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微前端通常被称为“前端微服务”。它们容许您将大型单体前端合成为独立的、可扩大的、能够协同工作的独立局部。微前端架构对于简单的产品或领有泛滥团队的公司尤其有用,能够帮忙您创立统一的 Web 应用程序。

观看此视频,其中解释了微前端架构的基础知识以及如何应用 Luigi 实现。

Luigi 是一个用 Svelte 编写的开源微前端框架。它容许您创立统一的用户界面和导航,同时还提供其余性能以使开发更容易。它的外观基于根本库款式。Luigi 与技术无关,容许您应用 React、Angular、UI5 或任何其余技术构建应用程序并向其增加微前端。

Luigi Fiddle 是一个测试游乐场,您能够在其中感触 Luigi。

这张图描述了 Luigi 的根本架构:

Luigi terminology

这是一小部分 Luigi 术语:

  • Luigi Core – 指其中显示微前端的次要应用程序。它包含顶部和侧面导航以及与主应用程序相干的所有其余设置。
  • Luigi Client – 这个术语涵盖了 Luigi 提供的所有与微前端相干的设置。微前端可通过 Luigi Client API 进行配置。
  • parameters – 参数是用于配置 Luigi 应用程序的元素。
  • 导航节点 – Luigi 中侧面导航的各个链接。
  • Contexts – 上下文是 Luigi 参数,容许您将对象传递到微前端。
  • Views – 视图,微前端的另一个名称。

本系列文章,咱们将从头开始应用 Luigi 创立一个应用程序。它将基于网络购物平台的理念,并将包含其余性能,例如用于以英语和德语显示网站的本地化。


  • 应用 React 构建的 Luigi Core 应用程序:“主应用程序”,其中蕴含微前端并包含无论您导航到应用程序的哪个子页面都保持一致的顶部和侧面导航。
  • 应用 React 构建的微前端:它们包含主页、“产品”页面和蕴含每个产品信息的“产品详细信息”列表。
  • 应用 UI5 构建的微前端:“订单历史”页面,显示已购买产品的数量和价格。



命令行 npm i create-react-app:

而后是命令行:npx create-react-app react-core-mf

Install dependencies

If you haven’t already done so, make sure you install SAP Fonts.

跳转到 core app 去:cd react-core-mf


npm i -P @luigi-project/core @luigi-project/client fundamental-styles fundamental-react @sap-theming/theming-base-content react-router-dom

npm i copy-webpack-plugin webpack webpack-cli @babel/core @babel/preset-env babel-loader –save-dev

Create UI5 micro-frontend

创立一个 ui5-mf 文件夹:

命令行创立 ui5 工程:

npm install -g yo generator-easy-ui5

Add a file with product data


在事实的我的项目实现中,这些数据将由数据库提供。但为简略起见,您将在 .json 文件中创立虚构数据。该文件将由主应用程序和微前端应用。

Navigate to ui5-mf/uimodule/webapp/model and create a products.json file with the following content:

    "ProductCollection": [{
            "id": 101,
            "name": "Logitech Mouse",
            "price": 45.0,
            "stock": 80,
            "icon": "product",
            "currencyCode": "EUR",
            "orderQuantity": 2,
            "description": "LIGHTSPEED Wireless Gaming Mouse with HERO Sensor"
            "id": 102,
            "name": "Logitech Keyboard",
            "price": 50.0,
            "stock": 22,
            "icon": "product",
            "currencyCode": "EUR",
            "orderQuantity": 1,
            "description": "A physical keyboard that uses an individual spring and switch for each key. Today, only premium keyboards are built with key switches; however, they were also used in the past, such as in the Model M keyboard from IBM, which used buckling spring switches"
            "id": 103,
            "name": "HP Optical Mouse",
            "price": 35.0,
            "stock": 4,
            "icon": "product",
            "currencyCode": "EUR",
            "orderQuantity": 2,
            "description": "Utilizing the latest optical sensing technology, the HP USB Optical Scroll Mouse records precise motion."
            "id": 104,
            "name": "MacBook Pro",
            "price": 1299.0,
            "stock": 11,
            "icon": "laptop",
            "currencyCode": "EUR",
            "orderQuantity": 3,
            "description": "It features a touch-sensitive OLED display strip located in place of the function keys, a Touch ID sensor integrated with the power button, a butterfly mechanism keyboard similar to the MacBook, and four USB-C ports that also serve as Thunderbolt 3 ports."
            "id": 105,
            "name": "Magic Mouse",
            "price": 40.0,
            "stock": 20,
            "icon": "product",
            "currencyCode": "EUR",
            "orderQuantity": 6,
            "description": "The Magic Mouse 2 (Apple Magic Mouse 2), is a computer mouse developed and released by Apple Inc. It features a multi-touch acrylic surface for scrolling. ... The mouse features a lithium-ion rechargeable battery and Lightning connector for charging and pairing."
            "id": 106,
            "name": "Brother Printer",
            "price": 235.0,
            "stock": 24,
            "icon": "fx",
            "currencyCode": "EUR",
            "orderQuantity": 1,
            "description": "Our affordable, quality machines provide you with the optimal way to take care of all your printing needs. Shop for the right printer, all-in-one, or fax machine for your home or home office today."
            "id": 107,
            "name": "iPhone 11",
            "price": 835.0,
            "stock": 45,
            "icon": "iphone",
            "currencyCode": "EUR",
            "orderQuantity": 8,
            "description": "The iPhone 11 dimensions are 150.9mm x 75.7mm x 8.3mm (H x W x D). It weighs about 194 grams (6.84 ounces).It features a 6.1-inch all-screen LCD display and is powered by Apple new A13 bionic chip with Third-Generation Neural Engine."
            "id": 108,
            "name": "Google Pixel 3a",
            "price": 299.0,
            "stock": 54,
            "icon": "desktop-mobile",
            "currencyCode": "EUR",
            "orderQuantity": 7,
            "description": "At 5.6 inches, the Google Pixel 3a display is proportionate to the relatively small body of the phone – that is to say, it is rather small. The display is Full HD+ and OLED, with a resolution of 2220 x 1080, and because of the relatively small screen size the pixels per inch count is rather high at 441."
            "id": 109,
            "name": "PlayStation 4",
            "price": 330.0,
            "stock": 94,
            "icon": "video",
            "currencyCode": "EUR",
            "orderQuantity": 1,
            "description": "PS4 is the fourth home video game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment and is compatible with the PlayStation 3. It was officially announced at a press conference on February 20, 2013 and launched on November 15, 2013."
            "id": 110,
            "name": "Dell Monitor",
            "price": 630.0,
            "stock": 20,
            "icon": "sys-monitor",
            "currencyCode": "EUR",
            "orderQuantity": 3,
            "description": "34'' U3419W Monitor, Display with stand Height adjustable (115 mm), tiltable (-5° to 21°), rotatable (-30° to 30°) Security slot (cable lock sold separately), anti-theft slot for locking to stand (for display). Includes: DisplayPort cable, HDMI cable, Power cable, Stand, USB 3.0 Type-A to Type-B cable, USB-C cable"

Prepare React app

此步骤为您的开发做好筹备。为了可能应用 webpack 并齐全管制您的 React 应用程序,您须要触发 npm run eject 命令。

cd react-core-mf

执行下列命令行。请留神,因为此命令的工作形式,npm run eject 可能会失败。如果呈现谬误,则须要在运行命令之前提交任何更改。

npm run eject



  • git add .
  • git commit -am “Save before ejecting”

之后从新执行 eject 命令,就胜利了:

Add Luigi to index.html

In this step, you will let Luigi take control of the index.hmtl file – the entry point for your app.

编辑 react-core-mf/public/index.html 文件的内容为:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/luigi-core/luigi.css" />
<script src="/luigi-core/luigi.js"></script>
<script src="/luigi-config.js"></script>

Create micro-frontends template

在这一步中,您将创立另一个 HTML 文件,该文件将作为 React 创立 React 微前端的模板。

转到 react-core-mf/public 并创立一个名为 app.html 的新文件。将此代码粘贴到文件中:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <title>React App</title>
    <div id="root"></div>

Configure webpack

在这一步中,咱们配置 webpack 并调整依赖项,以便更轻松地开发和构建应用程序。

批改 react-core-mf/config/webpack-config.js:


const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');


const ModuleScopePlugin = require('react-dev-utils/ModuleScopePlugin');


