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作者简介 谭新宇,清华大学软件学院研三在读,Apache IoTDB committer,Talent Plan Community mentor。

TiKV 是一个反对事务的分布式 Key-Value 数据库,目前曾经是 CNCF 基金会 的顶级我的项目。

作为一个新同学,须要肯定的后期筹备才可能有能力参加 TiKV 社区的代码开发,包含但不限于学习 Rust 语言,了解 TiKV 的原理和在前两者的根底上理解相熟 TiKV 的源码。

TiKV 官网源码解析文档 具体地介绍了 TiKV 3.x 版本重要模块的设计要点,次要流程和相应代码片段,是学习 TiKV 源码必读的学习材料。以后 TiKV 曾经迭代到了 6.x 版本,不仅引入了很多新的性能和优化,而且对源码也进行了屡次重构,因此一些官网源码解析文档中的代码片段曾经不复存在,这使得读者在浏览源码解析文档时无奈对照最新源码加深了解;此外只管 TiKV 官网源码解析文档系统地介绍了若干重要模块的工作,但并没有将读写流程全链路串起来去介绍通过的模块和对应的代码片段,实际上尽快地相熟读写流程全链路会更利于新同学从全局角度了解代码。

基于以上存在的问题,笔者将基于 6.1 版本的源码撰写三篇博客,别离介绍以下三个方面:

  • TiKV 源码浏览三部曲(一)重要模块:TiKV 的基本概念,TiKV 读写门路上的三个重要模块(KVService,Storage,RaftStore)和断点调试 TiKV 学习源码的计划
  • TiKV 源码浏览三部曲(二)读流程:TiKV 中一条读申请的全链路流程
  • TiKV 源码浏览三部曲(三)写流程:TiKV 中一条写申请的全链路流程

心愿此三篇博客可能帮忙对 TiKV 开发感兴趣的新同学尽快理解 TiKV 的 codebase。

本文为第一篇博客,将次要介绍 TiKV 的基本概念,TiKV 读写门路上的三个重要模块(KVService,Storage,RaftStore)和断点调试 TiKV 学习源码的计划。


TiKV 的架构简介能够查看 官网文档。总体来看,TiKV 是一个通过 Multi-Raft 实现的分布式 KV 数据库。

TiKV 的每个过程领有一个 store,store 中领有若干 region。每个 region 是一个 raft 组,会存在于正本数个 store 上治理一段 KV 区间的数据。



TiKV 的 Service 层代码位于 src/server 文件夹下,其职责包含提供 RPC 服务、将 store id 解析成地址、TiKV 之间的互相通信等。无关 Service 层的概念解析能够查看浏览 TiKV 源码解析系列文章(九)Service 层解决流程解析。

TiKV 蕴含多个 gRPC service。其中最重要的一个是 KVService,位于 src/server/service/kv.rs 文件中。

KVService 定义了 TiKV 的 kv_get,kv_scan,kv_prewrite,kv_commit 等事务操作 API,用于执行 TiDB 下推下来的简单查问和计算的 coprocessor API,以及 raw_get,raw_put 等 Raw KV API。batch_commands 接口则是用于将上述的接口 batch 起来,以优化高吞吐量的场景。另外,TiKV 的 Raft group 各成员之间通信用到的 raft 和 batch_raft 接口也是在这里提供的。

本大节将简略介绍 KVService 及其启动流程,并顺带介绍 TiKV 若干重要构造的初始化流程。

cmd/tikv-server/main.rs 是 TiKV 过程启动的入口,其次要做了以下两个工作:

  • 解析配置参数
  • 应用 server::server::run_tikv(config) 启动 tikv 过程
fn main() {let build_timestamp = option_env!("TIKV_BUILD_TIME");
    let version_info = tikv::tikv_version_info(build_timestamp);
    // config parsing
    // ...
    // config parsing

对于 components/server/src/server.rs 的 run-tikv 函数,其会调用 run_impl 函数并依据配置参数来启动对应的 KV 引擎。

在 run_impl 函数中,首先会调用 TikvServer::<CER>::init::<F>(config) 函数做若干重要构造的初始化,蕴含但不限于 batch_system, concurrency_manager, background_worker, quota_limiter 等等,接着在 tikv.init_servers::<F>() 里将 RPC handler 与 KVService 绑定起来,最初在 tikv.run_server(server_config) 中便会应用 TiKV 源码解析系列文章(七)gRPC Server 的初始化和启动流程 中介绍的 grpc server 绑定对应的端口并开始监听连贯了。

/// Run a TiKV server. Returns when the server is shutdown by the user, in which
/// case the server will be properly stopped.
pub fn run_tikv(config: TikvConfig) {


    // Do some prepare works before start.

