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rsync 是主机间同步和备份的神器。相对于 ftp、scp 等工具,rsync 功能更强大,同步 / 传输效率更高,实属服务器的必备工具。
最近使用 rsync 时发现一个问题:PC 和移动硬盘之间用 rsync 同步,修改过的二进制大文件会整个文件重传,效率十分低下。说好的 rsync 只传输差异部分呢?还是二进制文件的问题?但 rsync 的 man 手册明明这样写的:
Rsync is a fast and extraordinarily versatile file copying tool. It can copy locally, to/from another host over any remote shell, or to/from a remote rsync daemon. It offers a large number of options that control every aspect of its behavior and permit very flexible specification of the set of files to be copied. It is famous for its delta-transfer algorithm, which reduces the amount of data sent over the network by sending only the differences between the source files and the existing files in the destination. Rsync is widely used for backups and mirroring and as an improved copy command for everyday use.
带着这个疑问上网查询,找到一个和我有同样困惑的人:Smarter filetransfers than rsync?。
Rsync will not use deltas but will transmit the full file in its entirety if it – as a single process – is responsible for the source and destination files. It can transmit deltas when there is a separate client and server process running on the source and destination machines.The reason that rsync will not send deltas when it is the only process is that in order to determine whether it needs to send a delta it needs to read the source and destination files. By the time it’s done that it might as well have just copied the file directly.

翻译过来是:主机间通过网络同步文件,每个主机各运行一个 rsync 进程分别本机内的文件 hash,然后通过网络传输差异部分;主机内的同步只有一个进程,rsync 认为与其先对比文件再复制差异部分,不如直接进行复制来得快,故而选择传送整个文件。
仔细想一下,rsync 的行为是合理的:主机间通讯的瓶颈在网络带宽,先计算差异部分再传效率高;同主机内是硬盘对拷,速度是网络速度的十来倍,直接拷贝比一般比先对比再传输更快,直接复制整个文件是很好的选择。
写了个脚本测试 rsync 的行为:
<pre>#!/bin/bashecho “make test file”dd if=/dev/zero of=testfile bs=1024k count=512echo “cp test file”cp testfile syncfileecho “make changes to test file”echo ‘1234567890’ >> testfileecho “rsync file in local…”rsync -avh -P testfile syncfile
echo “”echo “restore sync file”dd if=/dev/zero of=syncfile bs=1024k count=512echo “rsync file via network”rsync -avh -P testfile localhost:~/syncfile</pre>
<img src=”…; alt=”” width=”665″ height=”444″ class=”aligncenter size-large wp-image-3233″ />
结果和预期的一致:本机内同步时,直接全量复制;走 SSH 协议后,仅发送差异部分,显著提高效率。
rsync 的做法没毛病,但仅做过小部分修改的大文件,同主机内全量拷贝也很伤人。解决办法是用测试脚本内的模拟网络传输。Linux 系统的主机基本都内置 SSHD,写命令时加上 localhost 和代表网络的冒号即可;Windows 10 的 1809 版本上,OpenSSH 已经成为系统的内置组建,安装和使用也省心。此外有 Cygwin、Bitvise SSH Server 等可供选择,安装好后也同步大文件也不再是问题。
另一个需要注意的问题是跨分区或设备进行同步时,文件系统应当互相兼容,否则可能会出现问题。例如从 NTFS 文件系统向 (ex)FAT 优盘同步文件,使用常用的 -avhP 选项,每次同步都会将所有文件复制一遍。问题在于两个文件系统支持的功能不同,FAT 不支持 -l、- p 等功能,加上这些选项会让 rsync 判断为两个不同的文件,从而再次复制。针对这种情况,要使用 -cvrhP 选项。

Smarter filetransfers than rsync?
OpenSSH in Windows
Installing CYGWIN + SSHD for remote access through SSH on windows
Installing SFTP/SSH Server on Windows using OpenSSH
Bitvise SSH Server
rsync not working between NTFS/FAT and EXT
