上一篇文章说了 ES 的源码编译以及如何在本地编译。这一篇文章主要说明 ES 的启动过程。
参考 ElasticSearch 源码编译和 Debug。
说明:本文章使用的 ES 版本是:6.7.0
启动在上一篇文章中介绍的 Debug 模式中的一种,这里我用的远程 Debug 模式。
ElasticSearch 的启动过程
跟着 Debug 流程走一遍,可以看出 ES 启动流程大概分为以下几个阶段:
- org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch#main(java.lang.String[]) 解析命令参数,加载配置,权限验证
- org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap 初始化,资源检查
org.elasticsearch.node.Node 启动单机节点,创建 keepAlive 线程
为创建 Node 对象做准备,并最终创建 Node 对象
创建 Node 对象
- 如何加载模块和插件
- 创建模块和插件的线程池
- 启动 Node 实例
- 如果通过启动命令传入了 DNS Cache 时间,则重写 DNS Cache 时间
创建 SecurityManager 安全管理器
SecurityManager:安全管理器在 Java 语言中的作用就是检查操作是否有权限执行,通过则顺序进行,否则抛出一个异常
- LogConfigurator.registerErrorListener(); 注册错误日志监听器
new Elasticsearch(); 创建 Elasticsearch 对象
Elasticsearch类继承了 EnvironmentAwareCommand、Command,其完整的继承关系如下
所以 Elasticsearch 也可以解析命令行参数。 -
elasticsearch.main(args, terminal); 这里的 main 方法是其父类中的 main 方法,这里因为继承关系,方法执行的顺序如下:
- org.elasticsearch.cli.Command#main 注册 shutdownHook,当程序异常关闭时打印异常信息
- org.elasticsearch.cli.Command#mainWithoutErrorHandling 解析命令行参数
- org.elasticsearch.cli.EnvironmentAwareCommand#execute 加载配置路径:home、data、logs
- org.elasticsearch.cli.EnvironmentAwareCommand#createEnv 加载 elasticsearch.yaml 配置文件,创建 command 运行的环境
- org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch#execute 配置验证,进入 Bootstrap.init 阶段
二、org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap 初始化,资源检查
Bootstrap 阶段做的事情比较多,主要方法如下:
* This method is invoked by {@link Elasticsearch#main(String[])} to startup elasticsearch.
static void init(
final boolean foreground,
final Path pidFile,
final boolean quiet,
final Environment initialEnv) throws BootstrapException, NodeValidationException, UserException {
// force the class initializer for BootstrapInfo to run before
// the security manager is installed
INSTANCE = new Bootstrap();
final SecureSettings keystore = loadSecureSettings(initialEnv);
final Environment environment = createEnvironment(foreground, pidFile, keystore, initialEnv.settings(), initialEnv.configFile());
if (Node.NODE_NAME_SETTING.exists(environment.settings())) {LogConfigurator.setNodeName(Node.NODE_NAME_SETTING.get(environment.settings()));
try {LogConfigurator.configure(environment);
} catch (IOException e) {throw new BootstrapException(e);
if (environment.pidFile() != null) {
try {PidFile.create(environment.pidFile(), true);
} catch (IOException e) {throw new BootstrapException(e);
final boolean closeStandardStreams = (foreground == false) || quiet;
try {if (closeStandardStreams) {final Logger rootLogger = LogManager.getRootLogger();
final Appender maybeConsoleAppender = Loggers.findAppender(rootLogger, ConsoleAppender.class);
if (maybeConsoleAppender != null) {Loggers.removeAppender(rootLogger, maybeConsoleAppender);
// fail if somebody replaced the lucene jars
// install the default uncaught exception handler; must be done before security is
// initialized as we do not want to grant the runtime permission
// setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler
Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new ElasticsearchUncaughtExceptionHandler());
INSTANCE.setup(true, environment);
try {
// any secure settings must be read during node construction
} catch (IOException e) {throw new BootstrapException(e);
if (closeStandardStreams) {closeSysError();
} catch (NodeValidationException | RuntimeException e) {// disable console logging, so user does not see the exception twice (jvm will show it already)
final Logger rootLogger = LogManager.getRootLogger();
final Appender maybeConsoleAppender = Loggers.findAppender(rootLogger, ConsoleAppender.class);
if (foreground && maybeConsoleAppender != null) {Loggers.removeAppender(rootLogger, maybeConsoleAppender);
Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(Bootstrap.class);
// HACK, it sucks to do this, but we will run users out of disk space otherwise
if (e instanceof CreationException) {
// guice: log the shortened exc to the log file
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream ps = null;
try {ps = new PrintStream(os, false, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
assert false;
new StartupException(e).printStackTrace(ps);
try {logger.error("Guice Exception: {}", os.toString("UTF-8"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
assert false;
} else if (e instanceof NodeValidationException) {logger.error("node validation exception\n{}", e.getMessage());
} else {
// full exception
logger.error("Exception", e);
// re-enable it if appropriate, so they can see any logging during the shutdown process
if (foreground && maybeConsoleAppender != null) {Loggers.addAppender(rootLogger, maybeConsoleAppender);
throw e;
INSTANCE = new Bootstrap();, 创建 Bootstrap 对象实例,该类构造函数会创建一个用户线程,添加到 Runtime Hook 中,进行 countDown 操作
CountDownLatch 是一个同步工具类,它允许一个或多个线程一直等待,直到其他线程执行完后再执行。例如,应用程序的主线程希望在负责启动框架服务的线程已经启动所有框架服务之后执行。
- loadSecureSettings(initialEnv);: 加载 keystore 安全配置,keystore 文件不存在则创建,保存;存在则解密,更新 keystore
- createEnvironment:根据配置,创建 Elasticsearch 运行的必须环境
- setNodeName:设置节点名称,这个在日志中打印的时候会使用
配置文件加载日志相关配置 - PidFile.create(environment.pidFile(), true);:检查 PID 文件是否存在,不存在则创建,同时写入程序进程 ID
- checkLucene 检查 Lucene jar 包版本
UncaughtExceptionHandler: 在多线程中,有时无法捕获其他线程产生的异常,这时候需要某种机制捕获并处理异常,UncaughtExceptionHandler 就是来做这件事情的
- INSTANCE.setup(true, environment); 为创建 Node 对象做准备,并最终创建 Node 对象
- INSTANCE.start(); 启动 Node 实例
三、org.elasticsearch.node.Node 启动单机节点,创建 keepAlive 线程
1、INSTANCE.setup(true, environment); 为创建 Node 对象做准备,并最终创建 Node 对象
在 Bootstrap.init 中调用该方法。
setup 方法如下:
private void setup(boolean addShutdownHook, Environment environment) throws BootstrapException {Settings settings = environment.settings();
try {spawner.spawnNativeControllers(environment);
} catch (IOException e) {throw new BootstrapException(e);
// initialize probes before the security manager is installed
if (addShutdownHook) {Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {IOUtils.close(node, spawner);
LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
} catch (IOException ex) {throw new ElasticsearchException("failed to stop node", ex);
try {
// look for jar hell
final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(JarHell.class);
} catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e) {throw new BootstrapException(e);
// Log ifconfig output before SecurityManager is installed
// install SM after natives, shutdown hooks, etc.
try {Security.configure(environment, BootstrapSettings.SECURITY_FILTER_BAD_DEFAULTS_SETTING.get(settings));
} catch (IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {throw new BootstrapException(e);
node = new Node(environment) {
protected void validateNodeBeforeAcceptingRequests(
final BootstrapContext context,
final BoundTransportAddress boundTransportAddress, List<BootstrapCheck> checks) throws NodeValidationException {BootstrapChecks.check(context, boundTransportAddress, checks);
protected void registerDerivedNodeNameWithLogger(String nodeName) {LogConfigurator.setNodeName(nodeName);
- spawner.spawnNativeControllers(environment);:读取 modules 文件夹下的所有模块,遍历所有模块,为每个模块生成 native Controller。
initializeNatives(Path tmpFile, boolean mlockAll, boolean systemCallFilter, boolean ctrlHandler):初始化本地资源
- 如果是 root 用户,抛出异常
- 尝试启动 系统调用过滤器 system call filter
- 尝试调用 mlockall
- 如果是 Windows 关闭事件监听器
- initializeProbes(); 初始化进程和系统探针。//TODO:这里探针的作用是?权限验证?
