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React 源码解析系列文章欢迎阅读:
React16 源码解析 (一)- 图解 Fiber 架构
React16 源码解析(二)- 创建更新
React16 源码解析(三)-ExpirationTime
React16 源码解析(四)-Scheduler
React16 源码解析(五)- 更新流程渲染阶段 1
React16 源码解析(六)- 更新流程渲染阶段 2
React16 源码解析(七)- 更新流程渲染阶段 3
React16 源码解析(八)- 更新流程提交阶段
正在更新中 …

提交阶段相比于渲染阶段要简单很多,因为大部分更新的前期操作都在渲染阶段做好了。提交阶段的主要任务也就是把之前记录好的更新操作反映到真实的 dom 上,并且这个过程是不能中断的。


1、检查 finishedWork 是否也有 effect,如有插入 effect 链表中
2、第一次遍历 effect 链,更新 class 组件实例上的 state,props,执行 getSnapshotBeforeUpdate 生命周期
3、第二次遍历 effect 链,不同的 effectTag,执行不同的操作,比如重置文本节点,执行 插入、更新、删除等的 effect 操作,真正的对 dom 进行修改。
4、第三次遍历 effect 链,这次遍历就是做一些收尾工作。执行 componentDidMount、componentDidUpdate,更新的回调函数等。
5、做一些 还原变量 等的收尾工作。

下面会着重讲解 effect 链表的三次遍历。

function commitRoot(root: FiberRoot, finishedWork: Fiber): void {
  isWorking = true;
  isCommitting = true;
  // ......

  // 检查 finishedWork 是否也有 effect,如有插入 effect 链表中
  let firstEffect;
  if (finishedWork.effectTag > PerformedWork) {
    // A fiber's effect list consists only of its children, not itself. So if
    // the root has an effect, we need to add it to the end of the list. The
    // resulting list is the set that would belong to the root's parent, if
    // it had one; that is, all the effects in the tree including the root.
    if (finishedWork.lastEffect !== null) {
      finishedWork.lastEffect.nextEffect = finishedWork;
      firstEffect = finishedWork.firstEffect;
    } else {firstEffect = finishedWork;}
  } else {
    // There is no effect on the root.
    firstEffect = finishedWork.firstEffect;


  // Invoke instances of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate before mutation.
  nextEffect = firstEffect;
  // 第一次遍历
  while (nextEffect !== null) {
    let didError = false;
    let error;
    // ......
  // ......
  // Commit all the side-effects within a tree. We'll do this in two passes.
  // The first pass performs all the host insertions, updates, deletions and
  // ref unmounts.
  nextEffect = firstEffect;
  // 第二次遍历
  while (nextEffect !== null) {
    let didError = false;
    let error;
    // ......
    // ......


  // The work-in-progress tree is now the current tree. This must come after
  // the first pass of the commit phase, so that the previous tree is still
  // current during componentWillUnmount, but before the second pass, so that
  // the finished work is current during componentDidMount/Update.
  root.current = finishedWork;

  // In the second pass we'll perform all life-cycles and ref callbacks.
  // Life-cycles happen as a separate pass so that all placements, updates,
  // and deletions in the entire tree have already been invoked.
  // This pass also triggers any renderer-specific initial effects.
  nextEffect = firstEffect;
  // 第三次遍历
  while (nextEffect !== null) {commitAllLifeCycles(root, committedExpirationTime);

  // 下面做一些 还原变量 等的收尾工作
  isCommitting = false;
  isWorking = false;

  const updateExpirationTimeAfterCommit = finishedWork.expirationTime;
  const childExpirationTimeAfterCommit = finishedWork.childExpirationTime;
  const earliestRemainingTimeAfterCommit =
    updateExpirationTimeAfterCommit === NoWork ||
    (childExpirationTimeAfterCommit !== NoWork &&
      childExpirationTimeAfterCommit < updateExpirationTimeAfterCommit)
      ? childExpirationTimeAfterCommit
      : updateExpirationTimeAfterCommit;
  if (earliestRemainingTimeAfterCommit === NoWork) {
    // If there's no remaining work, we can clear the set of already failed
    // error boundaries.
    legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed = null;
  onCommit(root, earliestRemainingTimeAfterCommit);
  // ......

