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今天看了 maven 并行编译的相关文章,于是就想是否有相关的命令可以查看 maven 所有的非线程安全的插件呢。
在编译的时候使用 maven 会自动给出相关警告,如下面所示
[WARNING] *****************************************************************
[WARNING] * Your build is requesting parallel execution, but project *
[WARNING] * contains the following plugin(s) that have goals not marked *
[WARNING] * as @threadSafe to support parallel building. *
[WARNING] * While this /may/ work fine, please look for plugin updates *
[WARNING] * and/or request plugins be made thread-safe. *
[WARNING] * If reporting an issue, report it against the plugin in *
[WARNING] * question, not against maven-core *
[WARNING] *****************************************************************
[WARNING] The following plugins are not marked @threadSafe in Traderoot Maven Parent:
[WARNING] com.googlecode.maven-download-plugin:download-maven-plugin:1.3.0
[WARNING] Enable debug to see more precisely which goals are not marked @threadSafe.
[WARNING] *****************************************************************