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//1. 定义三种状态
const PENDING = 'pending'
const RESOLVED = 'resolved'
const REJECTED = 'rejected'
function MyPromisr(fn){
// 重命名 this,防止接下来找不到正确的 this
const that = this
that.state = PENDING // 初始状态为等待
that.value = null //value 用于保存 resolved 或 rejoiced 传入的值
that.resolvedCallbacks = [] // 成功请求后的回调数组
// 定义完成的回调函数
function resolved(value) {
// 只有在等待状态才可以改变状态
if (that.state === PENDING) {
that.state = RESOLVED
that.value = value
that.resolvedCallbacks.map(cb => cb(that.value))
// 定义拒绝的回调函数
function rejected(value) {
// 只有在等待状态才可以改变状态
if (that.state === PENDING) {
that.state = REJECTED
that.value = value
that.rejectedCallbacks.map(cb => cb(that.value))
// 定义了两种状态的回调函数后, 执行 mypromise 传参的函数
try {fn(resolved,rejected)
} catch (e) {rejected(e)
// 定义 then
MyPromise.prototype.then = function(onFulfilled,onRejected){
const that = this
onFulfilled = typeof onFulfilled === 'function' ? onFulfilled :v => v
onRejected =
typeof onRejected === 'function'
? onRejected
: r => {throw r}
if (that.state === PENDING) {that.resolvedCallbacks.push(onFulfilled)
if (that.state === RESOLVED) {onFulfilled(that.value)
// console.log(that.state,'has change')
if (that.state === REJECTED) {onRejected(that.value)
// 调用
new MyPromise((resolved,rejected) => {setTimeout(()=>{resolved(1)
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