本文主要研究一下 nacos ServiceManager 的 removeInstance
public class ServiceManager implements RecordListener<Service> {
* Map<namespace, Map<group::serviceName, Service>>
private Map<String, Map<String, Service>> serviceMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private LinkedBlockingDeque<ServiceKey> toBeUpdatedServicesQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(1024 * 1024);
private Synchronizer synchronizer = new ServiceStatusSynchronizer();
private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
@Resource(name = "consistencyDelegate")
private ConsistencyService consistencyService;
private SwitchDomain switchDomain;
private DistroMapper distroMapper;
private ServerListManager serverListManager;
private PushService pushService;
private final Object putServiceLock = new Object();
public void removeInstance(String namespaceId, String serviceName, boolean ephemeral, Instance... ips) throws NacosException {Service service = getService(namespaceId, serviceName);
removeInstance(namespaceId, serviceName, ephemeral, service, ips);
public void removeInstance(String namespaceId, String serviceName, boolean ephemeral, Service service, Instance... ips) throws NacosException {String key = KeyBuilder.buildInstanceListKey(namespaceId, serviceName, ephemeral);
List<Instance> instanceList = substractIpAddresses(service, ephemeral, ips);
Instances instances = new Instances();
consistencyService.put(key, instances);
public List<Instance> substractIpAddresses(Service service, boolean ephemeral, Instance... ips) throws NacosException {return updateIpAddresses(service, UtilsAndCommons.UPDATE_INSTANCE_ACTION_REMOVE, ephemeral, ips);
public List<Instance> updateIpAddresses(Service service, String action, boolean ephemeral, Instance... ips) throws NacosException {Datum datum = consistencyService.get(KeyBuilder.buildInstanceListKey(service.getNamespaceId(), service.getName(), ephemeral));
Map<String, Instance> oldInstanceMap = new HashMap<>(16);
List<Instance> currentIPs = service.allIPs(ephemeral);
Map<String, Instance> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(currentIPs.size());
for (Instance instance : currentIPs) {map.put(instance.toIPAddr(), instance);
if (datum != null) {oldInstanceMap = setValid(((Instances) datum.value).getInstanceList(), map);
// use HashMap for deep copy:
HashMap<String, Instance> instanceMap = new HashMap<>(oldInstanceMap.size());
for (Instance instance : ips) {if (!service.getClusterMap().containsKey(instance.getClusterName())) {Cluster cluster = new Cluster(instance.getClusterName(), service);
service.getClusterMap().put(instance.getClusterName(), cluster);
Loggers.SRV_LOG.warn("cluster: {} not found, ip: {}, will create new cluster with default configuration.",
instance.getClusterName(), instance.toJSON());
if (UtilsAndCommons.UPDATE_INSTANCE_ACTION_REMOVE.equals(action)) {instanceMap.remove(instance.getDatumKey());
} else {instanceMap.put(instance.getDatumKey(), instance);
if (instanceMap.size() <= 0 && UtilsAndCommons.UPDATE_INSTANCE_ACTION_ADD.equals(action)) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("ip list can not be empty, service:" + service.getName() + ", ip list:"
+ JSON.toJSONString(instanceMap.values()));
return new ArrayList<>(instanceMap.values());
- removeInstance 方法通过 substractIpAddresses 获取移除执行 instances 之后的 instanceList,然后通过 consistencyService.put 方法进行更新;substractIpAddresses 方法执行 updateIpAddresses 方法,其 action 参数值为 UtilsAndCommons.UPDATE_INSTANCE_ACTION_REMOVE,它先使用 service.allIPs(ephemeral) 获取 instance 列表,针对 remove 动作会根据 instance.getDatumKey() 将其从 instanceMap 中移除
public class Service extends com.alibaba.nacos.api.naming.pojo.Service implements Record, RecordListener<Instances> {private static final String SERVICE_NAME_SYNTAX = "[0-9a-zA-Z@\\.:_-]+";
@JSONField(serialize = false)
private ClientBeatCheckTask clientBeatCheckTask = new ClientBeatCheckTask(this);
private String token;
private List<String> owners = new ArrayList<>();
private Boolean resetWeight = false;
private Boolean enabled = true;
private Selector selector = new NoneSelector();
private String namespaceId;
* IP will be deleted if it has not send beat for some time, default timeout is 30 seconds.
private long ipDeleteTimeout = 30 * 1000;
private volatile long lastModifiedMillis = 0L;
private volatile String checksum;
* TODO set customized push expire time:
private long pushCacheMillis = 0L;
private Map<String, Cluster> clusterMap = new HashMap<>();
public List<Instance> allIPs(boolean ephemeral) {List<Instance> allIPs = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Cluster> entry : clusterMap.entrySet()) {allIPs.addAll(entry.getValue().allIPs(ephemeral));
return allIPs;
- Service 的 allIPs 方法会遍历 clusterMap,然后通过 Cluster.allIPs(ephemeral) 收集 Instance
public class Cluster extends com.alibaba.nacos.api.naming.pojo.Cluster implements Cloneable {private static final String CLUSTER_NAME_SYNTAX = "[0-9a-zA-Z-]+";
* a addition for same site routing, can group multiple sites into a region, like Hangzhou, Shanghai, etc.
private String sitegroup = StringUtils.EMPTY;
private int defCkport = 80;
private int defIPPort = -1;
@JSONField(serialize = false)
private HealthCheckTask checkTask;
@JSONField(serialize = false)
private Set<Instance> persistentInstances = new HashSet<>();
@JSONField(serialize = false)
private Set<Instance> ephemeralInstances = new HashSet<>();
@JSONField(serialize = false)
private Service service;
@JSONField(serialize = false)
private volatile boolean inited = false;
private Map<String, String> metadata = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public List<Instance> allIPs(boolean ephemeral) {return ephemeral ? new ArrayList<>(ephemeralInstances) : new ArrayList<>(persistentInstances);
- Cluster 的 allIPs 方法根据 ephemeral 来返回 ephemeralInstances 或者 persistentInstances
ServiceManager 的 removeInstance 方法通过 substractIpAddresses 获取移除执行 instances 之后的 instanceList,然后通过 consistencyService.put 方法进行更新;substractIpAddresses 方法执行 updateIpAddresses 方法,其 action 参数值为 UtilsAndCommons.UPDATE_INSTANCE_ACTION_REMOVE,它先使用 service.allIPs(ephemeral) 获取 instance 列表,针对 remove 动作会根据 instance.getDatumKey() 将其从 instanceMap 中移除
- ServiceManager