第一次遍历 -commitBeforeMutationLifecycles

遍历 effect 链
在这个循环中,组件的 state 已经更新,但是节点还没有更新。

function commitBeforeMutationLifecycles() {while (nextEffect !== null) {

    const effectTag = nextEffect.effectTag;
    if (effectTag & Snapshot) {recordEffect();
      const current = nextEffect.alternate;
      // 这里调用的是下面的方法,名字一样
      commitBeforeMutationLifeCycles(current, nextEffect);

    // Don't cleanup effects yet;
    // This will be done by commitAllLifeCycles()
    nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;

1、在 class 组件中通过 prevProps, prevState 获取状态快照,用于 componentDidUpdate 生命周期
2、状态快照的获取通过 getSnapshotBeforeUpdate 生命周期执行后的返回值
commitBeforeMutationLifeCycles 中只有在更新任务是 classComponent 时才有工作

function commitBeforeMutationLifeCycles(
  current: Fiber | null,
  finishedWork: Fiber,
): void {switch (finishedWork.tag) {
    case ClassComponent: {if (finishedWork.effectTag & Snapshot) {if (current !== null) {
          // 不是初次加载
          // 组件初次加载执行 DidMount 生命周期函数不走 DidUpdate 不需要保存快照对象
          const prevProps = current.memoizedProps;
          const prevState = current.memoizedState;
          startPhaseTimer(finishedWork, 'getSnapshotBeforeUpdate');
          // 得到当前 class 组件的实例
          const instance = finishedWork.stateNode;
          // 更新实例上的 props 和 state
          instance.props = finishedWork.memoizedProps;
          instance.state = finishedWork.memoizedState;
          // 调用 getSnapshotBeforeUpdate 生命周期方法
          const snapshot = instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(
          // 保存到 instance.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate 给 DidUpdate 生命周期方法使用
          instance.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate = snapshot;
    case HostRoot:
    case HostComponent:
    case HostText:
    case HostPortal:
    case IncompleteClassComponent:
      // Nothing to do for these component types
    default: {// ......}

第二次遍历 -commitAllHostEffects

1、遍历 effect 链
2、不同的 effectTag,执行不同的操作,比如重置文本节点,执行 插入、更新、删除等的 effect 操作,真正的对 dom 进行修改。

1、插入节点 – commitPlacement
2、更新节点 – commitWork
3、删除节点 – commitDeletion

function commitAllHostEffects() {
  // 遍历 effect 链
  while (nextEffect !== null) {
    const effectTag = nextEffect.effectTag;

    // 重置文本节点
    if (effectTag & ContentReset) {commitResetTextContent(nextEffect);

    if (effectTag & Ref) {
      const current = nextEffect.alternate;
      if (current !== null) {commitDetachRef(current);

    // The following switch statement is only concerned about placement,
    // updates, and deletions. To avoid needing to add a case for every
    // possible bitmap value, we remove the secondary effects from the
    // effect tag and switch on that value.
    let primaryEffectTag = effectTag & (Placement | Update | Deletion);
    switch (primaryEffectTag) {
      case Placement: {
        // 插入节点
        // Clear the "placement" from effect tag so that we know that this is inserted, before
        // any life-cycles like componentDidMount gets called.
        // TODO: findDOMNode doesn't rely on this any more but isMounted
        // does and isMounted is deprecated anyway so we should be able
        // to kill this.
        // 删除 effectTag
        nextEffect.effectTag &= ~Placement;
      case PlacementAndUpdate: {
        // 插入并且更新
        // 插入节点
        // Clear the "placement" from effect tag so that we know that this is inserted, before
        // any life-cycles like componentDidMount gets called.
        nextEffect.effectTag &= ~Placement;

        //  更新节点
        const current = nextEffect.alternate;
        commitWork(current, nextEffect);
      case Update: {
        const current = nextEffect.alternate;
        commitWork(current, nextEffect);
      case Deletion: {
        // 删除节点
    nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;


1、找到 finishedWork 的父节点 parentFiber。寻找的是原生的 dom 节点对应的 fiber。如果父级不是原生 dom,则继续往上寻找。
2、得到 parentFiber 对应的原生 dom 节点 parent
4、用 insertBefore 或者 appendChild 进行子节点插入操作

