

共计 15968 个字符,预计需要花费 40 分钟才能阅读完成。

作者:蔡锡生,LStack 平台研发工程师,近期专一于基于 OAM 的利用托管平台落地。


KubeSphere 利用商店简介

作为一个开源的、以利用为核心的容器平台,KubeSphere 在 OpenPitrix 的根底上,为用户提供了一个基于 Helm 的利用商店,用于利用生命周期治理。OpenPitrix 是一个开源的 Web 平台,用于打包、部署和治理不同类型的利用。KubeSphere 利用商店让 ISV、开发者和用户可能在一站式服务中只需点击几下就能够上传、测试、部署和公布利用。

KubeSphere 中的 Helm 仓库性能

默认状况下,利用商店中内置了 16 个利用,但您能够通过利用模板增加更多利用。

  • KubeSphere Helm 仓库增加

  • Helm repo list

  • KubeSphere Helm 仓库中的利用模版查问

Helm 仓库简介

Helm charts 是寄存 K8s 利用模版的仓库,该仓库由 index.yaml 文件和 .tgz 模版包组成。

[root@ningbo stable]# ls -al 
总用量 400
drwxr-xr-x. 26 root root   4096 6 月  22 17:01 .
drwxr-xr-x.  4 root root     86 6 月  22 16:37 ..
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root  10114 6 月  22 17:12 index.yaml
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root   3803 6 月   8 2020 lsh-cluster-csm-om-agent-0.1.0.tgz
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root   4022 6 月   8 2020 lsh-mcp-cc-alert-service-0.1.0.tgz
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root   4340 6 月   8 2020 lsh-mcp-cc-sms-service-0.1.0.tgz
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root   4103 6 月   8 2020 lsh-mcp-cpm-metrics-exchange-0.1.0.tgz
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root   4263 6 月   8 2020 lsh-mcp-cpm-om-service-0.1.0.tgz
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root   4155 6 月   8 2020 lsh-mcp-csm-om-service-0.1.0.tgz
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root   3541 6 月   8 2020 lsh-mcp-deploy-service-0.1.0.tgz
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root   5549 6 月   8 2020 lsh-mcp-iam-apigateway-service-0.1.0.tgz
  • index.yaml 文件
apiVersion: v1
  - apiVersion: v2
    appVersion: addon
    created: "2021-06-21T08:59:58Z"
    description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
    digest: 6bda563c86333475255e5edfedc200ae282544e2c6e22b519a59b3c7bdef9a32
    name: aliyun-ccm
    type: application
    - charts/aliyun-ccm-0.1.0.tgz
    version: 0.1.0
  - apiVersion: v2
    appVersion: addon
    created: "2021-06-21T08:59:58Z"
    description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
    digest: b49f128d7a49401d52173e6f58caedd3fabbe8e2827dc00e6a824ee38860fa51
    name: aliyun-csi-driver
    type: application
    - charts/aliyun-csi-driver-0.1.0.tgz
    version: 0.1.0
  - apiVersion: v1
    appVersion: addon
    created: "2021-06-21T08:59:58Z"
    description: A Helm chart for application Controller
    digest: 546e72ce77f865683ce0ea75f6e0203537a40744f2eb34e36a5bd378f9452bc5
    name: application-controller
    - charts/application-controller-0.1.0.tgz
    version: 0.1.0
  • .tgz 解压缩后的文件目录
[root@ningbo stable]# cd mysql/
[root@ningbo mysql]# ls -al
总用量 20
drwxr-xr-x.  3 root root   97 5 月  25 2020 .
drwxr-xr-x. 26 root root 4096 6 月  22 17:01 ..
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 root root  106 5 月  25 2020 Chart.yaml
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 root root  364 5 月  25 2020 .Helmignore
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 root root   76 5 月  25 2020 index.yaml
drwxr-xr-x.  3 root root  146 5 月  25 2020 templates
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 root root 1735 5 月  25 2020 values.yaml
  • Chart.yaml
[root@ningbo mysql]# cat Chart.yaml 
apiVersion: v1
appVersion: "1.0"
description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
name: mysql
version: 0.1.0

