- Promise 实践
Promise 实践
需求就是常见的缓存,如果有缓存使用缓存,没有 api 拉.
1. 链式,逻辑清晰
2.then chain 如果中间不想返回了怎么办
Promise.reject in then
3.Promisify, 既支持回调,又支持 Promise
就是 function 还是有 callback 但是整体作为 1 个 Promise 返回.
这里用 async 包装,和 new Promise 一个效果.
async 函数就是返回 Promise.
fetchImgUrl: async function (url, fn, cached = true) {if (cached) {
//Best practice for Promise then chain with async/await ....
return await cache.store.getItem(url).then(value => {if (!value) {console.log('1st time');
return api.get(url + '?json=true', {})
} else {fn(value);
// 中断 then 链条,
// throw error to stop then chain
// throw new Error('Already cached')
//or reject , better
return Promise.reject('Already cached');
}).then((response) => {console.log(response)
return response.data.url;
}).then(response => {cache.store.setItem(url, response)
console.log(`cache: ${response} ok`);
}).catch(e => {console.log(e);
} else {return axios.get(url + '?json=true', {}).then((response) => {fn(response.data.url);