React Umi: 包装与JSSDK的嵌入:一种构建实践


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React Umi, a popular library for building Web applications, provides a powerful framework with React components. JSSDK (JavaScript SDK) is an extension to Umi that adds functionality to the development experience.

Both of these tools are very useful in modern web application development. However, their integration and usage can be challenging without proper understanding of how they work together. This article will guide you through a step-by-step process of integrating React Umi with JSSDK in order to build an application that leverages both powerful frameworks effectively.

Setting up the Development Environment

Before diving into the integration, ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system. Next, install umi globally by running npm install -g umi.

Afterward, initialize a new project using umi init, replacing “MyProject” with your desired project name.

Installing JSSDK Extension

Next, add the JSSDK extension to your project by running npm i --save-dev @umi/extension-js-sdk.

Then, update your umi-config.js file to include the following configuration:

const {create} = require(‘umi’);

module.exports = create({
// …
extensions: [‘@umi/extension-js-sdk’],

Now that JSSDK is installed and configured in your Umi project, let’s move on to integrating React Umi with JSSDK.

Integrating React Umi with JSSDK

React Umi provides a way for developers to easily build Web applications. The main features of React Umi include:

  • Component-based architecture
  • Built-in routing system
  • Universal import/export system
  • A powerful API to work with DOM elements

JSSDK, on the other hand, provides JavaScript SDK functionality to the Umi project. It adds support for JavaScript functions and variables, as well as error handling.

To integrate React Umi with JSSDK, follow these steps:

  1. Update your umi-config.js file by adding the following configuration to include both extensions:

const {create} = require(‘umi’);

module.exports = create({
// …
extensions: [‘@umi/extension-js-sdk’, ‘@umi/react-umicharts’],

  1. Install the necessary packages for using JSSDK in Umi by running npm i @umi/extension-js-sdk.

  2. Create a new file named app.js and add your React components to it.

  3. Use the @umi/extension-js-sdk package to import and use the JavaScript SDK within Umi:

import {create} from ‘@umi/extension-js-sdk’;
import {Router, Route, Link, HashLink} from ‘react-router-dom’;
import axios from ‘axios’;

const router = new Router({
mode: process.env.NODE_ENV === ‘production’ ? ‘hash’ : ‘history’,

export default function App() {
const [error, setError] = React.useState(null);
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = React.useState(false);

// …

return (



  1. Now, you can start the development server by running npm run dev. This will launch your Umi app with JSSDK integration.

  2. Start testing your application to ensure everything is working as expected. You should be able to import and use JavaScript functions within your React components in Umi using JSSDK.


React Umi, together with JSSDK, provides a powerful platform for building Web applications. By following the above steps, you can easily integrate these libraries into your project, allowing you to leverage their full capabilities effectively. Remember that this is just one of many integration scenarios in Umi, and there are likely many more features available depending on your specific needs.

With React Umi and JSSDK combined, developers can create applications that not only look great but also work smoothly across all devices. So whether you’re building a web application, a desktop app, or something else entirely, React Umi with JSSDK is a powerful combination to have in your arsenal.