注:第 4 步插入操作需要分情况,比如如果是原生 dom 节点是直接插入,如果是 Class 子节点是需要深度优先遍历子节点进行插入的。

function commitPlacement(finishedWork: Fiber): void {if (!supportsMutation) {return;}

  // Recursively insert all host nodes into the parent.
  // 找到 finishedWork 的父节点 parentFiber。寻找的是原生的 dom 节点对应的 fiber。如果父级不是原生 dom,则继续往上寻找
  // 所以 parentFiber 只有三种类型的节点:HostComponent、HostRoot、HostPortal
  const parentFiber = getHostParentFiber(finishedWork);

  // Note: these two variables *must* always be updated together.
  let parent;
  let isContainer;

  // 得到原生 dom 节点 : parent
  switch (parentFiber.tag) {
    case HostComponent:
      parent = parentFiber.stateNode;
      isContainer = false;
    case HostRoot:
      parent = parentFiber.stateNode.containerInfo;
      isContainer = true;
    case HostPortal:
      parent = parentFiber.stateNode.containerInfo;
      isContainer = true;
      // ......
  if (parentFiber.effectTag & ContentReset) {
    // Reset the text content of the parent before doing any insertions
    // Clear ContentReset from the effect tag
    parentFiber.effectTag &= ~ContentReset;

  // 这里操作 dom 使用的是 insertBefore 原生 api
  // 所以需要得到插入节点的后一个节点,因为我要插在它前面
  const before = getHostSibling(finishedWork);
  // We only have the top Fiber that was inserted but we need recurse down its
  // children to find all the terminal nodes.
  let node: Fiber = finishedWork;
  while (true) {
    // 如果当前节点是原始 dom 节点就直接进行插入
    if (node.tag === HostComponent || node.tag === HostText) {if (before) {
        // 有 before 就用 insertBefore
        if (isContainer) {insertInContainerBefore(parent, node.stateNode, before);
        } else {insertBefore(parent, node.stateNode, before);
      } else {
        // 没有 before 就用 appendChild
        if (isContainer) {appendChildToContainer(parent, node.stateNode);
        } else {appendChild(parent, node.stateNode);
    } else if (node.tag === HostPortal) {
      // 是 HostPortal 直接跳过,因为不是插在这里的
      // If the insertion itself is a portal, then we don't want to traverse
      // down its children. Instead, we'll get insertions from each child in
      // the portal directly.
    } else if (node.child !== null) {
      // 上面条件不满足其实就是 class 组件
      // 查看子节点是否存在,存在的话把子节点进行插入 continue
      node.child.return = node;
      node = node.child;
    if (node === finishedWork) {
      // 对 finishedWork 已经结束
    // 其实这是一个深度优先遍历
    // 深度优先遍历 class 组件的子节点,把 class 组件的原生 dom 节点全部进行插入操作
    // 下面是深度优先遍历的退回过程,如果没有兄弟节点,就往上退回
    while (node.sibling === null) {if (node.return === null || node.return === finishedWork) {return;}
      node = node.return;
    node.sibling.return = node.return;
    node = node.sibling;

这个函数其实是找我要插入的节点(finishedWork)的下一个 dom 节点,因为我要插在这个节点前面嘛。所以这个函数做的事情就是:剔除掉所有的非原始 dom 节点,找到我想要的 dom 节点。
注:HostPortal 也是要被剔除的,因为它不是挂载在这个地方的嘛。

