {ServiceInstance serviceInstance = hostToServiceInstance(instance, serviceId); | |
if (serviceInstance != null) {result.add(serviceInstance); | |
} | |
} | |
return result; | |
} | |
public static ServiceInstance hostToServiceInstance(Instance instance, | |
String serviceId) {if (instance == null || !instance.isEnabled() || !instance.isHealthy()) {return null;} | |
NacosServiceInstance nacosServiceInstance = new NacosServiceInstance(); | |
nacosServiceInstance.setHost(instance.getIp()); | |
nacosServiceInstance.setPort(instance.getPort()); | |
nacosServiceInstance.setServiceId(serviceId); | |
Map<String, String> metadata = new HashMap<>(); | |
metadata.put("nacos.instanceId", instance.getInstanceId()); | |
metadata.put("nacos.weight", instance.getWeight() + ""); | |
metadata.put("nacos.healthy", instance.isHealthy() + ""); | |
metadata.put("nacos.cluster", instance.getClusterName() + ""); | |
metadata.putAll(instance.getMetadata()); | |
nacosServiceInstance.setMetadata(metadata); | |
if (metadata.containsKey("secure")) {boolean secure = Boolean.parseBoolean(metadata.get("secure")); | |
nacosServiceInstance.setSecure(secure); | |
} | |
return nacosServiceInstance; | |
} | |
private NamingService namingService() { | |
return nacosServiceManager | |
.getNamingService(discoveryProperties.getNacosProperties()); | |
} | |
} |
/** | |
* @description: 重写 nacos 服务发现的主动配置 | |
* @author: rookie0peng | |
* @date: 2022/8/30 1:08 | |
*/ | |
@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false) | |
@ConditionalOnDiscoveryEnabled | |
@ConditionalOnNacosDiscoveryEnabled | |
@AutoConfigureBefore({NacosDiscoveryAutoConfiguration.class}) | |
public class NacosDiscoveryAutoConfigurationV2 { | |
@Bean | |
@ConditionalOnMissingBean | |
public NacosDiscoveryPropertiesV2 nacosProperties(NacosShareProperties nacosShareProperties) {return new NacosDiscoveryPropertiesV2(nacosShareProperties); | |
} | |
@Bean | |
@ConditionalOnMissingBean | |
public NacosServiceDiscovery nacosServiceDiscovery(NacosDiscoveryPropertiesV2 discoveryPropertiesV2, NacosShareProperties nacosShareProperties, NacosServiceManager nacosServiceManager) {return new NacosServiceDiscoveryV2(discoveryPropertiesV2, nacosShareProperties, nacosServiceManager); | |
} | |
} |
本认为问题到这就完结了,但最初自测时发现程序基本不走 Nacos
的服务发现逻辑,而是执行 Ribbon
不过实现类是 com.alibaba.cloud.nacos.ribbon.NacosRule
,持续基于 NacosRule
/** | |
* @description: 共享 nacos 命名空间规定 | |
* @author: rookie0peng | |
* @date: 2022/8/31 2:04 | |
*/ | |
public class ShareNacosNamespaceRule extends AbstractLoadBalancerRule {private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ShareNacosNamespaceRule.class); | |
@Autowired | |
private NacosDiscoveryPropertiesV2 nacosDiscoveryPropertiesV2; | |
@Autowired | |
private NacosShareProperties nacosShareProperties; | |
/** | |
* 重写 choose 办法 | |
* | |
* @param key | |
* @return | |
*/ | |
@SneakyThrows | |
@Override | |
public Server choose(Object key) { | |
try {String clusterName = this.nacosDiscoveryPropertiesV2.getClusterName(); | |
DynamicServerListLoadBalancer loadBalancer = (DynamicServerListLoadBalancer) getLoadBalancer(); | |
String name = loadBalancer.getName(); | |
NamingService namingService = nacosDiscoveryPropertiesV2 | |
.namingServiceInstance(); | |
List<Instance> instances = namingService.selectInstances(name, true); | |