- 添加一个 ShutdownHook,当 ES 退出时用于关闭必要的 IO 流,日志器上下文和配置器等
- JarHell.checkJarHell(logger::debug);:Checks the current classpath for duplicate classes
- IfConfig.logIfNecessary();:Debug 模式,打印 IfConfig 信息
- Security.configure(): 加载 SecurityManager,权限验证
- new Node(environment):根据运行环境,创建 Node 对象
1.1、new Node(environment) 创建 Node 对象
Node 的创建过程很复杂,这里只大概说一下里面做了哪些事情,详细的过程还需读者细度源码。其部分代码如下:
* Constructs a node
* @param environment the environment for this node
* @param classpathPlugins the plugins to be loaded from the classpath
* @param forbidPrivateIndexSettings whether or not private index settings are forbidden when creating an index; this is used in the
* test framework for tests that rely on being able to set private settings
protected Node(final Environment environment, Collection<Class<? extends Plugin>> classpathPlugins, boolean forbidPrivateIndexSettings) {logger = LogManager.getLogger(Node.class);
final List<Closeable> resourcesToClose = new ArrayList<>(); // register everything we need to release in the case of an error
boolean success = false;
try {Settings tmpSettings = Settings.builder().put(environment.settings())
.put(Client.CLIENT_TYPE_SETTING_S.getKey(), CLIENT_TYPE).build();
* Create the node environment as soon as possible so we can
* recover the node id which we might have to use to derive the
* node name. And it is important to get *that* as soon as possible
* so that log lines can contain it.
boolean nodeNameExplicitlyDefined = NODE_NAME_SETTING.exists(tmpSettings);
try {
Consumer<String> nodeIdConsumer = nodeNameExplicitlyDefined ?
nodeId -> {} : nodeId -> registerDerivedNodeNameWithLogger(nodeIdToNodeName(nodeId));
nodeEnvironment = new NodeEnvironment(tmpSettings, environment, nodeIdConsumer);
} catch (IOException ex) {throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create node environment", ex);
if (nodeNameExplicitlyDefined) {logger.info("node name [{}], node ID [{}]",
NODE_NAME_SETTING.get(tmpSettings), nodeEnvironment.nodeId());
} else {tmpSettings = Settings.builder()
.put(NODE_NAME_SETTING.getKey(), nodeIdToNodeName(nodeEnvironment.nodeId()))
logger.info("node name derived from node ID [{}]; set [{}] to override",
nodeEnvironment.nodeId(), NODE_NAME_SETTING.getKey());
final JvmInfo jvmInfo = JvmInfo.jvmInfo();
logger.info("version[{}], pid[{}], build[{}/{}/{}/{}], OS[{}/{}/{}], JVM[{}/{}/{}/{}]",
Version.displayVersion(Version.CURRENT, Build.CURRENT.isSnapshot()),
logger.info("JVM arguments {}", Arrays.toString(jvmInfo.getInputArguments()));
warnIfPreRelease(Version.CURRENT, Build.CURRENT.isSnapshot(), logger);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {logger.debug("using config [{}], data [{}], logs [{}], plugins [{}]",
environment.configFile(), Arrays.toString(environment.dataFiles()), environment.logsFile(), environment.pluginsFile());
Node 实例化对象过程如下:
- new Lifecycle();:生命周期 Lifecycle 设置为 初始化状态 INITIALIZED
- new NodeEnvironment(tmpSettings, environment, nodeIdConsumer);:创建 node 运行环境
- JvmInfo.jvmInfo();:读取 JVM 信息,Debug 模式打印该信息
- new PluginsService(tmpSettings,environment.configFile(),environment.modulesFile(),environment.pluginsFile(),classpathPlugins);:加载扩展服务 PluginService,预加载模块、插件
- new LocalNodeFactory(settings, nodeEnvironment.nodeId());:创建本地 Node 工厂
- Environment.assertEquivalent(environment, this.environment);:保证启动过程中,配置没有被更改
- new ThreadPool():创建模块和插件的线程池
- new NodeClient:创建 Node 客户端
- 加载模块:集群管理,Indices(什么用处?)、搜索模块
- new MetaDataCreateIndexService():创建索引服务
- modules.createInjector();:加载其他所有剩余模块并注入模块管理器中
- clusterModule.getAllocationService().setGatewayAllocator(injector.getInstance(GatewayAllocator.class));:加载网关模块
如果启动了 http 配置,则加载 rest 中的所有 ActionHandler,用于处理各种 http 请求,代码如下:
if (NetworkModule.HTTP_ENABLED.get(settings)) {logger.debug("initializing HTTP handlers ..."); actionModule.initRestHandlers(() -> clusterService.state().nodes()); }
1.1.1、new PluginsService 如何加载模块和插件
在 new PluginsService 中有代码:Set<Bundle> modules = getModuleBundles(modulesDirectory);,用来加载模块和插件,跟进代码来到 org.elasticsearch.plugins.PluginsService#readPluginBundle 方法如下:
// get a bundle for a single plugin dir
private static Bundle readPluginBundle(final Set<Bundle> bundles, final Path plugin, String type) throws IOException {LogManager.getLogger(PluginsService.class).trace("--- adding [{}] [{}]", type, plugin.toAbsolutePath());
final PluginInfo info;
try {info = PluginInfo.readFromProperties(plugin);
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not load plugin descriptor for" + type +
"directory [" + plugin.getFileName() + "]", e);
final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(info, plugin);
if (bundles.add(bundle) == false) {throw new IllegalStateException("duplicate" + type + ":" + info);
return bundle;
其中的 info = PluginInfo.readFromProperties(plugin); 就是从指定目录加载模块或者插件,代码如下:
* Reads the plugin descriptor file.
