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  1. Android 行将取得类 AirDrop 性能:可向左近设施疾速分享文件
  2. 谷歌为安卓文件治理利用引入可平安暗藏材料的 Safe Folder 性能
  3. Android TV 新主界面将显示电影、电视节目和利用举荐内容
  4. 泄露的 Android 文档暗示了传说中的谷歌 Pixel 5a 与折叠屏新机
  5. 谷歌公布 Android 11 Beta 3 间隔正式版仅咫尺之遥
  6. Android 将迎来新的利用内评估 API 以缓解以后评估形式的困扰


  1. 谈一谈 Android 上的 SurfaceTexture
  2. 在 Kotlin 中应用 Dagger 会遇到的陷阱和优化办法
  3. Android 存储空间的最佳实际 (上)


  1. RoundWidget

    Java 实现的 Android 原生圆角矩形控件,圆角 FrameLayout 和圆角 ImageView

  2. Tasker

    Tasker is intended to enable proper and easy use of the UI and background thread. It lets you perform operations in the background. When they’ve finished running, it then allows you to update views in the main event thread.

  3. SplitEditTextView

    Android 相似支付宝明码输入框,美团外卖验证码输入框,验证码粘贴等;有效果图,有 demo;反对下划线,方框,连体框款式;可设置光标、光标色彩,下划线输出时高亮,边框大小、色彩、圆角等等;设置明码显示的

  4. WuDaozi

    Android image selector, written with Kotlin, inspired by zhihu/Matisse.

  5. MapHelper

    ???? MapHelper 是一个整合了高德地图、百度地图、腾讯地图、谷歌地图等相干路线布局和导航的地图帮忙类库

  6. BlurImageSwitcher

    Lightweight Blurred ImageSwitcher Library

  7. integration-android

    Virtusize is a widget which opens when clicking on the Virtusize button, which is located next to the size selection on the product page.

  8. turbine

    A small testing library for kotlinx.coroutines Flow

  9. DevUtils

    一个 Android 工具库, 次要依据不同功能模块,封装快捷应用的工具类及 API 办法调用。该我的项目尽可能的便于开发人员,快捷、疾速开发安全可靠的我的项目,以及内置局部罕用的资源文件,如 color.xml

  10. JCL

    ar Class Loader, a configurable and dynamic custom classloader designed to create, manage and manipulate isolated Java classloaders in IoC frameworks and web applications.

  11. Printama

    A very well documented android library for bluetooth thermal printer. Tested for 2 inch printers

  12. tinylog

    tinylog is a lightweight logging framework for Java, Kotlin, Scala, and Android

  13. flowcamera

    应用最新的 CameraX 相机库 实现仿微信拍照和拍小视频 (Based on the Camerax, faster and better compatibility)

  14. DocumentReader

    This library reads word documents (.doc and .docx), txt and PDF files, and gives the output content of the document as a String.

  15. CameraView

    仿微信拍照 Android 控件(轻触拍照,长按摄像)

  16. NetworkResponseAdapter

    A Kotlin Coroutines based Retrofit call adapter that handles errors as a part of state

  17. FormFiller

    Android helper library to populate form fields with predefined data set

  18. ThirdPartyLicenseDisplay

    Displays third party license information

  19. audioswitch

    An Android audio management library for real-time communication apps.

  20. tempo

    ⌚Kotlin intuitive Date extensions.

  21. pesticide

    A Library To Write Domain-Driven Tests, written in Kotlin on top of Junit5

  22. kvision

    Object oriented web framework for Kotlin/JS


  1. apkscale

    A Gradle plugin to measure the app size impact of Android libraries


  1. GitExplorer

    Git Explorer is a simple android application to search git command on one click. Dedicated to all Software Developers with ❤️.

  2. PopCornShow

    Banco de dados com informações de filmes e séries.

  3. StreetComplete

    Easy to use OpenStreetMap editor for Android

  4. deltachat-android

    Email-based instant messaging for Android.

  5. moviespreview

    An application to show movies data based on TheMovieDB API.

  6. AndroidPlanisphere

    A simple star chart that shows sun, moon and stars as well as constellations and planets.

  7. EasyBook

    Java/Android 多站点小说爬虫库,并发搜寻,epub/txt 下载,在线书源等,已实现小说 app


  1. SwipeBackLayoutTouTiao

    仿今日头条、腾讯新闻界面滑动敞开 上层 activity 有缩放成果

  2. Cherry

    一款采纳谷歌最新 mvvm 架构和 Jetpack 架构组件,kotlin 携程网络申请,Arouter 组件化开发的干货集中营客户端 ”


  1. android-layout-inspector

    More stable Android Layout inspector than Android Studio Layout Inspector. Allows you to switch between displaying dimensions in PX and DP (only for new layout captures, not for opened files)

  2. Recaf

    A modern Java bytecode editor


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    疾速构建利用,晋升运维效率,保障利用开发品质,优化利用品质,云上架构将为你带来最便捷的计划!来看看华为利用市场 AppGallery Connect 开发者沙龙。8 月 13 日,上海站等你来撩~

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