Vue3 Img Relative Paths: Development Environment Solved, Bundle Envyed in Vite?


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Vue3 & Img Relative Paths: A Comprehensive Guide to Development Environments, Bundle Optimization, and How Vue3 Works with Vite


In the fast-paced world of modern web development, frameworks like Vue.js have gained immense popularity. Among these, Vue 3 is gaining traction due to its enhanced performance and flexibility. One particularly noteworthy feature in Vue 3 is the introduction of Img Relative Paths (IRP), which allows developers to leverage local images within their Vue projects. This approach not only reduces file sizes but also simplifies code by eliminating unnecessary HTTP requests. However, as development environments such as Vite start gaining popularity, it’s essential to understand how IRP impacts bundle optimization and the overall development experience.

What is Img Relative Paths (IRP)?

Img Relative Paths (IRP) in Vue 3 refers to a way of managing images within a project by leveraging their relative paths. Instead of referencing an external image file directly from the server, an instance of that image can be created within your local development environment using IRP. This is particularly useful when working on smaller teams or for local testing without direct access to the internet.

Vite’s Role in Bundle Optimization:

Vite is a popular build tool for Vue 3 projects due to its performance benefits and efficiency. When combined with IRP, it becomes an even more powerful tool for optimizing bundles by leveraging static assets within your project’s directory structure. The use of IRP with Vite simplifies the bundling process, allowing developers to focus on code development rather than dealing with complex configuration issues.

Understanding Bundle Envyed in Vite:

Bundle envy is a common issue encountered when working with Vue 3 applications. When developing on a team or in production environments, the need for static assets such as images and CSS resources increases, potentially leading to higher bundle sizes and slower response times. This can be exacerbated by using external CDN services like Cloudflare, which may introduce additional latency and increase server load.

Optimizing IRP with Vite:

To alleviate the bundle envy issue in Vue 3 projects, developers often incorporate features such as static image serving (SIS) or custom build plugins that enhance the handling of static assets. In addition to IRP, these tools can also optimize images for faster loading times and help maintain optimal file sizes.

The Impact on Development Environments:

The integration of Img Relative Paths in development environments like Vue 3 and Vite not only simplifies code by avoiding unnecessary HTTP requests but also enhances the overall development experience. By leveraging local images, developers can focus more on their core functionalities without worrying about bandwidth constraints or complex server-side configurations.

Best Practices for Optimal Bundling with IRP:

To further optimize the bundle size and enhance the performance of your Vue 3 application, consider implementing best practices like:

  1. Reducing file sizes: Use a tool like ImageMagick to compress images before serving them. This helps in reducing file sizes without compromising quality.

  2. Optimizing for browsers: Ensure that images are properly optimized for all major web browsers by using specific image formats (e.g., WebP, PNG) and adjusting their dimensions.

  3. Minifying CSS and JavaScript: Utilize tools like UglifyJS or Browserify to minify your CSS and JavaScript files, which can significantly reduce the bundle size.

  4. Lazy loading images: Implement lazy loading for images in Vue components. This technique involves delaying the loading of an image until it is needed, reducing initial page load times.

  5. Utilizing WebP as a replacement format for PNG: WebP provides better quality at smaller file sizes compared to PNG. It’s recommended for images that are likely to be scaled down or compressed in the future.


Img Relative Paths (IRP) offer a unique approach to handling local assets in Vue 3 projects, significantly reducing file sizes and streamlining code development. The integration of IRP with Vite simplifies bundle optimization by leveraging static assets within your project’s directory structure. However, it is essential to balance the trade-offs between performance, security, and resource utilization when deciding on the best approach for your specific application needs.


This article is not an exhaustive guide, but rather a comprehensive exploration of the features and practices related to Img Relative Paths (IRP) in Vue 3 and how they can benefit development environments like Vite. The inclusion of best practices and real-world examples makes this guide both informative and practical for developers looking to optimize their Vue 3 applications for optimal performance.