* @param path the path to the root directory for the plugin
* @return the plugin info
* @throws IOException if an I/O exception occurred reading the plugin descriptor
public static PluginInfo readFromProperties(final Path path) throws IOException {final Path descriptor = path.resolve(ES_PLUGIN_PROPERTIES);
final Map<String, String> propsMap;
{final Properties props = new Properties();
try (InputStream stream = Files.newInputStream(descriptor)) {props.load(stream);
propsMap = props.stringPropertyNames().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), props::getProperty));
final String name = propsMap.remove("name");
if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("property [name] is missing in [" + descriptor + "]");
final String description = propsMap.remove("description");
if (description == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("property [description] is missing for plugin [" + name + "]");
final String version = propsMap.remove("version");
if (version == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("property [version] is missing for plugin [" + name + "]");
final String esVersionString = propsMap.remove("elasticsearch.version");
if (esVersionString == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("property [elasticsearch.version] is missing for plugin [" + name + "]");
final Version esVersion = Version.fromString(esVersionString);
final String javaVersionString = propsMap.remove("java.version");
if (javaVersionString == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("property [java.version] is missing for plugin [" + name + "]");
final String classname = propsMap.remove("classname");
if (classname == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("property [classname] is missing for plugin [" + name + "]");
final String extendedString = propsMap.remove("extended.plugins");
final List<String> extendedPlugins;
if (extendedString == null) {extendedPlugins = Collections.emptyList();
} else {extendedPlugins = Arrays.asList(Strings.delimitedListToStringArray(extendedString, ","));
final String hasNativeControllerValue = propsMap.remove("has.native.controller");
final boolean hasNativeController;
if (hasNativeControllerValue == null) {hasNativeController = false;} else {switch (hasNativeControllerValue) {
case "true":
hasNativeController = true;
case "false":
hasNativeController = false;
final String message = String.format(
"property [%s] must be [%s], [%s], or unspecified but was [%s]",
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
if (esVersion.before(Version.V_6_3_0) && esVersion.onOrAfter(Version.V_6_0_0_beta2)) {propsMap.remove("requires.keystore");
if (propsMap.isEmpty() == false) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown properties in plugin descriptor:" + propsMap.keySet());
return new PluginInfo(name, description, version, esVersion, javaVersionString,
classname, extendedPlugins, hasNativeController);
public static final String ES_PLUGIN_PROPERTIES = "plugin-descriptor.properties";
public static final String ES_PLUGIN_POLICY = "plugin-security.policy";
这是两个配置模板,每个插件和模块都会按照 plugin-descriptor.properties 中的模板读取响应的配置:name、description、version、elasticsearch.version、java.version、classname、has.native.controller、require.keystore。用这些配置,最终封装成一个 PluginInfo 对象。最终返回给 PluginsService 的数据结构如下:Set<Bundle(PluginInfo, path)>
1.1.2、new ThreadPool():创建模块和插件的线程池
ES 的线程池类型:
public enum ThreadPoolType {DIRECT("direct"),
private final String type;
public String getType() {return type;}
ThreadPoolType(String type) {this.type = type;}
private static final Map<String, ThreadPoolType> TYPE_MAP;
static {Map<String, ThreadPoolType> typeMap = new HashMap<>();
for (ThreadPoolType threadPoolType : ThreadPoolType.values()) {typeMap.put(threadPoolType.getType(), threadPoolType);
TYPE_MAP = Collections.unmodifiableMap(typeMap);
public static ThreadPoolType fromType(String type) {ThreadPoolType threadPoolType = TYPE_MAP.get(type);
if (threadPoolType == null) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("no ThreadPoolType for" + type);
return threadPoolType;
- fixed(固定):fixed 线程池拥有固定数量的线程来处理请求,在没有空闲线程时请求将被挂在队列中。queue_size 参数可以控制在没有空闲线程时,能排队挂起的请求数
- fixed_auto_queue_size:此类型为实验性的,将被更改或删除,不关注
- scaling(弹性):scaling 线程池拥有的线程数量是动态的,这个数字介于 core 和 max 参数的配置之间变化。keep_alive 参数用来控制线程在线程池中空闲的最长时间
- direct:此类线程是一种不支持关闭的线程, 就意味着一旦使用, 则会一直存活下去.