function getHostSibling(fiber: Fiber): ?Instance {
  // We're going to search forward into the tree until we find a sibling host
  // node. Unfortunately, if multiple insertions are done in a row we have to
  // search past them. This leads to exponential search for the next sibling.
  // TODO: Find a more efficient way to do this.
  let node: Fiber = fiber;
  // 外层 while 循环
  siblings: while (true) {
    // If we didn't find anything, let's try the next sibling.
    // 如果没有兄弟节点,向上查找父节点,但是这个父节点不能是原生 dom 节点
    while (node.sibling === null) {if (node.return === null || isHostParent(node.return)) {
        // 如果到了根节点 root 了 或者 是原生 dom 节点  返回 null 说明在真实的 dom 中 插入的这个节点没有兄弟节点
        // If we pop out of the root or hit the parent the fiber we are the
        // last sibling.
        return null;
      node = node.return;
    // 下面是有兄弟节点的情况
    node.sibling.return = node.return;
    node = node.sibling;
    // 兄弟节点不是 HostComponent 也不是 HostText
    while (node.tag !== HostComponent && node.tag !== HostText) {
      // If it is not host node and, we might have a host node inside it.
      // Try to search down until we find one.
      // 兄弟节点也是将要插入的节点,跳过这个节点查找下一个兄弟节点
      if (node.effectTag & Placement) {
        // If we don't have a child, try the siblings instead.
        continue siblings;
      // If we don't have a child, try the siblings instead.
      // We also skip portals because they are not part of this host tree.
      // 如果没有子节点或者是 HostPortal 也跳过这个节点查找下一个兄弟节点
      if (node.child === null || node.tag === HostPortal) {continue siblings;} else {
        // 否则返回兄弟节点的子节点
        node.child.return = node;
        node = node.child;
    // Check if this host node is stable or about to be placed.
    // 如果兄弟节点也是新增节点,寻找下一个兄弟节点
    // 否则,就找到了!if (!(node.effectTag & Placement)) {
      // Found it!
      return node.stateNode;


1、commitWork 只会更新 HostComponent(dom 节点) 和 HostText(文本节点)
2、HostComponent 调用 commitUpdate 更新
3、HostText 调用 commitTextUpdate 更新

function commitWork(current: Fiber | null, finishedWork: Fiber): void {
  // ......

  switch (finishedWork.tag) {
    case ClassComponent: {return;}
    case HostComponent: {
      // 更新 dom 标签节点
      const instance: Instance = finishedWork.stateNode;
      if (instance != null) {
        // Commit the work prepared earlier.
        // 提取新的 props
        const newProps = finishedWork.memoizedProps;
        // For hydration we reuse the update path but we treat the oldProps
        // as the newProps. The updatePayload will contain the real change in
        // this case.
        // 提取老的 props
        const oldProps = current !== null ? current.memoizedProps : newProps;
        const type = finishedWork.type;
        // TODO: Type the updateQueue to be specific to host components.
        // 取出 updateQueue
        const updatePayload: null | UpdatePayload = (finishedWork.updateQueue: any);
        // 清空 updateQueue
        finishedWork.updateQueue = null;
        if (updatePayload !== null) {
          // 进行更新
    case HostText: {
      // 更新文本节点
      const textInstance: TextInstance = finishedWork.stateNode;
      // 提取新老文本内容
      const newText: string = finishedWork.memoizedProps;
      // For hydration we reuse the update path but we treat the oldProps
      // as the newProps. The updatePayload will contain the real change in
      // this case.
      const oldText: string =
        current !== null ? current.memoizedProps : newText;
      commitTextUpdate(textInstance, oldText, newText);
    case HostRoot: {return;}
    case Profiler: {return;}
    case SuspenseComponent: {return;}
    case IncompleteClassComponent: {return;}
    default: {// ......}


export function commitUpdate(
  domElement: Instance,
  updatePayload: Array<mixed>,
  type: string,
  oldProps: Props,
  newProps: Props,
  internalInstanceHandle: Object,
): void {
  // Update the props handle so that we know which props are the ones with
  // with current event handlers.
  // 这里只是:domElement[__reactEventHandlers$] = newProps
  updateFiberProps(domElement, newProps);

  // Apply the diff to the DOM node.
  updateProperties(domElement, updatePayload, type, oldProps, newProps);

2、调用 updateDOMProperties 把之前的 diff 结果应用的真实 dom 上面

// Apply the diff.
export function updateProperties(
  domElement: Element,
  updatePayload: Array<any>,
  tag: string,
  lastRawProps: Object,
  nextRawProps: Object,
): void {
  // Update checked *before* name.
  // In the middle of an update, it is possible to have multiple checked.
  // When a checked radio tries to change name, browser makes another radio's checked false.
  // 针对表单的特殊标签
  if (
    tag === 'input' &&
    nextRawProps.type === 'radio' && != null
  ) {ReactDOMInput.updateChecked(domElement, nextRawProps);

