共计 1505 个字符,预计需要花费 4 分钟才能阅读完成。
优先队列是至少有两种操作的数据结构:插入 (Insert), 删除最小者 (DeleteMin)。
二叉堆抽象概念是一个完全填满的二叉树 (底层可能有例外),由于父子关系很有规律 (任意位置 i 上的元素,父亲在 abs(i/2), 左儿子在 2i 上,有儿子在 2i+ 1 上,用左移右移操作实现乘除 ),可以用数组实现而不需要指针 (链表)。
/* Elr Heap Int Source */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "elr_heap_int.h"
#define parent(x) (x >> 1)
#define left(x) (x << 1)
#define right(x) (x << 1 + 1)
pHeap elrInitHeap(int capaticy) {
pHeap s;
s = malloc(sizeof(sHeap));
if (s == NULL) {printf("out of space!");
s->data = malloc(sizeof(long long int) * (capaticy + 1));
if (s->data == NULL) {printf("out of space!");
s->capacity = capaticy;
s->size = 0;
s->data[0] = -1;
return s;
void elrFreeHeap(pHeap info) {if (info != NULL) {free(info->data);
int elrIsHeapEmpty(pHeap info) {return info->size == 0;}
int elrIsHeapFull(pHeap info) {return info->size == info->capacity;}
void elrPushHeap(pHeap info, long long int value) {
int i;
if (elrIsHeapFull(info)) {printf("full heap");
} else {for (i = ++info->size; info->data[parent(i)] > value; i = parent(i)) {info->data[i] = info->data[parent(i)];
info->data[i] = value;
long long int elrFindHeapMin(pHeap info) {if (elrIsHeapEmpty(info)) {printf("empty heap");
return info->data[0];
} else {return info->data[1];
long long int elrDeleteHeapMin(pHeap info) {
int i, child;
long long int min, last;
if (elrIsHeapEmpty(info)) {printf("empty heap");
return info->data[0];
} else {min = info->data[1];
last = info->data[info->size--];
for (i = 1; left(i) <= info->size; i = child) {child = left(i);
if ((child != info->size) && (info->data[child] >= info->data[child + 1])) {child++;}
if (last > info->data[child]) {info->data[i] = info->data[child];
} else {break;}
info->data[i] = last;
return min;