增加 Helm 仓库代码介绍


  1. 路由注册
  2. handler,参数解析,调用 models 方面
  3. models,调用 models 办法
  4. crd client,调用 K8s api 存储
  • 路由注册
        To(handler.CreateRepo). // 跟进
        Doc("Create a global repository, which is used to store package of app").
        Metadata(restfulspec.KeyOpenAPITags, []string{constants.OpenpitrixTag}).
        Param(webservice.QueryParameter("validate", "Validate repository")).
        Returns(http.StatusOK, api.StatusOK, openpitrix.CreateRepoResponse{}).
  • 校验参数,构建 models
func (h *openpitrixHandler) CreateRepo(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) {createRepoRequest := &openpitrix.CreateRepoRequest{}
    err := req.ReadEntity(createRepoRequest)
    if err != nil {klog.V(4).Infoln(err)
        api.HandleBadRequest(resp, nil, err)

    createRepoRequest.Workspace = new(string)
    *createRepoRequest.Workspace = req.PathParameter("workspace")

    user, _ := request.UserFrom(req.Request.Context())
    creator := ""
    if user != nil {creator = user.GetName()
    parsedUrl, err := url.Parse(createRepoRequest.URL)
    if err != nil {api.HandleBadRequest(resp, nil, err)
    userInfo := parsedUrl.User
    // trim credential from url
    parsedUrl.User = nil

    repo := v1alpha1.HelmRepo{
        ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: idutils.GetUuid36(v1alpha1.HelmRepoIdPrefix),
            Annotations: map[string]string{constants.CreatorAnnotationKey: creator,},
            Labels: map[string]string{constants.WorkspaceLabelKey: *createRepoRequest.Workspace,},
        Spec: v1alpha1.HelmRepoSpec{
            Name:        createRepoRequest.Name,
            Url:         parsedUrl.String(),
            SyncPeriod:  0,
            Description: stringutils.ShortenString(createRepoRequest.Description, 512),

    if strings.HasPrefix(createRepoRequest.URL, "https://") || strings.HasPrefix(createRepoRequest.URL, "http://") {
        if userInfo != nil {repo.Spec.Credential.Username = userInfo.Username()
            repo.Spec.Credential.Password, _ = userInfo.Password()}
    } else if strings.HasPrefix(createRepoRequest.URL, "s3://") {cfg := v1alpha1.S3Config{}
        err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(createRepoRequest.Credential), &cfg)
        if err != nil {api.HandleBadRequest(resp, nil, err)
        repo.Spec.Credential.S3Config = cfg

    var result interface{}
    // 1. validate repo
    result, err = h.openpitrix.ValidateRepo(createRepoRequest.URL, &repo.Spec.Credential)
    if err != nil {klog.Errorf("validate repo failed, err: %s", err)
        api.HandleBadRequest(resp, nil, err)

    // 2. create repo
    validate, _ := strconv.ParseBool(req.QueryParameter("validate"))
    if !validate {if repo.GetTrueName() == "" {api.HandleBadRequest(resp, nil, fmt.Errorf("repo name is empty"))
        result, err = h.openpitrix.CreateRepo(&repo) // 跟进

    if err != nil {klog.Errorln(err)
        handleOpenpitrixError(resp, err)

  • 调用 createRep 办法
func (c *repoOperator) CreateRepo(repo *v1alpha1.HelmRepo) (*CreateRepoResponse, error) {name := repo.GetTrueName()

    items, err := c.repoLister.List(labels.SelectorFromSet(map[string]string{constants.WorkspaceLabelKey: repo.GetWorkspace()}))
    if err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {klog.Errorf("list Helm repo failed: %s", err)
        return nil, err

    for _, exists := range items {if exists.GetTrueName() == name {klog.Error(repoItemExists, "name:", name)
            return nil, repoItemExists

    repo.Spec.Description = stringutils.ShortenString(repo.Spec.Description, DescriptionLen)
    _, err = c.repoClient.HelmRepos().Create(context.TODO(), repo, metav1.CreateOptions{}) // 跟进
    if err != nil {klog.Errorf("create Helm repo failed, repo_id: %s, error: %s", repo.GetHelmRepoId(), err)
        return nil, err
    } else {klog.V(4).Infof("create Helm repo success, repo_id: %s", repo.GetHelmRepoId())

    return &CreateRepoResponse{repo.GetHelmRepoId()}, nil
  • 调用 K8s api, 创立 crd HelmRepo
// Create takes the representation of a HelmRepo and creates it.  Returns the server's representation of the HelmRepo, and an error, if there is any.
func (c *HelmRepos) Create(ctx context.Context, HelmRepo *v1alpha1.HelmRepo, opts v1.CreateOptions) (result *v1alpha1.HelmRepo, err error) {result = &v1alpha1.HelmRepo{}
    err = c.client.Post().
        VersionedParams(&opts, scheme.ParameterCodec).