    let _m = Monitor::default();

    dispatch_api_version!(config.storage.api_version(), {
        if !config.raft_engine.enable {run_impl::<RocksEngine, API>(config)
        } else {run_impl::<RaftLogEngine, API>(config)

fn run_impl<CER: ConfiguredRaftEngine, F: KvFormat>(config: TikvConfig) {let mut tikv = TikvServer::<CER>::init::<F>(config);


    let server_config = tikv.init_servers::<F>();


fn run_server(&mut self, server_config: Arc<VersionTrack<ServerConfig>>) {let server = self.servers.as_mut().unwrap();
        .unwrap_or_else(|e| fatal!("failed to build server: {}", e));
        .start(server_config, self.security_mgr.clone())
        .unwrap_or_else(|e| fatal!("failed to start server: {}", e));

KVService 服务启动后,所有发往监听端口的申请便会路由到 KVService 对应的 handler 上。无关 KVService 目前反对的接口,能够间接查看 kvproto 对应的 service Tikv,目前的 RPC 接口曾经靠近 60 个,每个接口在代码中都会对应一个 handler。

// Key/value store API for TiKV.
service Tikv {
    // Commands using a transactional interface.
    rpc KvGet(kvrpcpb.GetRequest) returns (kvrpcpb.GetResponse) {}
    rpc KvScan(kvrpcpb.ScanRequest) returns (kvrpcpb.ScanResponse) {}
    rpc KvPrewrite(kvrpcpb.PrewriteRequest) returns (kvrpcpb.PrewriteResponse) {}
    rpc KvPessimisticLock(kvrpcpb.PessimisticLockRequest) returns (kvrpcpb.PessimisticLockResponse) {}
    rpc KVPessimisticRollback(kvrpcpb.PessimisticRollbackRequest) returns (kvrpcpb.PessimisticRollbackResponse) {}

当 KVService 收到申请之后,会依据申请的类型把这些申请转发到不同的模块进行解决。对于从 TiDB 下推的读申请,比方 sum,avg 操作,会转发到 Coprocessor 模块进行解决,对于 KV 申请会间接转发到 Storage 模块进行解决。

KV 操作依据性能能够被划分为 Raw KV 操作以及 Txn KV 操作两大类。Raw KV 操作包含 raw put、raw get、raw delete、raw batch get、raw batch put、raw batch delete、raw scan 等一般 KV 操作。Txn KV 操作是为了实现事务机制而设计的一系列操作,如 prewrite 和 commit 别离对应于 2PC 中的 prepare 和 commit 阶段的操作。

与 TiKV 源码解析系列文章(七)gRPC Server 的初始化和启动流程 中介绍的 handler example 不同,以后 KVService 对事务 API 例如 kv_prewrite, kv_commit 和 Raw API 例如 raw_get, raw_scan 进行了封装,因为他们都会被路由到 Storage 模块,所以接口无关的逻辑都被封装到了 handle_request 宏中,接口相干的逻辑则被封装到了 future_prewirte, future_commit 等 future_xxx 函数中。须要留神的是,对于 coprocessor API,raft API 等相干接口仍然采纳了原生对接 grpc-rs 的形式。

macro_rules! handle_request {($fn_name: ident, $future_name: ident, $req_ty: ident, $resp_ty: ident) => {handle_request!($fn_name, $future_name, $req_ty, $resp_ty, no_time_detail);
    ($fn_name: ident, $future_name: ident, $req_ty: ident, $resp_ty: ident, $time_detail: tt) => {fn $fn_name(&mut self, ctx: RpcContext<'_>, mut req: $req_ty, sink: UnarySink<$resp_ty>) {forward_unary!(self.proxy, $fn_name, ctx, req, sink);
            let begin_instant = Instant::now();

            let source = req.mut_context().take_request_source();
            let resp = $future_name(&self.storage, req);
            let task = async move {
                let resp = resp.await?;
                let elapsed = begin_instant.saturating_elapsed();
                set_total_time!(resp, elapsed, $time_detail);
                record_request_source_metrics(source, elapsed);
            .map_err(|e| {
                log_net_error!(e, "kv rpc failed";
                    "request" => stringify!($fn_name)


impl<T: RaftStoreRouter<E::Local> + 'static, E: Engine, L: LockManager, F: KvFormat> Tikv
    for Service<T, E, L, F>
{handle_request!(kv_get, future_get, GetRequest, GetResponse, has_time_detail);
    handle_request!(kv_scan, future_scan, ScanRequest, ScanResponse);


    handle_request!(raw_get, future_raw_get, RawGetRequest, RawGetResponse);
    handle_request!(raw_scan, future_raw_scan, RawScanRequest, RawScanResponse);


    fn coprocessor(&mut self, ctx: RpcContext<'_>, mut req: Request, sink: UnarySink<Response>) {forward_unary!(self.proxy, coprocessor, ctx, req, sink);
        let source = req.mut_context().take_request_source();
        let begin_instant = Instant::now();
        let future = future_copr(&self.copr, Some(ctx.peer()), req);
        let task = async move {let resp = future.await?.consume();
            let elapsed = begin_instant.saturating_elapsed();
            record_request_source_metrics(source, elapsed);
        .map_err(|e| {
            log_net_error!(e, "kv rpc failed";
                "request" => "coprocessor"
        .map(|_| ());



