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本文主要研究一下 rocketmq-client-go 的 api.go



type Producer interface {Start() error
    Shutdown() error
    SendSync(ctx context.Context, mq ...*primitive.Message) (*primitive.SendResult, error)
    SendAsync(ctx context.Context, mq func(ctx context.Context, result *primitive.SendResult, err error),
        msg ...*primitive.Message) error
    SendOneWay(ctx context.Context, mq ...*primitive.Message) error

func NewProducer(opts ...producer.Option) (Producer, error) {return producer.NewDefaultProducer(opts...)
  • Producer 定义了 Start、Shutdown、SendSync、SendAsync、SendOneWay 方法;NewProducer 方法通过 producer.NewDefaultProducer 创建 Producer



type TransactionProducer interface {Start() error
    Shutdown() error
    SendMessageInTransaction(ctx context.Context, mq *primitive.Message) (*primitive.TransactionSendResult, error)

func NewTransactionProducer(listener primitive.TransactionListener, opts ...producer.Option) (TransactionProducer, error) {return producer.NewTransactionProducer(listener, opts...)
  • TransactionProducer 方法定义了 Start、Shutdown、SendMessageInTransaction 方法;NewTransactionProducer 方法通过 producer.NewTransactionProducer 创建 TransactionProducer



type PushConsumer interface {
    // Start the PullConsumer for consuming message
    Start() error

    // Shutdown the PullConsumer, all offset of MessageQueue will be sync to broker before process exit
    Shutdown() error
    // Subscribe a topic for consuming
    Subscribe(topic string, selector consumer.MessageSelector,
        f func(context.Context, ...*primitive.MessageExt) (consumer.ConsumeResult, error)) error

    // Unsubscribe a topic
    Unsubscribe(topic string) error

func NewPushConsumer(opts ...consumer.Option) (PushConsumer, error) {return consumer.NewPushConsumer(opts...)
  • PushConsumer 定义了 Start、Shutdown、Subscribe、Unsubscribe 方法;NewPushConsumer 通过 consumer.NewPushConsumer 创建 PushConsumer



type PullConsumer interface {
    // Start the PullConsumer for consuming message
    Start() error

    // Shutdown the PullConsumer, all offset of MessageQueue will be commit to broker before process exit
    Shutdown() error

    // Subscribe a topic for consuming
    Subscribe(topic string, selector consumer.MessageSelector) error

    // Unsubscribe a topic
    Unsubscribe(topic string) error

    // MessageQueues get MessageQueue list about for a given topic. This method will issue a remote call to the server
    // if it does not already have any MessageQueue about the given topic.
    MessageQueues(topic string) []primitive.MessageQueue

    // Pull message for the topic specified. It is an error to not have subscribed to any topics before pull for message
    // Specified numbers of messages is returned if message greater that numbers, and the offset will auto forward.
    // It means that if you meeting messages consuming failed, you should process failed messages by yourself.
    Pull(ctx context.Context, topic string, numbers int) (*primitive.PullResult, error)

    // Pull message for the topic specified from a specified MessageQueue and offset. It is an error to not have
    // subscribed to any topics before pull for message. the method will not affect the offset recorded
    // Specified numbers of messages is returned.
    PullFrom(ctx context.Context, mq primitive.MessageQueue, offset int64, numbers int) (*primitive.PullResult, error)

    // Lookup offset for the given message queue by timestamp. The returned offset for the message queue is the
    // earliest offset whose timestamp is greater than or equal to the given timestamp in the corresponding message
    // queue.
    // Timestamp must be millisecond level, if you want to lookup the earliest offset of the mq, you could set the
    // timestamp 0, and if you want to the latest offset the mq, you could set the timestamp math.MaxInt64.
    Lookup(ctx context.Context, mq primitive.MessageQueue, timestamp int64) (int64, error)

    // Commit the offset of specified mqs to broker, if auto-commit is disable, you must commit the offset manually.
    Commit(ctx context.Context, mqs ...primitive.MessageQueue) (int64, error)

    // CommittedOffset return the offset of specified Message
    CommittedOffset(mq primitive.MessageQueue) (int64, error)

    // Seek set offset of the mq, if you wanna re-consuming your message form one position, the method may help you.
    // if you want re-consuming from one time, you cloud Lookup() then seek it.
    Seek(mq primitive.MessageQueue, offset int64) error

    // Pause consuming for specified MessageQueues, after pause, client will not fetch any message from the specified
    // message queues
    // Note that this method does not affect message queue subscription. In particular, it does not cause a group
    // rebalance.
    // if a MessageQueue belong a topic that has not been subscribed, an error will be returned
    //Pause(mqs ...primitive.MessageQueue) error

    // Resume specified message queues which have been paused with Pause, if a MessageQueue that not paused,
    // it will be ignored. if not subscribed, an error will be returned
    //Resume(mqs ...primitive.MessageQueue) error

// The PullConsumer has not implemented completely, if you want have an experience of PullConsumer, you could use
// consumer.NewPullConsumer(...), but it may changed in the future.
// The PullConsumer will be supported in next release
func NewPullConsumer(opts ...consumer.Option) (PullConsumer, error) {return nil, errors.New("pull consumer has not supported")
  • PullConsumer 定义了 Start、Shutdown、Subscribe、Unsubscribe、MessageQueues、Pull、PullFrom、Lookup、Commit、CommittedOffset、Seek 方法;NewPullConsumer 目前还不支持,返回 nil


rocketmq-client-go 的 api.go 定义了 Producer、TransactionProducer、PushConsumer、PullConsumer,其中 PullConsumer 目前还没有实现


  • api
