
序号    参数名称                                参数值                参数形容
1        _awr_mmon_deep_purge_all_expired        FALSE                Allows deep purge to purge AWR data for all expired snapshots
2        _cursor_obsolete_threshold                200                    _cursor_obsolete_threshold
3        _index_partition_large_extents            FALSE                Enables large extent allocation for partitioned indices
4        _optimizer_adaptive_cursor_sharing        FALSE                _optimizer_adaptive_cursor_sharing
5        _optimizer_cartesian_enabled            FALSE                _optimizer_cartesian_enabled
6        _optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing        NONE                _optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing
7        _optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing_rel    NONE                _optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing_rel
8        _optimizer_use_feedback                    FALSE                _optimizer_use_feedback
9        _partition_large_extents                FALSE                Enables large extent allocation for partitioned tables
10        archive_lag_target                        600                    Maximum number of seconds of redos the standby could lose
11        audit_trail                                os                    enable system auditing
12        control_file_record_keep_time            31                    control file record keep time in days
13        db_block_checking                        MEDIUM                header checking and data and index block checking
14        db_block_checksum                        FULL                store checksum in db blocks and check during reads
15        db_cache_advice                            OFF                    Buffer cache sizing advisory
16        db_files                                2000                max allowable # db files
17        db_lost_write_protect                    TYPICAL                enable lost write detection
18        deferred_segment_creation                FALSE                defer segment creation to first insert
19        enable_ddl_logging                        TRUE                enable ddl logging
21        filesystemio_options                    setall                IO operations on filesystem files
22        job_queue_processes                        100                    maximum number of job queue slave processes
23        max_shared_servers                        0                    max number of shared servers
24        open_cursors                            1000                max # cursors per session
25        pga_aggregate_target                    0.2 * #OSMEMORY#    Target size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed by the instance
26        processes                                1000                user processes
27        recyclebin                                OFF                    recyclebin processing
28        remote_login_passwordfile                EXCLUSIVE            password file usage parameter
29        resource_limit                            TRUE                master switch for resource limit
30        resource_manager_plan                    'force:'            resource mgr top plan
31        result_cache_max_size                    0                    maximum amount of memory to be used by the cache
32        sec_max_failed_login_attempts            100                    maximum number of failed login attempts on a connection
33        session_cached_cursors                    200                    number of session cursors to cache
34        sga_max_size                            0.5 * #OSMEMORY#    max total SGA size
35        sga_target                                0.5 * #OSMEMORY#    Target size of SGA
36        shared_servers                            0                    number of shared servers to start up
37        standby_file_management                    AUTO                if auto then files are created/dropped automatically on standby
38        undo_retention                            10800                undo retention in seconds
39        _memory_imm_mode_without_autosga        FALSE                Allow immediate mode without sga/memory target
40        _use_adaptive_log_file_sync                FALSE                Adaptively switch between post/wait and polling
41        _gc_undo_affinity                        FALSE                if TRUE, enable dynamic undo affinity
42        _gc_policy_time                            0                    how often to make object policy decisions in minutes
43        _px_use_large_pool                        TRUE                Use Large Pool as source of PX buffers
44        _clusterwide_global_transactions        FALSE                enable/disable clusterwide global transactions
45        parallel_force_local                    TRUE                force single instance execution
46        _undo_autotune                            FALSE                enable auto tuning of undo_retention
47        _datafile_write_errors_crash_instance    FALSE                datafile write errors crash instance
48        _keep_remote_column_size                TRUE                remote column size does not get modified
49        _shared_pool_reserved_pct                20                    percentage memory of the shared pool allocated for the reserved area
50        db_cache_size                            0.34 * #OSMEMORY#    Size of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers
51        shared_pool_size                        0.07* #OSMEMORY#    Target size of shared_pool_size (kb)
52        java_pool_size                            131072                Target size of java_pool_size (kb)
53        large_pool_size                            524288                Target size of large_pool_size (kb)
54        streams_pool_size                        524288                Target size of streams_pool_size (kb)
55        _cleanup_rollback_entries                20000                no. of undo entries to apply per transaction cleanup
56        _rollback_segment_count                    2000                number of undo segments
20        event                                    '10949 trace name context forever:28401 trace name context forever, level 1:10849 trace name context forever, level 1:19823 trace name context forever, level 90' debug event control - default null string