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目前在做一个音讯中台,提供给业务方各种音讯通道能力。咱们在零碎设计过程中,除了有对业务方在应用时做 Quota 限度;也有对申请做流量管制(几 w + QPS),避免并发流量上来时打垮服务。上面是集体在调研流量管制计划的一些梳理和总结。




  • 流量优化:防盗链解决
  • 前端优化:缩小 HTTP 申请,合并 CSS 或 js, 增加异步申请,启用流量器缓存和文件压缩,CDN 减速,建设独立图片服务器
  • 服务端优化:页面动态化,并发解决,队列解决
  • 数据库优化:数据库缓存,分库分表,分区操作,读写拆散,
  • Web 服务器优化:负载平衡,nginx 反向代理
  • 服务降级: 如果不是外围链路,就把这个服务去掉
  • 流量管制:限流




  • 计算器
  • 漏桶
  • 令牌桶
  • 滑动窗口


计数器是一种比较简单的限流算法,用处比拟宽泛,在接口层面,很多中央应用这种形式限流。在一段时间内,进行计数,与阀值进行比拟,到了工夫临界点,再将计数器清 0。

package counter

import (

func CounterDemo() {
    // init rate limiter
    limitCount := int64(100)
    interval := 60 * time.Second
    rateLimiter := NewRateLimiter(limitCount, interval)

    for i := 0; i < 800; i++ {if rateLimiter.Grant() {fmt.Println("Continue to process")
        fmt.Println("Exceed rate limit")

type RateLimiter struct {
    limitCount   int64
    interval     time.Duration
    requestCount int64
    startAt      time.Time

func NewRateLimiter(limitCount int64, interval time.Duration) *RateLimiter {
    return &RateLimiter{startAt:    time.Now(),
        interval:   interval,
        limitCount: limitCount,

func (rl *RateLimiter) Grant() bool {now := time.Now()
    if now.Before(rl.startAt.Add(rl.interval)) {
        if rl.requestCount < rl.limitCount {
            return true
        return false

    rl.startAt = time.Now()
    rl.requestCount = 0
    return false

这种实现形式存在一个工夫临界点问题:如果在单位工夫 1min 内的前 1s,曾经通过了 100 个申请,那前面的 59s,只能把申请回绝,这种景象称为 突刺景象



package leakyBucket

import (

func LeakyBucketDemo() {
    // init rate limiter
    rate := int64(5)
    size := int64(10)
    rateLimiter := NewRateLimiter(rate, size)
    for i := 0; i < 800; i++ {if rateLimiter.Grant() {fmt.Println("Continue to process")
        fmt.Println("Exceed rate limit")

type RateLimiter struct {
    startAt time.Time
    // bucket size
    size int64
    // now the water in bucket
    water int64
    // rater discharge rate
    rate int64

func NewRateLimiter(rate, size int64) *RateLimiter {
    return &RateLimiter{startAt: time.Now(),
        rate:    rate, // rate of processing requests, request/s
        size:    size,

func (rl *RateLimiter) Grant() bool {
    // calculating water output
    now := time.Now()
    out := int64(now.Sub(rl.startAt).Milliseconds()) * rl.rate

    // remain water after the leak
    rl.water = max(0, rl.water-out)

    rl.startAt = now
    if rl.water+1 < rl.size {
        return true
    return false

func max(a, b int64) int64 {
    if a > b {return a}
    return b




该算法的基本原理也很容易了解。就是有一个桶,外面有一个最大数量的 Token(容量)。每当一个消费者想要调用一个服务或生产一个资源时,他就会取出一个或多个 Token。只有当消费者可能取出所需数量的 Token 时,他能力生产一项服务。如果桶中没有所需数量的令牌,他须要期待,直到桶中有足够的令牌。

package tokenBucket

import (

func tokenBucketDemo() {tokenRate := int64(5)
    size := int64(10)
    rateLimiter := NewRateLimiter(tokenRate, size)
    for i := 0; i < 800; i++ {if rateLimiter.Grant() {fmt.Println("Continue to process")
        fmt.Println("Exceed rate limit")

type RateLimiter struct {
    startAt   time.Time
    size      int64
    tokens    int64
    tokenRate int64

func NewRateLimiter(tokenRate, size int64) *RateLimiter {
    return &RateLimiter{startAt:   time.Now(),
        tokenRate: tokenRate,
        size:      size,

func (rl *RateLimiter) Grant() bool {now := time.Now()
    in := now.Sub(rl.startAt).Milliseconds() * rl.tokenRate

    rl.tokens = min(rl.size, rl.tokens+in)
    rl.startAt = now

    if rl.tokens > 0 {
        return true
    return false

func min(a, b int64) int64 {
    if a > b {return b}
    return a



  1. 须要设置两个参数 (均匀速率和阈值),不肯定容易调试好
  2. 波及多个不同操作(比方漏桶算法,每次校验都须要再更新开始工夫),无奈原子化实现这些操作



package slidingWindow

import (

func SlidingWindowDemo() {
    // allow 10 requests per second
    rateLimiter := NewRateLimiter(time.Second, 10, func() Window {return NewLocalWindow()

    if rateLimiter.Grant() {fmt.Println("Continue to process")
    } else {fmt.Println("Exceed rate limit")