  // 判断是否是自定义标签 即标签名中有‘-’const wasCustomComponentTag = isCustomComponent(tag, lastRawProps);
  const isCustomComponentTag = isCustomComponent(tag, nextRawProps);
  // Apply the diff.
  // 把之前的 diff 结果应用的真实 dom 上面

  // TODO: Ensure that an update gets scheduled if any of the special props
  // changed.
  // 针对表单做一些特殊的处理
  switch (tag) {
    case 'input':
      // Update the wrapper around inputs *after* updating props. This has to
      // happen after `updateDOMProperties`. Otherwise HTML5 input validations
      // raise warnings and prevent the new value from being assigned.
      ReactDOMInput.updateWrapper(domElement, nextRawProps);
    case 'textarea':
      ReactDOMTextarea.updateWrapper(domElement, nextRawProps);
    case 'select':
      // <select> value update needs to occur after <option> children
      // reconciliation
      ReactDOMSelect.postUpdateWrapper(domElement, nextRawProps);

1、把我们之前渲染阶段生成的 updatePayload: [k1,null,k2,v2,k3,v3]应用到真实的 dom 上。
2、对一些 dom 节点上特殊的属性做特殊的处理,比如 style、dangerouslySetInnerHTML 等

function updateDOMProperties(
  domElement: Element,
  updatePayload: Array<any>,
  wasCustomComponentTag: boolean,
  isCustomComponentTag: boolean,
): void {
  // TODO: Handle wasCustomComponentTag
  // 遍历 updatePayload
  for (let i = 0; i < updatePayload.length; i += 2) {
    // 取出 key 和 value
    const propKey = updatePayload[i];
    const propValue = updatePayload[i + 1];
    if (propKey === STYLE) {
      // 如果是样式更新
      CSSPropertyOperations.setValueForStyles(domElement, propValue);
    } else if (propKey === DANGEROUSLY_SET_INNER_HTML) {
      // 如果是 dangerouslySetInnerHTML
      setInnerHTML(domElement, propValue);
    } else if (propKey === CHILDREN) {
      // 如果是文本
      setTextContent(domElement, propValue);
    } else {
      // 否则正常的更新节点的属性


export function commitTextUpdate(
  textInstance: TextInstance,
  oldText: string,
  newText: string,
): void {textInstance.nodeValue = newText;}


删除一个节点时候,是需要去遍历整颗子树的。第一,如果 dom 节点下面还有 class 组件,那么我们是要调用它的生命周期方法的(componentWillUnmount),第二,如果有 HostPortal,那么还要去删除 HostPortal 中的节点,所以我们必须要遍历子树的。这里的遍历采用树的深度优先遍历。

react 用了三个函数用循环 + 递归深度优先遍历了整颗子树。

function commitDeletion(current: Fiber): void {
  // Recursively delete all host nodes from the parent.
  // Detach refs and call componentWillUnmount() on the whole subtree.
  // ......


function unmountHostComponents(current): void {
  // We only have the top Fiber that was deleted but we need recurse down its
  // children to find all the terminal nodes.
  let node: Fiber = current;

  // Each iteration, currentParent is populated with node's host parent if not
  // currentParentIsValid.
  let currentParentIsValid = false;

  // Note: these two variables *must* always be updated together.
  let currentParent;
  let currentParentIsContainer;

  while (true) {
    // 找的父节点,这个父节点一定是个 dom 节点
    if (!currentParentIsValid) {
      let parent = node.return;
      findParent: while (true) {
          parent !== null,
          'Expected to find a host parent. This error is likely caused by' +
            'a bug in React. Please file an issue.',
        switch (parent.tag) {
          case HostComponent:
            currentParent = parent.stateNode;
            currentParentIsContainer = false;
            break findParent;
          case HostRoot:
            currentParent = parent.stateNode.containerInfo;
            currentParentIsContainer = true;
            break findParent;
          case HostPortal:
            currentParent = parent.stateNode.containerInfo;
            currentParentIsContainer = true;
            break findParent;
        parent = parent.return;
      currentParentIsValid = true;

