

共计 4451 个字符,预计需要花费 12 分钟才能阅读完成。


Redhat 的首席工程师、Prometheus 开源我的项目 Maintainer Bartłomiej Płotka 在 Twitter 上出了一道 Go 编程题,后果超过 80% 的人都答复错了。


// named_return.go
package main

import "fmt"

func aaa() (done func(), err error) {return func() {print("aaa: done") }, nil

func bbb() (done func(), _ error) {done, err := aaa()
    return func() { print("bbb: surprise!"); done()}, err

func main() {done, _ := bbb()
  • A: bbb: surprise!
  • B: bbb: surprise!aaa: done
  • C: 编译报错
  • D: 递归栈溢出



在函数 bbb 最初执行 return 语句,会对返回值变量 done 进行赋值,

done := func() { print("bbb: surprise!"); done()}

留神 :闭包func() { print("bbb: surprise!"); done()} 里的 done 并不会被替换成 done, err := aaa() 里的 done 的值。

因而函数 bbb 执行完之后,返回值之一的 done 实际上成为了一个递归函数,先是打印"bbb: surprise!",而后再调用本人,这样就会陷入有限递归,直到栈溢出。因而本题的答案是D

那为什么函数 bbb 最初 return 的闭包 func() { print("bbb: surprise!"); done()} 里的 done 并不会被替换成 done, err := aaa() 里的 done 的值呢?如果替换了,那本题的答案就是 B 了。


This is a feature, not a bug


// named_return1.go
package main

import "fmt"

func test() (done func()) {return func() {fmt.Println("test"); done()}

func main() {done := test()
    // 上面的函数调用会进入死循环,一直打印 test


如果函数 test 最初 return 的闭包 func() { fmt.Println("test"); done()} 里的 done 是被提前解析了的话,因为 done 是一个函数类型,done的零值是 nil,那闭包里的done 的值就会是 nil,执行nil 函数是会引发 panic 的。

但实际上 Go 设计是容许下面的代码失常执行的,因而函数 test 最初 return 的闭包里的 done 的值并不会提前解析,test函数执行完之后,实际上产生了上面的成果,返回的是一个递归函数,和本文开始的题目一样。

done := func() { fmt.Println("test"); done()}



这个题目其实很 tricky,在理论编程中,要防止对命名返回值采纳这种写法,非常容易出错。

想理解国外 Go 开发者对这个题目的探讨详情能够参考 Go Named Return Parameters Discussion。


package main

func aaa() (done func(), err error) {return func() {print("aaa: done") }, nil

func bbb() (done func(), _ error) {// NOTE(bwplotka): Here is the problem. We already defined special "return argument" variable called "done".
    // By using `:=` and not `=` we define a totally new variable with the same name in
    // new, local function scope.
    done, err := aaa()

    // NOTE(bwplotka): In this closure (anonymous function), we might think we use `done` from the local scope,
    // but we don't! This is because Go"return" as a side effect ASSIGNS returned values to
    // our special "return arguments". If they are named, this means that after return we can refer
    // to those values with those names during any execution after the main body of function finishes
    // (e.g in defer or closures we created).
    // What is happening here is that no matter what we do in the local "done" variable, the special "return named"
    // variable `done` will get assigned with whatever was returned. Which in bbb case is this closure with
    // "bbb:surprise" print. This means that anyone who runs this closure AFTER `return` did the assignment
    // will start infinite recursive execution.
    // Note that it's a feature, not a bug. We use this often to capture
    // errors (e.g https://github.com/efficientgo/tools/blob/main/core/pkg/errcapture/doc.go)
    // Go compiler actually detects that `done` variable defined above is NOT USED. But we also have `err`
    // variable which is actually used. This makes compiler to satisfy that unused variable check,
    // which is wrong in this context..
    return func() { print("bbb: surprise!"); done()}, err

func main() {done, _ := bbb()


By using := and not = we define a totally new variable with the same name in
new, local function scope.

对于 done, err := aaa(),返回变量done 并不是一个新的变量,而是和函数 bbb 的返回变量 done 是同一个变量。



package main

func aaa() (done func()) {return func() {print("aaa: done") }

func bbb() (done func()) {done = aaa()

    // NOTE(bwplotka): In this closure (anonymous function), we might think we use `done` value assigned to aaa(),
    // but we don't! This is because Go"return" as a side effect ASSIGNS returned values to
    // our special "return arguments". If they are named, this means that after return we can refer
    // to those values with those names during any execution after the main body of function finishes
    // (e.g in defer or closures we created).
    // What is happening here is that no matter what we do with our "done" variable, the special "return named"
    // variable `done` will get assigned with whatever was returned when the function ends.
    // Which in bbb case is this closure with "bbb:surprise" print. This means that anyone who runs
    // this closure AFTER `return` did the assignment, will start infinite recursive execution.
    // Note that it's a feature, not a bug. We use this often to capture
    // errors (e.g https://github.com/efficientgo/tools/blob/main/core/pkg/errcapture/doc.go)
    return func() { print("bbb: surprise!"); done()}

func main() {done := bbb()


上面这段代码同样应用了命名返回值,大家能够看看这个道题的输入后果是什么。能够发送音讯 nrv 获取答案。

package main

func bar() (r int) {defer func() {
        r += 4
        if recover() != nil {r += 8}
    var f func()
    defer f()
    f = func() {r += 2}

    return 1

func main() {println(bar())


文章和示例代码开源在 GitHub: Go 语言高级、中级和高级教程。

公众号:coding 进阶。关注公众号能够获取最新 Go 面试题和技术栈。

集体网站:Jincheng’s Blog。



  • https://twitter.com/bwplotka/…
  • https://go.dev/play/p/ELPEi2A…
  • https://go.dev/play/p/9J5a3Zt…