查问 Helm 仓库利用模版代码介绍


  1. 路由注册
  2. handler,参数解析,调用 models 方面
  3. models,调用 models 办法
  4. crd client,调用 K8s api 存储
  • 路由注册
webservice.Route(webservice.GET("/apps").LiHui, 6 months ago: • openpitrix crd
        To(handler.ListApps).  // 跟进
        Doc("List app templates").
        Param(webservice.QueryParameter(params.ConditionsParam, "query conditions,connect multiple conditions with commas, equal symbol for exact query, wave symbol for fuzzy query e.g. name~a").
        Param(webservice.QueryParameter(params.PagingParam, "paging query, e.g. limit=100,page=1").
        Param(webservice.QueryParameter(params.ReverseParam, "sort parameters, e.g. reverse=true")).
        Param(webservice.QueryParameter(params.OrderByParam, "sort parameters, e.g. orderBy=createTime")).
        Metadata(restfulspec.KeyOpenAPITags, []string{constants.OpenpitrixTag}).
        Returns(http.StatusOK, api.StatusOK, models.PageableResponse{}))
  • 参数解析,调用 models 方面
func (h *openpitrixHandler) ListApps(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response)
    limit, offset := params.ParsePaging(req)
    orderBy := params.GetStringValueWithDefault(req, params.OrderByParam, openpitrix.CreateTime)
    reverse := params.GetBoolValueWithDefault(req, params.ReverseParam, false)
    conditions, err := params.ParseConditions(req)

    if err != nil {klog.V(4).Infoln(err)
        api.HandleBadRequest(resp, nil, err)

    if req.PathParameter("workspace") != "" {conditions.Match[openpitrix.WorkspaceLabel] = req.PathParameter("workspace")

    result, err := h.openpitrix.ListApps(conditions, orderBy, reverse, limit, offset)  // 跟进

    if err != nil {klog.Errorln(err)
        handleOpenpitrixError(resp, err)

  • 从缓存中获取 applist
func (c *applicationOperator) ListApps(conditions *params.Conditions, orderBy string, reverse bool, limit, offset int) (*models.PageableResponse, error) {apps, err := c.listApps(conditions)  // 重点跟进
    if err != nil {klog.Error(err)
        return nil, err
    apps = filterApps(apps, conditions)

    if reverse {sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(HelmApplicationList(apps)))
    } else {sort.Sort(HelmApplicationList(apps))

    totalCount := len(apps)
    start, end := (&query.Pagination{Limit: limit, Offset: offset}).GetValidPagination(totalCount)
    apps = apps[start:end]
    items := make([]interface{}, 0, len(apps))

    for i := range apps {versions, err := c.getAppVersionsByAppId(apps[i].GetHelmApplicationId())
        if err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {return nil, err}
        ctg, _ := c.ctgLister.Get(apps[i].GetHelmCategoryId())
        items = append(items, convertApp(apps[i], versions, ctg, 0))
    return &models.PageableResponse{Items: items, TotalCount: totalCount}, nil

// line 601
func (c *applicationOperator) listApps(conditions *params.Conditions) (ret []*v1alpha1.HelmApplication, err error) {repoId := conditions.Match[RepoId]
    if repoId != "" && repoId != v1alpha1.AppStoreRepoId {
        // get Helm application from Helm repo
        if ret, exists := c.cachedRepos.ListApplicationsByRepoId(repoId); !exists {klog.Warningf("load repo failed, repo id: %s", repoId)
            return nil, loadRepoInfoFailed
        } else {return ret, nil}
    } else {
        if c.backingStoreClient == nil {return []*v1alpha1.HelmApplication{}, nil}
        ret, err = c.appLister.List(labels.SelectorFromSet(buildLabelSelector(conditions)))

  • 缓存具体获取应用逻辑
func (c *cachedRepos) ListApplicationsByRepoId(repoId string) (ret []*v1alpha1.HelmApplication, exists bool) {c.RLock()
    defer c.RUnlock()

    if repo, exists := c.repos[repoId]; !exists {return nil, false} else {ret = make([]*v1alpha1.HelmApplication, 0, 10)
        for _, app := range c.apps {if app.GetHelmRepoId() == repo.Name { // 利用的仓库 ID 雷同则追加
                ret = append(ret, app)
    return ret, true

既然 app template 是从缓存中获取的,那么缓存中的数据又是什么时候录入的呢?

