import turf from 'turf'
export default {
* 获取指定级别的瓦片数目
_getMapSize(level) {return Math.pow(2, level);
* Convert a longitude coordinate (in degrees) to the tile X number at a
* certain zoom level. 经度转瓦片列号
* @param longitude
* the longitude coordinate that should be converted.
* @param zoom
* the zoom level at which the coordinate should be converted.
* @return the tile X number of the longitude value.
longitudeToTileX(longitude, zoom) {let px = this.longitudeToPixelX(longitude, zoom);
return this.pixelXToTileX(px, zoom);
* Convert a latitude coordinate (in degrees) to a tile Y number at a
* certain zoom level. 纬度转瓦片行号
* @param latitude
* the latitude coordinate that should be converted.
* @param zoom
* the zoom level at which the coordinate should be converted.
* @return the tile Y number of the latitude value.
latitudeToTileY(latitude, zoom) {let py = this.latitudeToPixelY(latitude, zoom);
return this.pixelYToTileY(py, zoom);
* Convert a latitude coordinate (in degrees) to a pixel Y coordinate at a
* certain zoom level. 经纬度坐标 (纬度) 转屏幕像素坐标(Y)
* @param latitude
* the latitude coordinate that should be converted.
* @param zoom
* the zoom level at which the coordinate should be converted.
* @return the pixel Y coordinate of the latitude value.
latitudeToPixelY(latitude, zoom) {let sinLatitude = Math.sin(latitude * Math.PI / 180);
return (0.5 - Math.log((1 + sinLatitude) / (1 - sinLatitude)) / (4 * Math.PI)) * (this.TILE_SIZE << zoom);
* Convert a longitude coordinate (in degrees) to a pixel X coordinate at a
* certain zoom level. 经纬度坐标 (经度) 转屏幕像素坐标(X)
* @param longitude
* the longitude coordinate that should be converted.
* @param zoom
* the zoom level at which the coordinate should be converted.
* @return the pixel X coordinate of the longitude value.
longitudeToPixelX(longitude, zoom) {return (longitude + 180) / 360 * (this.TILE_SIZE << zoom);
* 指定级别下,将宏观上的经度转换为该列上的瓦片的像素列号(微观)
_lngToPixelX(longitude, level) {let x = (longitude + 180) / 360;
let pixelX = Math.floor(x * this._getMapSize(level) * 256 % 256);
return pixelX;
* 指定级别纬度对应的像素行号
_latToPixelY(latitude, level) {let sinLatitude = Math.sin(latitude * Math.PI / 180);
let y = 0.5 - Math.log((1 + sinLatitude) / (1 - sinLatitude)) / (4 * Math.PI);
let pixelY = Math.floor(y * this._getMapSize(level) * 256 % 256);
return pixelY;
* Convert a pixel X coordinate to the tile X number.
* @param pixelX
* the pixel X coordinate that should be converted.
* @param zoom
* the zoom level at which the coordinate should be converted.
* @return the tile X number.
pixelXToTileX(pixelX, zoom) {return Math.floor(Math.min(Math.max(pixelX / this.TILE_SIZE, 0), Math.pow(2, zoom) - 1));
* Converts a pixel Y coordinate to the tile Y number.
* @param pixelY
* the pixel Y coordinate that should be converted.
* @param zoom
* the zoom level at which the coordinate should be converted.
* @return the tile Y number.
pixelYToTileY(pixelY, zoom) {return Math.floor(Math.min(Math.max(pixelY / this.TILE_SIZE, 0), Math.pow(2, zoom) - 1));