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(instances)) {LOGGER.warn("no instance in service {}, then to get share service's instance", name); | |
List<Instance> shareNamingService = this.getShareNamingService(name); | |
if (nonEmpty(shareNamingService)) | |
instances = shareNamingService; | |
else | |
return null; | |
} | |
List<Instance> instancesToChoose = instances; | |
if (org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank(clusterName)) {List<Instance> sameClusterInstances = instances.stream() | |
.filter(instance -> Objects.equals(clusterName, | |
instance.getClusterName())) | |
.collect(Collectors.toList()); | |
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(sameClusterInstances)) {instancesToChoose = sameClusterInstances;} | |
else { | |
LOGGER.warn("A cross-cluster call occurs,name = {}, clusterName = {}, instance = {}", | |
name, clusterName, instances); | |
} | |
} | |
Instance instance = ExtendBalancer.getHostByRandomWeight2(instancesToChoose); | |
return new NacosServer(instance); | |
} | |
catch (Exception e) {LOGGER.warn("NacosRule error", e); | |
return null; | |
} | |
} | |
@Override | |
public void initWithNiwsConfig(IClientConfig iClientConfig) { } | |
private List<Instance> getShareNamingService(String serviceId) throws NacosException {List<Instance> instances = Collections.emptyList(); | |
Map<String, Set<String>> namespaceGroupMap = nacosShareProperties.getNamespaceGroupMap(); | |
Map<String, NamingService> namespace2NamingServiceMap = nacosDiscoveryPropertiesV2.shareNamingServiceInstances(); | |
for (Map.Entry<String, NamingService> entry : namespace2NamingServiceMap.entrySet()) { | |
String namespace; | |
NamingService namingService; | |
if (isNull(namespace = entry.getKey()) || isNull(namingService = entry.getValue())) | |
continue; | |
Set<String> groupNames = namespaceGroupMap.get(namespace); | |
List<Instance> shareInstances; | |
if (isEmpty(groupNames)) {shareInstances = namingService.selectInstances(serviceId, true); | |
if (nonEmpty(shareInstances)) | |
break; | |
} else {shareInstances = new ArrayList<>(); | |
for (String groupName : groupNames) {List<Instance> subShareInstances = namingService.selectInstances(serviceId, groupName, true); | |
if (nonEmpty(subShareInstances)) {shareInstances.addAll(subShareInstances); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (nonEmpty(shareInstances)) { | |
instances = shareInstances; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
return instances; | |
} | |
} |
在 Nacos
上配置好共享 namespace
和 group
# nacos 共享命名空间配置 示例 | |
nacos.share.entities[0].namespace=e6ed2017-3ed6-4d9b-824a-db626424fc7b | |
nacos.share.entities[0].groupNames[0]=DEFAULT_GROUP | |
# 指定服务应用共享的负载平衡规定,service-id 是注册到 nacos 上的服务 id,ShareNacosNamespaceRule 须要写全限定名 | |
service-id.ribbon.NFLoadBalancerRuleClassName=***.***.***.ShareNacosNamespaceRule |
留神:如果 Java 我的项目的 nacos discovery
版本用的是 2021.1
,则不须要重写 Ribbon 的负载平衡类,因为该版本的 Nacos 不依赖 Ribbon。
2.2.1.RELEASE 版本 的 nacos discovery
依赖 Ribbon.
2021.1 版本 的 nacos discovery
不依赖 Ribbon。
为了达到共享命名空间的预期,构思、查找材料、实现逻辑、调试,前后一共破费 4 天工夫。成就感满满的同时,笔者也发现该性能仍存在共享服务缓存等可优化空间,留待后续实现。
[1] Registration Center: Can services in different namespaces be called from each other? [EB/OL]. https://github.com/alibaba/na…, 2019-05-07/2022-11-29.
[2] 重写 Nacos 服务发现逻辑动静批改近程服务 IP 地址 [EB/OL]. https://www.cnblogs.com/chang…, 2021-04-08/2022-11-29.
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