在事务相干 API 的 future_xxx 函数实现中,对于带有写语义的 future_prewrite, future_commit 等函数,因为它们会被对立调度到 Storage 模块的 sched_txn_command 函数中,以后又形象出了 txn_command_future 宏来缩小冗余代码;对于带有读语义的 future_get, future_scan 等函数,因为他们会别离调用 Storage 模块的 get/scan 等函数,因此目前并没有进行进一步形象。

macro_rules! txn_command_future {($fn_name: ident, $req_ty: ident, $resp_ty: ident, ($req: ident) $prelude: stmt; ($v: ident, $resp: ident, $tracker: ident) {$else_branch: expr}) => {
        fn $fn_name<E: Engine, L: LockManager, F: KvFormat>(
            storage: &Storage<E, L, F>,
            $req: $req_ty,
        ) -> impl Future<Output = ServerResult<$resp_ty>> {
            let $tracker = GLOBAL_TRACKERS.insert(Tracker::new(RequestInfo::new($req.get_context(),
            let (cb, f) = paired_future_callback();
            let res = storage.sched_txn_command($req.into(), cb);

            async move {
                let $v = match res {Err(e) => Err(e),
                    Ok(_) => f.await?,
                let mut $resp = $resp_ty::default();
                if let Some(err) = extract_region_error(&$v) {$resp.set_region_error(err);
                } else {$else_branch;}
    ($fn_name: ident, $req_ty: ident, $resp_ty: ident, ($v: ident, $resp: ident, $tracker: ident) {$else_branch: expr}) => {txn_command_future!($fn_name, $req_ty, $resp_ty, (req) {}; ($v, $resp, $tracker) {$else_branch});
    ($fn_name: ident, $req_ty: ident, $resp_ty: ident, ($v: ident, $resp: ident) {$else_branch: expr}) => {txn_command_future!($fn_name, $req_ty, $resp_ty, (req) {}; ($v, $resp, tracker) {$else_branch});

txn_command_future!(future_prewrite, PrewriteRequest, PrewriteResponse, (v, resp, tracker) {{if let Ok(v) = &v {resp.set_min_commit_ts(v.min_commit_ts.into_inner());
        GLOBAL_TRACKERS.with_tracker(tracker, |tracker| {tracker.write_scan_detail(resp.mut_exec_details_v2().mut_scan_detail_v2());
    resp.set_errors(extract_key_errors(v.map(|v| v.locks)).into());

fn future_get<E: Engine, L: LockManager, F: KvFormat>(
    storage: &Storage<E, L, F>,
    mut req: GetRequest,
) -> impl Future<Output = ServerResult<GetResponse>> {
    let tracker = GLOBAL_TRACKERS.insert(Tracker::new(RequestInfo::new(req.get_context(),
    let start = Instant::now();
    let v = storage.get(req.take_context(),

    async move {
        let v = v.await;
        let duration_ms = duration_to_ms(start.saturating_elapsed());
        let mut resp = GetResponse::default();
        if let Some(err) = extract_region_error(&v) {resp.set_region_error(err);
        } else {
            match v {Ok((val, stats)) => {...}
                Err(e) => resp.set_error(extract_key_error(&e)),

自 3.x 版本以来,KVService 利用了多个宏显著缩小了不同 RPC handler 间的冗余代码,然而这些宏目前还不能被 Clion 等调试工具的函数调用关系链捕捉到,这可能会困惑刚开始查看函数调用链却无奈找到对应 handler 的新同学。

通过本大节,心愿您可能理解 KVService 的作用和 TiKV 的启动流程,不仅具备寻找全局重要构造体初始化代码片段的能力,还可能迅速找到 KVService 中须要的 RPC handler 开始从上到下追踪 RPC 申请的调用门路。


Storage 模块位于 Service 与底层 KV 存储引擎之间,次要负责事务的并发管制。TiKV 端事务相干的实现都在 Storage 模块中。无关 3.x 版本的 Storage 模块能够参照 TiKV 源码解析系列文章(十一)Storage – 事务管制层。

通过三个大版本的迭代,Storage 和 Scheduler 构造体曾经产生了一些变动,本大节将基于之前的源码解析文档做一些更新和补充。

Storage 构造体:

  • engine:代表的是底层的 KV 存储引擎,利用 Trait Bound 来束缚接口,领有多种实现。理论 TiKV 应用的是 RaftKV 引擎,当调用 RaftKV 的 async_write 进行写入操作时,如果 async_write 通过回调形式胜利返回了,阐明写入操作曾经通过 raft 复制给了大多数正本,并且在 leader 节点(调用者所在 TiKV)实现写入,后续 leader 节点上的读就可能看到之前写入的内容
  • sched:事务调度器,负责并发事务申请的调度工作
  • readPool:读取线程池,所有只读 KV 申请,包含事务的和非事务的,如 raw get、txn kv get 等最终都会在这个线程池内执行。因为只读申请不须要获取 latches,所以为其调配一个独立的线程池间接执行,而不是与非只读事务共用事务调度器。值得注意的是,以后版本的 readPool 曾经反对依据读申请中的 priority 字段来差异调度读申请,而不是全副看做雷同优先级的工作来偏心调度
pub struct Storage<E: Engine, L: LockManager, F: KvFormat> {
    // TODO: Too many Arcs, would be slow when clone.
    engine: E,

