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ThinkPHP 即将迎来最新版本 6.0,针对目前越来越流行 Swoole,thinkphp 也推出了最新的扩展 think-swoole 3.0


本文主要介绍在 ThinkPHP-swoole 3.0 当中所用到的沙盒技术。
沙盒 – 顾名思义,所有程序都运行在一个封闭容器当中,得益于更完善的容器技术,在 3.0 扩展当中沙盒得以大展身手。

首先,查看沙盒是如何使用的,查看扩展当中 Swoole.php,其中的 OnRequest 函数

 public function onRequest($req, $res)
        /** @var Sandbox $sandbox */
        $sandbox = $this->app->make(Sandbox::class);
        $request = $this->prepareRequest($req);
        try {$sandbox->setRequest($request);
            $response = $sandbox->run($request);
            $this->sendResponse($sandbox, $response, $res);
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            try {
                $exceptionResponse = $this->app
                    ->render($request, $e);
                $this->sendResponse($sandbox, $exceptionResponse, $res);
            } catch (Throwable $e) {$this->logServerError($e);
        } finally {$sandbox->clear();

代码中,从容器中取出沙盒,然后将请求注入到沙盒,并在沙盒中计算并返回结果。最终对沙盒进行清除,那么 Sandbox 是如何起到沙盒的作用的呢?


    public function setRequest(Request $request)
    {Context::setData('_request', $request);
        return $this;

上述代码将请求注入到了沙盒内,这里又多出一个 Context,那么这个类又是做什么的呢?为何不在沙盒内整个属性来存储呢?这个我们文末在做介绍,我介绍沙盒。

     public function init()
    {if (!$this->config instanceof Config) {throw new RuntimeException('Please initialize after setting base app.');
        $this->setInstance($app = $this->getApplication());

最主要的环节也就是这里了,看到这里就明白沙盒为何称之为沙盒了。由于 tp6 是基于容器创建和销毁资源的,那么各个容器之间是相对隔离的。下面接着看代码

//$this->setInstance($app = $this->getApplication());
 public function getApplication()
    {$snapshot = $this->getSnapshot();
        if ($snapshot instanceof Container) {return $snapshot;}
        $snapshot = clone $this->getBaseApp();
        return $snapshot;



最后,$sandbox->clear(),清空 Context 类中保存的当前协程的数据,并将当前沙盒的容器初始化

public function clear()


沙盒当中为何会需要 Context 类呢?看到这个类以后就会明白了,static::getCoroutineId() 是获取当前的协程 ID,每一个协程都会有一个独一无二的 ID,这样通过 Context 来存一些特殊数据或者对象就不会造成数据混乱。因为只有当前协程才可以读取到该数据。


namespace think\swoole\coroutine;

use Swoole\Coroutine;
use think\Container;

class Context
     * The app containers in different coroutine environment.
     * @var array
    protected static $apps = [];

     * The data in different coroutine environment.
     * @var array
    protected static $data = [];

     * Get app container by current coroutine id.
    public static function getApp()
    {return static::$apps[static::getCoroutineId()] ?? null;

     * Set app container by current coroutine id.
     * @param Container $app
    public static function setApp(Container $app)
    {static::$apps[static::getCoroutineId()] = $app;

     * Get data by current coroutine id.
     * @param string $key
     * @return mixed|null
    public static function getData(string $key)
    {return static::$data[static::getCoroutineId()][$key] ?? null;

     * Set data by current coroutine id.
     * @param string $key
     * @param        $value
    public static function setData(string $key, $value)
    {static::$data[static::getCoroutineId()][$key] = $value;

     * Remove data by current coroutine id.
     * @param string $key
    public static function removeData(string $key)

     * Get data keys by current coroutine id.
    public static function getDataKeys()
    {return array_keys(static::$data[static::getCoroutineId()] ?? []);

     * Clear data by current coroutine id.
    public static function clear()

     * Get current coroutine id.
    public static function getCoroutineId()
    {return Coroutine::getuid();