public static class Names {
public static final String SAME = "same";
public static final String GENERIC = "generic";
public static final String LISTENER = "listener";
public static final String GET = "get";
public static final String ANALYZE = "analyze";
public static final String INDEX = "index";
public static final String WRITE = "write";
public static final String SEARCH = "search";
public static final String SEARCH_THROTTLED = "search_throttled";
public static final String MANAGEMENT = "management";
public static final String FLUSH = "flush";
public static final String REFRESH = "refresh";
public static final String WARMER = "warmer";
public static final String SNAPSHOT = "snapshot";
public static final String FORCE_MERGE = "force_merge";
public static final String FETCH_SHARD_STARTED = "fetch_shard_started";
public static final String FETCH_SHARD_STORE = "fetch_shard_store";
2、INSTANCE.start(); 启动 Node 实例
在 Bootstrap.init 中调用该方法。
[elasticsearch] [2019-04-09T20:01:12,428][INFO][o.e.n.Node] [node-0] starting ...
就说明 Node 已经开始启动了。
Node 的启动步骤,大概做了这些事情:
服务名 简介 IndicesService 索引管理 IndicesClusterStateService 跨集群同步 SnapshotsService 负责创建快照 SnapshotShardsService 此服务在数据和主节点上运行,并控制这些节点上当前快照的分片。它负责启动和停止分片级别快照 RoutingService 侦听集群状态,当它收到 ClusterChangedEvent(集群改变事件)将验证集群状态,路由表可能会更新 SearchService 搜索服务 ClusterService 集群管理 NodeConnectionsService 此组件负责在节点添加到群集状态后连接到节点,并在删除它们时断开连接。此外,它会定期检查所有连接是否仍处于打开状态,并在需要时还原它们。请注意,如果节点断开 / 不响应 ping,则此组件不负责从群集中删除节点。这是由 NodesFaultDetection 完成的。主故障检测由链接 MasterFaultDetection 完成。 ResourceWatcherService 通用资源观察器服务 GatewayService 网关服务 Discovery 节点发现? TransportService 节点间数据同步网络服务 TaskResultsService HttpServerTransport 外部网络服务 - 将 node 连接服务(NodeConnectionsService)绑定到集群服务上(ClusterService)
- TransportService 启动后,验证节点,验证通过后,改服务用于 node 间的数据同步提供网络支持
- 开启线程,去探测发现是否有集群,有则加入集群,这里也会启动一个 CountDownLatch 进行等待,直到集群选举出 master
- 开启 HttpServerTransport,接受外部网络请求
[elasticsearch] [2019-04-09T20:04:16,388][INFO][o.e.n.Node] [node-0] started
从上面的步骤可以看出 Elasticsearch 的单节点启动过程还是很复杂的,而且文章只是列出了大概的启动步骤,还有很多细节没有深挖,比如节点和集群的相互发现与加入,节点间的数据同步,集群 master 是如何选举的等。细节还需各位读者深读源码。
- 搜索引擎 ElasticSearch 源码编译和 Debug 环境搭建
- 搜索引擎 ElasticSearch 的启动过程
- Elasticsearch 创建索引流程
- Elasticsearch 搜索过程详解
- Elasticsearch 搜索相关性排序算法详解
- Elasticsearch 中的倒排索引