    sched: TxnScheduler<E, L>,

    /// The thread pool used to run most read operations.
    read_pool: ReadPoolHandle,


pub enum ReadPoolHandle {
    FuturePools {
        read_pool_high: FuturePool,
        read_pool_normal: FuturePool,
        read_pool_low: FuturePool,
    Yatp {
        remote: Remote<TaskCell>,
        running_tasks: IntGauge,
        max_tasks: usize,
        pool_size: usize,

Scheduler 构造体:

  • id_alloc:达到 Scheduler 的申请都会被调配一个惟一的 command id
  • latches:写申请达到 Scheduler 之后会尝试获取所须要的 latch,如果临时获取不到所须要的 latch,其对应的 command id 会被插入到 latch 的 waiting list 里,当后面的申请执行完结后会唤醒 waiting list 里的申请继续执行。至于为什么须要 latches,能够参考 TiKV 源码解析系列文章(十二)分布式事务 中的 Scheduler 与 Latch 章节
  • task_slots:用于存储 Scheduler 中所有申请的上下文,比方临时未能获取到所有所需 latch 的申请会被暂存在 task_slots 中
  • lock_mgr:乐观事务抵触管理器,当多个并行乐观事务之间存在抵触时可能会临时阻塞某些事务。TiKV 乐观事务具体原理可参考博客 TiDB 新个性漫谈:乐观事务
  • pipelined_pessimistic_lock/in_memory_pessimistic_lock/enable_async_apply_prewrite:TiKV 乐观事务若干优化引入的新字段,具体优化可参考博客 TiDB 6.0 实战分享丨内存乐观锁原理浅析与实际
/// Scheduler which schedules the execution of `storage::Command`s.
pub struct Scheduler<E: Engine, L: LockManager> {
    inner: Arc<SchedulerInner<L>>,
    // The engine can be fetched from the thread local storage of scheduler threads.
    // So, we don't store the engine here.
    _engine: PhantomData<E>,

struct SchedulerInner<L: LockManager> {// slot_id -> { cid -> `TaskContext`} in the slot.
    task_slots: Vec<CachePadded<Mutex<HashMap<u64, TaskContext>>>>,

    // cmd id generator
    id_alloc: CachePadded<AtomicU64>,

    // write concurrency control
    latches: Latches,

    sched_pending_write_threshold: usize,

    // worker pool
    worker_pool: SchedPool,

    // high priority commands and system commands will be delivered to this pool
    high_priority_pool: SchedPool,

    // used to control write flow
    running_write_bytes: CachePadded<AtomicUsize>,

    flow_controller: Arc<FlowController>,

    control_mutex: Arc<tokio::sync::Mutex<bool>>,

    lock_mgr: L,

    concurrency_manager: ConcurrencyManager,

    pipelined_pessimistic_lock: Arc<AtomicBool>,

    in_memory_pessimistic_lock: Arc<AtomicBool>,

    enable_async_apply_prewrite: bool,

    resource_tag_factory: ResourceTagFactory,

    quota_limiter: Arc<QuotaLimiter>,
    feature_gate: FeatureGate,

最开始看到 id_alloc 和 task_slots 的介绍时往往会好奇为每个 command 生成惟一 id 的意义是什么?task_slots 外面存的上下文到底是什么?实际上这与 TiKV 的异步执行框架有关系。

以下是 Storage 模块执行事务申请的要害函数 schedule_command,能够看到,每个申请一进入函数首先会申请一个递增惟一的 cid,接着根据该 cid 将本次申请的 command 包在一个 task 中,而后将该 task 附带 callback 生成一个 TaskContext 插入到 task_slot 中,之后便会尝试去申请 latches,如果胜利便会持续调用 execute 函数去真正执行 task,否则便仿佛没有下文了?那么如果 task 申请 latches 失败,之后该 task 会在什么时候被执行呢?

fn schedule_command(&self, cmd: Command, callback: StorageCallback) {let cid = self.inner.gen_id();
    let tracker = get_tls_tracker_token();
    debug!("received new command"; "cid" => cid, "cmd" => ?cmd, "tracker" => ?tracker);
    let tag = cmd.tag();
    let priority_tag = get_priority_tag(cmd.priority());

    let mut task_slot = self.inner.get_task_slot(cid);
    let tctx = task_slot.entry(cid).or_insert_with(|| {
            .new_task_context(Task::new(cid, tracker, cmd), callback)

    if self.inner.latches.acquire(&mut tctx.lock, cid) {fail_point!("txn_scheduler_acquire_success");
        let task = tctx.task.take().unwrap();
    let task = tctx.task.as_ref().unwrap();
    let deadline = task.cmd.deadline();
    let cmd_ctx = task.cmd.ctx().clone();
    self.fail_fast_or_check_deadline(cid, tag, cmd_ctx, deadline);