  1. 创立全局缓存变量
  2. 增加新 Helm 仓库,K8s 中已装置 crd 控制器 HelmRepoController 发现有新的 HelmRepo 创立,更新 .Status.Data 内容
  3. informer 发现有更新,同时更新缓存


  1. 创立全局变量,通过 init 函数初始化
  2. 通过 HelmRepo 的 informer 实现缓存同步更新
  3. 在每次调用接口的时候,hanlder 类中包换了缓存变量

创立接口类 openpitrix.Interface

type openpitrixHandler struct {openpitrix openpitrix.Interface}

func newOpenpitrixHandler(ksInformers informers.InformerFactory, ksClient versioned.Interface, option *openpitrixoptions.Options) *openpitrixHandler {
    var s3Client s3.Interface
    if option != nil && option.S3Options != nil && len(option.S3Options.Endpoint) != 0 {
        var err error
        s3Client, err = s3.NewS3Client(option.S3Options)
        if err != nil {klog.Errorf("failed to connect to storage, please check storage service status, error: %v", err)

    return &openpitrixHandler{openpitrix.NewOpenpitrixOperator(ksInformers, ksClient, s3Client),


  • 通过在 informer 中增加告诉函数,执行缓存更新
  • once.Do 只执行一次
var cachedReposData reposcache.ReposCache
var HelmReposInformer cache.SharedIndexInformer
var once sync.Once

func init() {cachedReposData = reposcache.NewReposCache() // 全局缓存

func NewOpenpitrixOperator(ksInformers ks_informers.InformerFactory, ksClient versioned.Interface, s3Client s3.Interface) Interface {once.Do(func() {klog.Infof("start Helm repo informer")
        HelmReposInformer = ksInformers.KubeSphereSharedInformerFactory().Application().V1alpha1().HelmRepos().Informer()
        HelmReposInformer.AddEventHandler(cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {r := obj.(*v1alpha1.HelmRepo)
                cachedReposData.AddRepo(r) // 缓存更新,点击跟进
            UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {oldR := oldObj.(*v1alpha1.HelmRepo)
                r := newObj.(*v1alpha1.HelmRepo)
            DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {r := obj.(*v1alpha1.HelmRepo)
        go HelmReposInformer.Run(wait.NeverStop)

    return &openpitrixOperator{AttachmentInterface:  newAttachmentOperator(s3Client),
    // cachedReposData used
        ApplicationInterface: newApplicationOperator(cachedReposData, ksInformers.KubeSphereSharedInformerFactory(), ksClient, s3Client),
    // cachedReposData used
        RepoInterface:        newRepoOperator(cachedReposData, ksInformers.KubeSphereSharedInformerFactory(), ksClient),
    // cachedReposData used
        ReleaseInterface:     newReleaseOperator(cachedReposData, ksInformers.KubernetesSharedInformerFactory(), ksInformers.KubeSphereSharedInformerFactory(), ksClient),
        CategoryInterface:    newCategoryOperator(ksInformers.KubeSphereSharedInformerFactory(), ksClient),


// 缓存构造体
type cachedRepos struct {

    chartsInRepo  map[workspace]map[string]int
    repoCtgCounts map[string]map[string]int

    repos    map[string]*v1alpha1.HelmRepo
    apps     map[string]*v1alpha1.HelmApplication
    versions map[string]*v1alpha1.HelmApplicationVersion
  • ByteArrayToSavedIndex:将 repo.Status.Data 转换为 SavedIndex 数组对象
  • 遍历 SavedIndex.Applications
  • 保留(app.ApplicationId:HelmApplication)到 cachedRepos.apps
func (c *cachedRepos) AddRepo(repo *v1alpha1.HelmRepo) error {return c.addRepo(repo, false)

//Add new Repo to cachedRepos
func (c *cachedRepos) addRepo(repo *v1alpha1.HelmRepo, builtin bool) error {if len(repo.Status.Data) == 0 {return nil}
    index, err := Helmrepoindex.ByteArrayToSavedIndex([]byte(repo.Status.Data))
    if err != nil {klog.Errorf("json unmarshal repo %s failed, error: %s", repo.Name, err)
        return err

    chartsCount := 0
    for key, app := range index.Applications {
        if builtin {appName = v1alpha1.HelmApplicationIdPrefix + app.Name} else {appName = app.ApplicationId}