    if (node.tag === HostComponent || node.tag === HostText) {
      // 如果是原生 dom 节点
      // After all the children have unmounted, it is now safe to remove the
      // node from the tree.
      if (currentParentIsContainer) {removeChildFromContainer((currentParent: any), node.stateNode);
      } else {removeChild((currentParent: any), node.stateNode);
      // Don't visit children because we already visited them.
    } else if (node.tag === HostPortal) {
      // 如果是 HostPortal 不会做什么操作,直接向下遍历子节点  因为它没有 ref,也没有生命周期
      // When we go into a portal, it becomes the parent to remove from.
      // We will reassign it back when we pop the portal on the way up.
      currentParent = node.stateNode.containerInfo;
      currentParentIsContainer = true;
      // Visit children because portals might contain host components.
      if (node.child !== null) {
        node.child.return = node;
        node = node.child;
    } else {
      // 到这里的话,其实就是 react 组件节点了,调用 commitUnmount,这个方法里会有生命周期的调用,ref 的卸载
      // Visit children because we may find more host components below.
      // 继续遍历子节点
      if (node.child !== null) {
        node.child.return = node;
        node = node.child;
    // 整棵树遍历完成
    if (node === current) {return;}
    // 如果没有兄弟节点,深度优先遍历可以向父节点返回了
    while (node.sibling === null) {if (node.return === null || node.return === current) {return;}
      node = node.return;
      if (node.tag === HostPortal) {
        // When we go out of the portal, we need to restore the parent.
        // Since we don't keep a stack of them, we will search for it.
        currentParentIsValid = false;
    // 到这里代表已经没有子节点了,就向兄弟节点方向遍历
    node.sibling.return = node.return;
    node = node.sibling;

这个方法使用深度优先遍历整颗 dom 节点为父节点的树。子节点还有可能是 react 组件或者 HostPortal。
这里对每个节点都要调用 commitUnmount。如果遇到了 HostPortal 就会停止对它下面的子树进行遍历,因为在 commitUnmount 中会对 HostPortal 类型有个特殊的处理。下面再看。

function commitNestedUnmounts(root: Fiber): void {
  // While we're inside a removed host node we don't want to call
  // removeChild on the inner nodes because they're removed by the top
  // call anyway. We also want to call componentWillUnmount on all
  // composites before this host node is removed from the tree. Therefore
  // we do an inner loop while we're still inside the host node.
  let node: Fiber = root;
  while (true) {commitUnmount(node);
    // Visit children because they may contain more composite or host nodes.
    // Skip portals because commitUnmount() currently visits them recursively.
    if (
      node.child !== null &&
      // If we use mutation we drill down into portals using commitUnmount above.
      // If we don't use mutation we drill down into portals here instead.
      (!supportsMutation || node.tag !== HostPortal)
    ) {
      // 如果是 HostPortal 就直接跳过子树的遍历,所以下面不执行
      node.child.return = node;
      node = node.child;
    if (node === root) {return;}
    while (node.sibling === null) {if (node.return === null || node.return === root) {return;}
      node = node.return;
    node.sibling.return = node.return;
    node = node.sibling;

这个方法会对不同的节点做不同的处理,对 ClassComponent 会执行它的生命周期以及卸载 ref,对 HostComponent 卸载 ref,对 HostPortal 重新调用 unmountHostComponents,这里我们就明白了为什么上一个方法遇到 HostPortal 就停止了对它的子树的遍历,因为它会重新递归调用 unmountHostComponents 遍历子树。

function commitUnmount(current: Fiber): void {onCommitUnmount(current);

  switch (current.tag) {
    case ClassComponent: {
      // 卸载 ref
      const instance = current.stateNode;
      // 执行 WillUnmount 方法,这个时候真实 dom 还没有卸载,即将卸载
      if (typeof instance.componentWillUnmount === 'function') {safelyCallComponentWillUnmount(current, instance);
    case HostComponent: {
      // 卸载 ref
    case HostPortal: {
      // TODO: this is recursive.
      // We are also not using this parent because
      // the portal will get pushed immediately.
      // 递归调用,遍历子树
      // ......

