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  1. Google Phone 官网利用终于反对残缺的通话录音
  2. Nova Launcher 第 7 版公测 带来新的动画和更多的性能


  1. Kotlin Vocabulary | Kotlin 委托代理
  2. Android 事件散发机制形象 – 钓钩模型
  3. 京东 APP 收银台 Kotlin 化实际
  4. 应用 R8 压缩您的利用
  5. 聊聊 APK —— AAR 的合并进 APK


  1. FullDraggableDrawer

    Make Android DrawerLayout can be dragged out in real-time within the range of fullscreen

  2. bottom-sheets

    Many beautiful bottom sheets for quick use in your project. OptionsSheet, CalendarSheet, ColorSheet, ClockTimeSheet, TimeSheet, InputSheet (forms/surveys), InfoSheet, CustomSheets… sheet everything!

  3. frogo-recycler-view

    RecyclerView With No Adapter and Shimmer Effect ????

  4. AdvancedBiometricPromptCompat

    This is an Android project allowing you to use the advanced biometric authorization features.

  5. ogTagParser

    ???? An API to parse open graph tags for Kotlin & Android

  6. j2v8-debugger

    This project is an add-on for the excellent J2V8 Project. It allows users to debug JS running in V8 using Chrome DevTools. Uses Stetho for communication with Chrome DevTools.

  7. EasyHttp

    Android 网络申请框架,简略易用,so easy

  8. DiDiPrism

    小桔棱镜,一款专一挪动端操作行为的利器!A powerful tool (iOS & Android) that focuses on mobile operation behavior!

  9. HDRocket

    采纳单 Activity+ 多 Fragment 以及多模块 Activity+ 多 Fragment 的设计模式编写的架构。一个十分轻量级又非常弱小的 Fragment 治理框架。

  10. Dispatch

    Utilities for kotlinx.coroutines which make them type-safe, easier to test, and more expressive. Use the predefined types and factories or define your own, and never inject a Dispatchers object again.

  11. speedometer

    A lightweight circular indicator view library for Android

  12. belay

    Robust error-handling for Kotlin and Android

  13. VideoLayout

    To play video on layout background (textureview videoview for layout designs)

  14. flower

    Super cool android library to manage database caching and networking with ease.

  15. taskprogressview

    A lightweight task progress calendar view library for Android

  16. easypermissions-ktx

    ???? Kotlin version of the popular google/easypermissions wrapper library to simplify basic system permissions logic on Android M or higher.

  17. SkeletonBlock


  18. kable

    Kotlin Asynchronous Bluetooth Low-Energy

  19. AndroidLaTeXMath

    A LaTeX rendering library for Android

  20. toolkit

    [WIP] – Toolkit 是一套可进步生产力并以各式各样的功能强大的小工具????️(Gradle-Plugin、UI-Kit、Ktx 等 …)组成的工具包。Tookit is a series of powerful tools????️, built to help developers simplify and accelerate kotlin development.

  21. FragmentKey

    FragmentKey 一款解决应用 newInstance 创立 fragment 定义 key 传值问题的 apt 框架

  22. TabLayoutNiubility

    Android 自定义控件之 RecyclerView 打造万能 ViewPager TabLayout(仿今日头条 Tab 滑动、Tab 多布局、indicator 蠕动、自定义 indicator、文字色彩突变、自定义 Fragment)

  23. Cabret-Log

    ✏️ Method call logging for Kotlin Multiplatform


  1. android-multimodule-navigation-example

    android multimodule navigation example

  2. android-webview-upload-file

    本工程为大家演示在 H5 中如何上传文件,同时也提供了服务端代码,有趣味的读者能够部署起来,测试文件上传性能。


  1. legado

    浏览 3.0, 浏览是一款能够自定义起源浏览网络内容的工具,为宽广网络文学爱好者提供一种不便、快捷舒服的试读体验。

  2. InTimeAndroid

    Android interval timer app using compose + compose navigation, dagger hilt, room, kotlin coroutines + flow and mvvm design pattern.

  3. pokedex-ar

    ???? Android Pokedex-AR using ARCore, Sceneform, Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, LiveData) based on MVVM architecture.

  4. liveboot

    Sources for the LiveBoot app for rooted Android devices


  1. rogcat

    A adb logcat wrapper

  2. TraceReader

    android 小工具,通过读取 trace 文件,回溯整个整个程序执行调用树。

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