        HelmApp := v1alpha1.HelmApplication{....}
        c.apps[app.ApplicationId] = &HelmApp

        var ctg, appVerName string
        var chartData []byte
        for _, ver := range app.Charts {
            chartsCount += 1
            if ver.Annotations != nil && ver.Annotations["category"] != "" {ctg = ver.Annotations["category"]
            if builtin {appVerName = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(ver.Name + ver.Version))
                chartData, err = loadBuiltinChartData(ver.Name, ver.Version)
                if err != nil {return err}
            } else {appVerName = ver.ApplicationVersionId}

            version := &v1alpha1.HelmApplicationVersion{....}
            c.versions[ver.ApplicationVersionId] = version
    return nil

HelmRepo 协调器

HelmRepo.Status.Data 加载流程

  1. LoadRepoIndex: convert index.yaml to IndexFile
  2. MergeRepoIndex: merge new and old IndexFile
  3. savedIndex.Bytes(): compress data with zlib.NewWriter
  4. 将 savedIndex 数据存入 CRD(HelmRepo.Status.Data)


// HelmRepo.Status.Data == SavedIndex 压缩后的数据
   type SavedIndex struct {
       APIVersion   string                  `json:"apiVersion"`
       Generated    time.Time               `json:"generated"`
       Applications map[string]*Application `json:"apps"`
       PublicKeys   []string                `json:"publicKeys,omitempty"`

       // Annotations are additional mappings uninterpreted by Helm. They are made available for
       // other applications to add information to the index file.
       Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations,omitempty"`

   // IndexFile represents the index file in a chart repository
   type IndexFile struct {
       APIVersion string                   `json:"apiVersion"`
       Generated  time.Time                `json:"generated"`
       Entries    map[string]ChartVersions `json:"entries"`
       PublicKeys []string                 `json:"publicKeys,omitempty"`}


func (r *ReconcileHelmRepo) syncRepo(instance *v1alpha1.HelmRepo) error {
       // 1. load index from Helm repo
       index, err := Helmrepoindex.LoadRepoIndex(context.TODO(), instance.Spec.Url, &instance.Spec.Credential)

       if err != nil {klog.Errorf("load index failed, repo: %s, url: %s, err: %s", instance.GetTrueName(), instance.Spec.Url, err)
           return err

       existsSavedIndex := &Helmrepoindex.SavedIndex{}
       if len(instance.Status.Data) != 0 {existsSavedIndex, err = Helmrepoindex.ByteArrayToSavedIndex([]byte(instance.Status.Data))
           if err != nil {klog.Errorf("json unmarshal failed, repo: %s,  error: %s", instance.GetTrueName(), err)
               return err

       // 2. merge new index with old index which is stored in crd
       savedIndex := Helmrepoindex.MergeRepoIndex(index, existsSavedIndex)

       // 3. save index in crd
       data, err := savedIndex.Bytes()
       if err != nil {klog.Errorf("json marshal failed, error: %s", err)
           return err

       instance.Status.Data = string(data)
       return nil


Q1:Helm 仓库发包时如何进行 Helm release 版本控制

A:批改 Charts.yaml 中的字段 version,而后 Helm package,等于新增一个 .tgz 包,老版本的不要删除,这时候执行 index 的时候会吧所有的 .tgz 包蕴含在内。

$ Helm repo index stable --url=xxx.xx.xx.xxx:8081/
  $ cat index.yaml
  - apiVersion: v1
    appVersion: "1.0"
    created: "2021-06-22T16:34:58.286583012+08:00"
    description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
    digest: fd7c0d962155330527c0a512a74bea33302fca940b810c43ee5f461b1013dbf5
    name: redis
    - xxx.xx.xx.xxx:8081/redis-0.1.1.tgz
    version: 0.1.1
  - apiVersion: v1
    appVersion: "1.0"
    created: "2021-06-22T16:34:58.286109049+08:00"
    description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
    digest: 1a23bd6d5e45f9d323500bbe170011fb23bfccf2c1bd25814827eb8dc643d7f0
    name: redis
    - xxx.xx.xx.xxx:8081/redis-0.1.0.tgz
    version: 0.1.0

Q2:KuberSphere 版本同步性能有缺失?用户增加完 Helm 仓库后,如果有新的利用公布,查问不到

A:解决方案:应用 3 种同步策略

  • 定时同步 Helm 仓库(HelmRepo 设置一个定时协调的事件)
  • 企业仓库,用户能够设置 hook,公布新版本的时候被动触发更新
  • 用户被动更新 charts

Q3:index.yaml 缓存地位

A:某些仓库的 index.yaml 比拟大,如果 1000 个用户,1000 个 charts 会太吃内存。倡议罕用 index.yaml 的放在内存中,不罕用的 index.yaml 存储在本地磁盘。

本文由博客一文多发平台 OpenWrite 公布!