/// Task is a running command.
pub(super) struct Task {pub(super) cid: u64,
    pub(super) tracker: TrackerToken,
    pub(super) cmd: Command,
    pub(super) extra_op: ExtraOp,

// It stores context of a task.
struct TaskContext {
    task: Option<Task>,

    lock: Lock,
    cb: Option<StorageCallback>,
    pr: Option<ProcessResult>,
    // The one who sets `owned` from false to true is allowed to take
    // `cb` and `pr` safely.
    owned: AtomicBool,
    write_bytes: usize,
    tag: CommandKind,
    // How long it waits on latches.
    // latch_timer: Option<Instant>,
    latch_timer: Instant,
    // Total duration of a command.
    _cmd_timer: CmdTimer,

/// Latches which are used for concurrency control in the scheduler.
/// Each latch is indexed by a slot ID, hence the term latch and slot are used
/// interchangeably, but conceptually a latch is a queue, and a slot is an index
/// to the queue.
pub struct Latches {
    slots: Vec<CachePadded<Mutex<Latch>>>,
    size: usize,

进入 Latches::acquire 函数中去细究,能够看到其会渐进的去收集所有 latch,如果在本次函数调用中没有收集到所有的 latch,以后线程不会受到任何阻塞而是间接返回 false。当然在返回 false 之前其也会利用 latch.wair_for_wake 函数将以后 task 的 id 放到对应 latch 的 waiting 队列外面,之后以后线程便能够解决其余的工作而不是阻塞在该工作上。因为每个获取到所有 latch 去执行的工作会在执行完结后调用 scheduler::release_lock 函数来开释所领有的全副 latch,在开释过程中,其便可能获取到阻塞在这些 latch 且位于 waiting 队列首位的所有其余 task,接着对应线程会调用 scheduler::try_to_wake_up 函数遍历唤醒这些 task 并尝试再次获取 latch 和执行,一旦可能获取胜利便去 execute,否则持续阻塞期待其余线程再次唤醒即可。

/// Tries to acquire the latches specified by the `lock` for command with ID
/// `who`.
/// This method will enqueue the command ID into the waiting queues of the
/// latches. A latch is considered acquired if the command ID is the first
/// one of elements in the queue which have the same hash value. Returns
/// true if all the Latches are acquired, false otherwise.
pub fn acquire(&self, lock: &mut Lock, who: u64) -> bool {
    let mut acquired_count: usize = 0;
    for &key_hash in &lock.required_hashes[lock.owned_count..] {let mut latch = self.lock_latch(key_hash);
        match latch.get_first_req_by_hash(key_hash) {Some(cid) => {
                if cid == who {acquired_count += 1;} else {latch.wait_for_wake(key_hash, who);
            None => {latch.wait_for_wake(key_hash, who);
                acquired_count += 1;
    lock.owned_count += acquired_count;

pub fn wait_for_wake(&mut self, key_hash: u64, cid: u64) {self.waiting.push_back(Some((key_hash, cid)));

/// Releases all the latches held by a command.
fn release_lock(&self, lock: &Lock, cid: u64) {let wakeup_list = self.inner.latches.release(lock, cid);
    for wcid in wakeup_list {self.try_to_wake_up(wcid);

/// Releases all latches owned by the `lock` of command with ID `who`,
/// returns the wakeup list.
/// Preconditions: the caller must ensure the command is at the front of the
/// latches.
pub fn release(&self, lock: &Lock, who: u64) -> Vec<u64> {let mut wakeup_list: Vec<u64> = vec![];
    for &key_hash in &lock.required_hashes[..lock.owned_count] {let mut latch = self.lock_latch(key_hash);
        let (v, front) = latch.pop_front(key_hash).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(front, who);
        assert_eq!(v, key_hash);
        if let Some(wakeup) = latch.get_first_req_by_hash(key_hash) {wakeup_list.push(wakeup);

/// Tries to acquire all the necessary latches. If all the necessary latches
/// are acquired, the method initiates a get snapshot operation for further
/// processing.
fn try_to_wake_up(&self, cid: u64) {match self.inner.acquire_lock_on_wakeup(cid) {Ok(Some(task)) => {fail_point!("txn_scheduler_try_to_wake_up");
        Ok(None) => {}
        Err(err) => {
            // Spawn the finish task to the pool to avoid stack overflow
            // when many queuing tasks fail successively.
            let this = self.clone();
                .spawn(async move {this.finish_with_err(cid, err);

实际上一旦结构出 TaskContext 并插入到 task_slots 中,只有持有 id 便能够去 task_slots 中获取到该 task 和其对应的 callback,那么任何一个线程都能够去执行该工作并返回客户端对应的执行后果。

总体来看,这样的异步执行计划相当于在 command 级别形象出了一套类协程调度逻辑,再辅以 Rust 原生的无栈协程,缩小了很多 grpc 线程之间的同步阻塞和切换。

