uni-app开发nvue时,报错module common/vendor.js is not defined 解决方法


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开发 nvue 时,若遇到如下错误,是因为一个 uni-app 里必须有一个 vue 页面,在项目里新建一个空白的 vue 页面即可解决此问题。
Uncaught Error: module “common/vendor.js” is not defined
20:31:58.664 Wed Jan 23 2019 20:33:31 GMT+0800 (CST) Page route 错误
20:31:58.687 Page[pages/index/index] not found. May be caused by: 1. Forgot to add page route in pages.json. 2. Invoking Page() in async task.
20:31:58.706 console.groupEnd
