去年买的阿里云上周到期了,昨晚看到双 11 新用户有优惠活动,连忙偷摸的用媳妇手机,花 800 块买了 3 年阿里云(2 核 4G),好了,搭建新环境吧!
注:须要 关上阿里云的平安组端口(https://oneinstack.com/docs/securitygroup/)
二、redis 集群搭建:
1.CentOs 命令如下:
wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-5.0.6.tar.gz tar xzf redis-5.0.6.tar.gz cd redis-5.0.6 yum install gcc make MALLOC=libc cd src && make install cd ../utils/create-cluster/ ps -ef|grep redis vim create-cluster
2. 批改 create-cluster 配置文件:
2.1. start 命令:退出 redis 明码 –requirepass qiang123
敞开平安模式(公网能够连贯到 redis) –protected-mode no
2.2.create 命令:将 批改为阿里云公网的 ip 地址( 这是假 ip)
退出 redis 明码 -a qiang123
2.3.stop 命令:
退出 redis 明码 -a qiang123
2.4. 关上阿里云端口
#!/bin/bash # SettingsPORT=7000TIMEOUT=2000NODES=6REPLICAS=1 # You may want to put the above config parameters into config.sh in order to# override the defaults without modifying this script. if [-a config.sh]then source "config.sh"fi # Computed varsENDPORT=$((PORT+NODES)) if ["$1" == "start"]then while [$((PORT < ENDPORT)) != "0" ]; do PORT=$((PORT+1)) echo "Starting $PORT" ../../src/redis-server --requirepass qiang123 --protected-mode no --port $PORT --cluster-enabled yes --cluster-config-file nodes-${PORT}.conf --cluster-node-timeout $TIMEOUT --appendonly yes --appendfilename appendonly-${PORT}.aof --dbfilename dump-${PORT}.rdb --logfile ${PORT}.log --daemonize yes done exit 0fi if ["$1" == "create"]then HOSTS=""while [$((PORT < ENDPORT)) !="0"]; do PORT=$((PORT+1)) HOSTS="$HOSTS$PORT"done ../../src/redis-cli -a qiang123 --cluster create $HOSTS --cluster-replicas $REPLICAS exit 0fi if ["$1"=="stop"]then while [$((PORT < ENDPORT)) !="0"]; do PORT=$((PORT+1)) echo"Stopping $PORT"../../src/redis-cli -p $PORT shutdown nosave done exit 0fi if ["$1"=="watch"]then PORT=$((PORT+1)) while [1]; do clear date ../../src/redis-cli -p $PORT cluster nodes | head -30 sleep 1 done exit 0fi if ["$1"=="tail"]then INSTANCE=$2 PORT=$((PORT+INSTANCE)) tail -f ${PORT}.log exit 0fi if ["$1"=="call"]then while [$((PORT < ENDPORT)) !="0"]; do PORT=$((PORT+1)) ../../src/redis-cli -p $PORT $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 done exit 0fi if ["$1"=="clean"]then rm -rf *.log rm -rf appendonly*.aof rm -rf dump*.rdb rm -rf nodes*.conf exit 0fi if ["$1"=="clean-logs"]then rm -rf *.log exit 0fi echo"Usage: $0 [start|create|stop|watch|tail|clean]"echo"start -- Launch Redis Cluster instances."echo"create -- Create a cluster using redis-cli --cluster create."echo"stop -- Stop Redis Cluster instances."echo"watch -- Show CLUSTER NODES output (first 30 lines) of first node."echo"tail <id> -- Run tail -f of instance at base port + ID."echo"clean -- Remove all instances data, logs, configs."echo"clean-logs -- Remove just instances logs."
3. 启动集群
#1. 启动集群 sh /root/javaxiaobang/redis-5.0.6/utils/create-cluster/create-cluster start#2. 建设集群间分割 sh /root/javaxiaobang/redis-5.0.6/utils/create-cluster/create-cluster create#3. 进行集群 sh /root/javaxiaobang/redis-5.0.6/utils/create-cluster/create-cluster stop#4. 革除集群 sh /root/javaxiaobang/redis-5.0.6/utils/create-cluster/create-cluster clean
4. 连贯 redis
redis-cli -h -p 7001 -c -a 明码 -h ip 地址 -p 端口号 -a 明码 -c 集群