通过本大节,心愿您可能理解 Storage 模块的组织构造,并对 scheduler 的异步并发申请调度计划有肯定的认知,可能在正确的地位去追踪单个申请的异步调用门路。


RaftStore 常被认为是 TiKV 最简单,最艰涩的模块,劝退了相当一部分开发者。

在笔者看来这次要跟要保障 multi-raft + split/merge 在各种 case 下的一致性 / 正确性无关,自身的语义就十分复杂,那实现也就很难简略了。只管有太多须要留神的细节,但如果仅要理解 RaftStore 的大体框架仍然是可行的。

TiKV 源码解析系列文章(十七)raftstore 概览 介绍了 3.x 版本的 RaftStore,目前 RaftStore 曾经有了些许的变动,本大节将简略补充笔者的了解。

Batch System 是 RaftStore 解决的基石,是一套用来并发驱动状态机的机制。


/// A `Fsm` is a finite state machine. It should be able to be notified for
/// updating internal state according to incoming messages.
pub trait Fsm {
    type Message: Send;

    fn is_stopped(&self) -> bool;

    /// Set a mailbox to FSM, which should be used to send message to itself.
    fn set_mailbox(&mut self, _mailbox: Cow<'_, BasicMailbox<Self>>)
        Self: Sized,
    { }
    /// Take the mailbox from FSM. Implementation should ensure there will be
    /// no reference to mailbox after calling this method.
    fn take_mailbox(&mut self) -> Option<BasicMailbox<Self>>
        Self: Sized,

    fn get_priority(&self) -> Priority {Priority::Normal}

/// A unify type for FSMs so that they can be sent to channel easily.
pub enum FsmTypes<N, C> {Normal(Box<N>),
    // Used as a signal that scheduler should be shutdown.

状态机通过 PollHandler 来驱动,定义如下:

/// A handler that polls all FSMs in ready.
/// A general process works like the following:
/// loop {
///     begin
///     if control is ready:
///         handle_control
///     foreach ready normal:
///         handle_normal
///     light_end
///     end
/// }
/// A [`PollHandler`] doesn't have to be [`Sync`] because each poll thread has
/// its own handler.
pub trait PollHandler<N, C>: Send + 'static {
    /// This function is called at the very beginning of every round.
    fn begin<F>(&mut self, _batch_size: usize, update_cfg: F)
        for<'a> F: FnOnce(&'a Config);

    /// This function is called when the control FSM is ready.
    /// If `Some(len)` is returned, this function will not be called again until
    /// there are more than `len` pending messages in `control` FSM.
    /// If `None` is returned, this function will be called again with the same
    /// FSM `control` in the next round, unless it is stopped.
    fn handle_control(&mut self, control: &mut C) -> Option<usize>;

    /// This function is called when some normal FSMs are ready.
    fn handle_normal(&mut self, normal: &mut impl DerefMut<Target = N>) -> HandleResult;

    /// This function is called after [`handle_normal`] is called for all FSMs
    /// and before calling [`end`]. The function is expected to run lightweight
    /// works.
    fn light_end(&mut self, _batch: &mut [Option<impl DerefMut<Target = N>>]) {}

    /// This function is called at the end of every round.
    fn end(&mut self, batch: &mut [Option<impl DerefMut<Target = N>>]);

    /// This function is called when batch system is going to sleep.
    fn pause(&mut self) {}

    /// This function returns the priority of this handler.
    fn get_priority(&self) -> Priority {Priority::Normal}

大体来看,状态机分成两种,normal 和 control。对于每一个 Batch System,只有一个 control 状态机,负责管理和解决一些须要全局视线的工作。其余 normal 状态机负责解决其本身相干的工作。每个状态机都有其绑定的音讯和音讯队列。PollHandler 负责驱动状态机,解决本身队列中的音讯。Batch System 的职责就是检测哪些状态机须要驱动,而后调用 PollHandler 去生产音讯。生产音讯会产生副作用,而这些副作用或要落盘,或要网络交互。PollHandler 在一个批次中能够解决多个 normal 状态机。

在 RaftStore 里,一共有两个 Batch System。别离是 RaftBatchSystem 和 ApplyBatchSystem。RaftBatchSystem 用于驱动 Raft 状态机,包含日志的散发、落盘、状态跃迁等。曾经提交的日志会被发往 ApplyBatchSystem 进行解决。ApplyBatchSystem 将日志解析并利用到底层 KV 数据库中,执行回调函数。所有的写操作都遵循着这个流程。


  • 每个 PollHandler 对应一个线程,其在 poll 函数中会继续地检测须要驱动的状态机并进行解决,此外还可能将某些 hot region 路由给其余 PollHandler 来做一些负载平衡操作。
  • 每个 region 对应一个 raft 组,而每个 raft 组在一个 BatchSystem 里就对应一个 normal 状态机,