// Window represents a fixed-window
type Window interface {
    // Start returns the start boundary
    Start() time.Time

    // Count returns the accumulated count
    Count() int64

    // AddCount increments the accumulated count by n
    AddCount(n int64)

    // Reset sets the state of the window with the given settings
    Reset(s time.Time, c int64)

type NewWindow func() Window

type LocalWindow struct {
    start int64
    count int64

func NewLocalWindow() *LocalWindow {return &LocalWindow{}

func (w *LocalWindow) Start() time.Time {return time.Unix(0, w.start)

func (w *LocalWindow) Count() int64 {return w.count}

func (w *LocalWindow) AddCount(n int64) {w.count += n}

func (w *LocalWindow) Reset(s time.Time, c int64) {w.start = s.UnixNano()
    w.count = c

type RateLimiter struct {
    size  time.Duration
    limit int64

    mu sync.Mutex

    curr Window
    prev Window

func NewRateLimiter(size time.Duration, limit int64, newWindow NewWindow) *RateLimiter {currWin := newWindow()

    // The previous window is static (i.e. no add changes will happen within it),
    // so we always create it as an instance of LocalWindow
    prevWin := NewLocalWindow()

    return &RateLimiter{
        size:  size,
        limit: limit,
        curr:  currWin,
        prev:  prevWin,


// Size returns the time duration of one window size
func (rl *RateLimiter) Size() time.Duration {return rl.size}

// Limit returns the maximum events permitted to happen during one window size
func (rl *RateLimiter) Limit() int64 {rl.mu.Lock()
    defer rl.mu.Unlock()
    return rl.limit

func (rl *RateLimiter) SetLimit(limit int64) {rl.mu.Lock()
    defer rl.mu.Unlock()
    rl.limit = limit

// shorthand for GrantN(time.Now(), 1)
func (rl *RateLimiter) Grant() bool {return rl.GrantN(time.Now(), 1)

// reports whether n events may happen at time now
func (rl *RateLimiter) GrantN(now time.Time, n int64) bool {rl.mu.Lock()
    defer rl.mu.Unlock()


    elapsed := now.Sub(rl.curr.Start())
    weight := float64(rl.size-elapsed) / float64(rl.size)
    count := int64(weight*float64(rl.prev.Count())) + rl.curr.Count()

    if count+n > rl.limit {return false}

    return true

// advance updates the current/previous windows resulting from the passage of time
func (rl *RateLimiter) advance(now time.Time) {
    // Calculate the start boundary of the expected current-window.
    newCurrStart := now.Truncate(rl.size)

    diffSize := newCurrStart.Sub(rl.curr.Start()) / rl.size
    if diffSize >= 1 {
        // The current-window is at least one-window-size behind the expected one.
        newPrevCount := int64(0)
        if diffSize == 1 {
            // The new previous-window will overlap with the old current-window,
            // so it inherits the count.
            newPrevCount = rl.curr.Count()}

        rl.prev.Reset(newCurrStart.Add(-rl.size), newPrevCount)
        // The new current-window always has zero count.
        rl.curr.Reset(newCurrStart, 0)


下面的 4 种限流形式,更多是针对单实例下的并发场景,上面介绍几种服务集群的限流计划:

Nginx 限流

Nginx 官网提供的限速模块应用的是 漏桶算法,保障申请的实时处理速度不会超过预设的阈值,次要有两个设置:

  • limit_req_zone: 限度 IP 在单位工夫内的申请数
  • limit_req_conn: 限度同一时间连接数

Redis 限流

通过 Redis 提供的 incr 命令,在规定的工夫窗口,容许通过的最大申请数


Kong 官网提供了一种分布式滑动窗口算法的设计, 目前反对在 Kong 上做集群限流配置。它通过集中存储每个滑动窗口和 consumer 的计数,从而反对集群场景。这里举荐一个 Go 版本的实现:slidingwindow


另外业界在分布式场景下,也有 通过 Nginx+Lua 和 Redis+Lua 等形式来实现限流




  1. 对高并发流量管制的一点思考
  2. How to Design a Scalable Rate Limiting Algorithm
  3. slidingwindow
  4. Token Bucket Rate Limiting
  5. Rate limiting Spring MVC endpoints with bucket4j
  6. How we built rate limiting capable of scaling to millions of domains