第三次遍历 -commitAllLifeCycles


1、首次渲染执行 componentDidMount
2、更新渲染执行 componentDidUpdate
3、执行 setState 的 callback 回调函数
4、清空 commitUpdateQueue

function commitAllLifeCycles(
  finishedRoot: FiberRoot,
  committedExpirationTime: ExpirationTime,
) {
  // 循环 effect 链
  while (nextEffect !== null) {
    const effectTag = nextEffect.effectTag;

    // 有更新或者有回调函数
    if (effectTag & (Update | Callback)) {recordEffect();
      const current = nextEffect.alternate;

    if (effectTag & Ref) {recordEffect();

    const next = nextEffect.nextEffect;
    // Ensure that we clean these up so that we don't accidentally keep them.
    // I'm not actually sure this matters because we can't reset firstEffect
    // and lastEffect since they're on every node, not just the effectful
    // ones. So we have to clean everything as we reuse nodes anyway.
    nextEffect.nextEffect = null;
    // Ensure that we reset the effectTag here so that we can rely on effect
    // tags to reason about the current life-cycle.
    nextEffect = next;

这个方法会执行 componentDidMount 或者 componentDidUpdate 生命周期方法,最后调用 commitUpdateQueue。

function commitLifeCycles(
  finishedRoot: FiberRoot,
  current: Fiber | null,
  finishedWork: Fiber,
  committedExpirationTime: ExpirationTime,
): void {switch (finishedWork.tag) {
    case ClassComponent: {
      const instance = finishedWork.stateNode;
      if (finishedWork.effectTag & Update) {if (current === null) {
          // 首次渲染
          startPhaseTimer(finishedWork, 'componentDidMount');
          instance.props = finishedWork.memoizedProps;
          instance.state = finishedWork.memoizedState;
          stopPhaseTimer();} else {
          // 组件更新
          const prevProps = current.memoizedProps;
          const prevState = current.memoizedState;
          startPhaseTimer(finishedWork, 'componentDidUpdate');
          instance.props = finishedWork.memoizedProps;
          instance.state = finishedWork.memoizedState;
      const updateQueue = finishedWork.updateQueue;
      if (updateQueue !== null) {
        instance.props = finishedWork.memoizedProps;
        instance.state = finishedWork.memoizedState;
    case HostRoot: {
      const updateQueue = finishedWork.updateQueue;
      if (updateQueue !== null) {
        let instance = null;
        if (finishedWork.child !== null) {switch (finishedWork.child.tag) {
            case HostComponent:
              instance = getPublicInstance(finishedWork.child.stateNode);
            case ClassComponent:
              instance = finishedWork.child.stateNode;
        // 因为 ReactDOM.render 也有回调函数  所以也要调用 commitUpdateQueue
    case HostComponent: {
      const instance: Instance = finishedWork.stateNode;

      // Renderers may schedule work to be done after host components are mounted
      // (eg DOM renderer may schedule auto-focus for inputs and form controls).
      // These effects should only be committed when components are first mounted,
      // aka when there is no current/alternate.
      if (current === null && finishedWork.effectTag & Update) {
        const type = finishedWork.type;
        const props = finishedWork.memoizedProps;
        // 这个函数只是对 input 标签有 auto-focus 的情况进行处理
        commitMount(instance, type, props, finishedWork);

    case HostText: ......
    case HostPortal: ......
    case Profiler: ......
    case SuspenseComponent: ......
    case IncompleteClassComponent:......
    default: {// ......}

1、调用 commitUpdateEffects
2、清空 commitUpdateQueue

export function commitUpdateQueue<State>(
  finishedWork: Fiber,
  finishedQueue: UpdateQueue<State>,
  instance: any,
  renderExpirationTime: ExpirationTime,
): void {
  // ......
  // Commit the effects
  commitUpdateEffects(finishedQueue.firstEffect, instance);
  // 清空 commitUpdateQueue
  finishedQueue.firstEffect = finishedQueue.lastEffect = null;
  // ......

调用 effect 上的回调函数。

function commitUpdateEffects<State>(
  effect: Update<State> | null,
  instance: any,
): void {while (effect !== null) {
    const callback = effect.callback;
    if (callback !== null) {
      // 调用回调函数,也就是 setState 的回调函数
      effect.callback = null;
      callCallback(callback, instance);
    effect = effect.nextEffect;

任世界纷繁复杂, 仍旧保持可爱。