    • 对于 RaftBatchSystem,参照 TiKV 源码解析系列文章(二)raft-rs proposal 示例情景剖析 中提到的 raft-rs 接口,每个 normal 状态机在一轮 loop 中被 PollHandler 获取一次 ready,其中个别蕴含须要长久化的未提交日志,须要发送的音讯和须要利用的已提交日志等。对于须要长久化的未提交日志,最间接的做法便是将其临时缓存到内存中进行攒批,而后在以后 loop 结尾的 end 函数中对立同步解决,这无疑会影响每轮 loop 的效率,TiKV 的 6.x 版本曾经将 loop 结尾的同步 IO 抽到了 loop 内政给了额定的线程池去做,这进一步晋升了 store loop 的效率,具体可参考该 issue。对于须要发送的音讯,则通过 Transport 异步发送给对应的 store。对于须要利用的已提交日志,则通过 applyRouter 带着回调函数发给 ApplyBatchSystem。
    • 对于 ApplyBatchSystem,每个 normal 状态机在一轮 loop 中被 PollHandler 获取 RaftBatchSystem 发来的若干曾经提交须要利用的日志,其须要将其攒批提交并在之后执行对应的回调函数返回客户端后果。须要留神的是,返回客户端后果之后 ApplyBatchSystem 还须要向 RaftBatchSystem 再 propose ApplyRes 的音讯,从而更新 RaftBatchSystem 的某些内存状态,比方 applyIndex,该字段的更新可能推动某些阻塞在某个 ReadIndex 上的读申请继续执行。

如下便是 BatchSystem 的启动流程及 poll 函数:

/// A system that can poll FSMs concurrently and in batch.
/// To use the system, two type of FSMs and their PollHandlers need to be
/// defined: Normal and Control. Normal FSM handles the general task while
/// Control FSM creates normal FSM instances.
pub struct BatchSystem<N: Fsm, C: Fsm> {
    name_prefix: Option<String>,
    router: BatchRouter<N, C>,
    receiver: channel::Receiver<FsmTypes<N, C>>,
    low_receiver: channel::Receiver<FsmTypes<N, C>>,
    pool_size: usize,
    max_batch_size: usize,
    workers: Arc<Mutex<Vec<JoinHandle<()>>>>,
    joinable_workers: Arc<Mutex<Vec<ThreadId>>>,
    reschedule_duration: Duration,
    low_priority_pool_size: usize,
    pool_state_builder: Option<PoolStateBuilder<N, C>>,

impl<N, C> BatchSystem<N, C>
    N: Fsm + Send + 'static,
    C: Fsm + Send + 'static,
{fn start_poller<B>(&mut self, name: String, priority: Priority, builder: &mut B)
        B: HandlerBuilder<N, C>,
        B::Handler: Send + 'static,
    {let handler = builder.build(priority);
        let receiver = match priority {Priority::Normal => self.receiver.clone(),
            Priority::Low => self.low_receiver.clone(),};
        let mut poller = Poller {router: self.router.clone(),
            fsm_receiver: receiver,
            max_batch_size: self.max_batch_size,
            reschedule_duration: self.reschedule_duration,
            joinable_workers: if priority == Priority::Normal {Some(Arc::clone(&self.joinable_workers))
            } else {None},
        let props = tikv_util::thread_group::current_properties();
        let t = thread::Builder::new()
            .spawn_wrapper(move || {tikv_util::thread_group::set_properties(props);

    /// Start the batch system.
    pub fn spawn<B>(&mut self, name_prefix: String, mut builder: B)
        B: HandlerBuilder<N, C>,
        B::Handler: Send + 'static,
        for i in 0..self.pool_size {
            self.start_poller(thd_name!(format!("{}-{}", name_prefix, i)),
                &mut builder,
        for i in 0..self.low_priority_pool_size {
            self.start_poller(thd_name!(format!("{}-low-{}", name_prefix, i)),
                &mut builder,
        self.name_prefix = Some(name_prefix);

    /// Polls for readiness and forwards them to handler. Removes stale peers if
    /// necessary.
    pub fn poll(&mut self) {fail_point!("poll");
        let mut batch = Batch::with_capacity(self.max_batch_size);
        let mut reschedule_fsms = Vec::with_capacity(self.max_batch_size);
        let mut to_skip_end = Vec::with_capacity(self.max_batch_size);

        // Fetch batch after every round is finished. It's helpful to protect regions
        // from becoming hungry if some regions are hot points. Since we fetch new FSM
        // every time calling `poll`, we do not need to configure a large value for
        // `self.max_batch_size`.
        let mut run = true;
        while run && self.fetch_fsm(&mut batch) {
            // If there is some region wait to be deal, we must deal with it even if it has
            // overhead max size of batch. It's helpful to protect regions from becoming
            // hungry if some regions are hot points.
            let mut max_batch_size = std::cmp::max(self.max_batch_size, batch.normals.len());
            // Update some online config if needed.
                // TODO: rust 2018 does not support capture disjoint field within a closure.
                // See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/53488 for more details.
                // We can remove this once we upgrade to rust 2021 or later edition.
                let batch_size = &mut self.max_batch_size;
                self.handler.begin(max_batch_size, |cfg| {*batch_size = cfg.max_batch_size();
            max_batch_size = std::cmp::max(self.max_batch_size, batch.normals.len());

            if batch.control.is_some() {let len = self.handler.handle_control(batch.control.as_mut().unwrap());
                if batch.control.as_ref().unwrap().is_stopped() {batch.remove_control(&self.router.control_box);
                } else if let Some(len) = len {batch.release_control(&self.router.control_box, len);

            let mut hot_fsm_count = 0;
            for (i, p) in batch.normals.iter_mut().enumerate() {let p = p.as_mut().unwrap();
                let res = self.handler.handle_normal(p);
                if p.is_stopped() {p.policy = Some(ReschedulePolicy::Remove);
                } else if p.get_priority() != self.handler.get_priority() {p.policy = Some(ReschedulePolicy::Schedule);
                } else {if p.timer.saturating_elapsed() >= self.reschedule_duration {
                        hot_fsm_count += 1;
                        // We should only reschedule a half of the hot regions, otherwise,
                        // it's possible all the hot regions are fetched in a batch the
                        // next time.
                        if hot_fsm_count % 2 == 0 {p.policy = Some(ReschedulePolicy::Schedule);
                    if let HandleResult::StopAt {progress, skip_end} = res {p.policy = Some(ReschedulePolicy::Release(progress));
                        if skip_end {to_skip_end.push(i);
            let mut fsm_cnt = batch.normals.len();
            while batch.normals.len() < max_batch_size {if let Ok(fsm) = self.fsm_receiver.try_recv() {run = batch.push(fsm);
                // When `fsm_cnt >= batch.normals.len()`:
                // - No more FSMs in `fsm_receiver`.
                // - We receive a control FSM. Break the loop because ControlFsm may change
                //   state of the handler, we shall deal with it immediately after calling
                //   `begin` of `Handler`.
                if !run || fsm_cnt >= batch.normals.len() {break;}
                let p = batch.normals[fsm_cnt].as_mut().unwrap();
                let res = self.handler.handle_normal(p);
                if p.is_stopped() {p.policy = Some(ReschedulePolicy::Remove);
                } else if let HandleResult::StopAt {progress, skip_end} = res {p.policy = Some(ReschedulePolicy::Release(progress));
                    if skip_end {to_skip_end.push(fsm_cnt);
                fsm_cnt += 1;
            self.handler.light_end(&mut batch.normals);
            for index in &to_skip_end {batch.schedule(&self.router, *index);
            self.handler.end(&mut batch.normals);

            // Iterate larger index first, so that `swap_reclaim` won't affect other FSMs
            // in the list.
            for index in reschedule_fsms.iter().rev() {batch.schedule(&self.router, *index);
        if let Some(fsm) = batch.control.take() {self.router.control_scheduler.schedule(fsm);
            info!("poller will exit, release the left ControlFsm");
        let left_fsm_cnt = batch.normals.len();
        if left_fsm_cnt > 0 {
            info!("poller will exit, schedule {} left NormalFsms",
            for i in 0..left_fsm_cnt {let to_schedule = match batch.normals[i].take() {Some(f) => f,
                    None => continue,

通过本大节,心愿您可能理解 BatchSystem 的大体框架,并知悉 PollHandler 和 FSM 的物理含意,以便联合之后的博客去相熟全链路读写流程。


断点调试是一种学习源码的无效伎俩。当不是很相熟 gdb 等工具时,应用一些更古代的 IDE 会大幅晋升调试代码的体验。

笔者平时采纳了 CLion + intellij-rust 的工具链来调试 Rust 代码。须要留神的是,在应用 CLion 调试 TiKV 源码时,须要参照 Cargo book 批改 TiKV cargo.toml 中 [profile.test][profile.dev] 的 debug 选项 来开启调试信息,否则在 Clion 里断点调试时会无奈看到对应的堆栈信息。

实际上如果要做到以上读写门路的全链路追踪,最简略的办法便是从集成测试外面寻找一些 case,接着从 Service 模块开始打断点,之后执行调试即可。在这里举荐 integrations/server/kv_service.rs 中的测试,外面的 test 都会结构 TiKVClient 发送实在的 RPC 申请,且服务端也根本不蕴含 Mock 组件,能够残缺的去追踪一条 RPC 的全链路流程。

此外因为 TiKV 的代码中有比拟多的 spawn 和回调函数,刚开始可能并不能很间接的串起来流程,但置信通过上文的介绍,您曾经大抵理解其异步框架的实现,从而能够在正确的闭包地位打下断点,进而相熟地追踪单条申请的全链路实现。


本篇博客介绍了 TiKV 的基本概念,TiKV 读写门路上的三个重要模块(KVService,Storage,RaftStore)和断点调试 TiKV 学习源码的计划

心愿本博客可能帮忙对 TiKV 开发感兴趣的新同学尽快理解 TiKV 的 codebase。