新的 plugin:

new CopyWebpackPlugin(
    patterns: [
         context: 'public',
         from: 'index.html',
         to: 'index.html'
         from: 'node_modules/@luigi-project/core',
         to: './luigi-core'
   {ignore: ['.gitkeep', '**/.DS_Store', '**/Thumbs.db'],
     debug: 'warning'
 new HtmlWebpackPlugin(
       inject: true,
       template: __dirname + '/../public/app.html',
       filename: 'app.html'

Create Luigi configuration file

在这一步中,您将创立一个 Luigi 配置文件。这是任何 Luigi 应用程序的中心点。它容许您配置统一的导航和许多其余 Luigi 性能。

react-core-mf/public 目录上面新建一个配置文件:luigi-config.js.

在现实生活中,您能够为配置文件指定任何您想要的名称或创立多个文件。惟一重要的是应用正确的 Luigi 参数和语法,这将在下一步中介绍。

Configure Luigi for “Home” node


这些是您将应用的 Luigi 导航参数:

  • pathSegment – 增加到 URL 的文本段
  • label – 导航中显示的节点的名称
  • icon – 标签旁边显示的 SAP 图标
  • viewUrl – 微前端的 URL

应用上面的代码,您将为您的页面配置题目,并使您的应用程序在挪动设施上应用 responseNavigation 参数看起来更好:

/* eslint-disable no-undef */
    navigation: {nodes: () => [
          pathSegment: 'home',
          label: 'Home',
          icon: 'home',
          viewUrl: '/app.html#/home'
    settings: {
        header: {
          title: 'Luigi Application',
          logo: '/logo.png'
        responsiveNavigation: 'simpleMobileOnly'

Create “Home” view

在这一步中,您将应用 React 创立您的第一个微前端(又名视图)。这是一个带有欢送信息的简略“主页”视图。

导航到 react-core-mf/src 并创立一个名为 views 的文件夹。

新建一个 Home.jsx 文件:

import React from 'react';
import {LayoutPanel} from 'fundamental-react';

export const Home = () => {
   return (
               <h2>Welcome to Luigi - a micro-frontend framework</h2>

Configure router for “Home” view

在此步骤中,您将对 React 应用程序的入口点 index.js 进行更改。您将为上一步中创立的“主页”视图配置路由器,并导入 Luigi Client。

关上 react-core-mf/src/index.js 并将其内容更改为:

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom';
import {addInitListener} from '@luigi-project/client';
import {BrowserRouter as Router, Route} from 'react-router-dom';
import {Home} from './views/Home.jsx';
import './index.css';

class App extends Component {constructor(props) {super(props);
   addInitListener(() => {console.log('Luigi Client initialized.');
 render() {
   return (<Router basename={`/app.html#`}>
       <Route path="/home" component={Home} />

render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));

Create more views with React

在这一步中,您将创立更多 React 微前端,包含产品列表和产品详细信息。

导航到 react-core-mf/src/views 并创立一个蕴含以下内容的文件 List.jsx:

import React from 'react';
import {MessageStrip, Avatar, LayoutPanel, LayoutGrid} from 'fundamental-react';

const NO_AVAILABLE_PRODUCT_MSG = 'Unfortunately, there is no available product at this moment.';
const panelStyle = {cursor: 'pointer'};

export const List = ({items}) => ((items.length === 0) ? <MessageStrip type='error'>{NO_AVAILABLE_PRODUCT_MSG}</MessageStrip>
   : items.map(({id, name, price, icon, stock}) => {
       return (<LayoutPanel key={id} style={panelStyle}>
                    <LayoutPanel.Head  title={name} />
                    <LayoutGrid cols={2}>
                            <div>Price: &euro;{price}</div>
                            <div>Stocks: {stock}</div>
                        <div><Avatar circle glyph={icon} size='s' /></div>


import React from 'react';
import {List} from './List.jsx';
import {ProductCollection} from '../../../ui5-mf/uimodule/webapp/model/products.json';
import {LayoutPanel, LayoutGrid} from 'fundamental-react';

export const Products = () => (
   <section className="fd-section">
               <h3>Items ({ProductCollection.length})</h3>
               <LayoutGrid cols={2}>
                   <List items={ProductCollection} />

export default Products;

Add “Products” view to Luigi app

在这一步中,您将在 Luigi 中为“产品”微前端增加一个导航节点。

编辑 react-core-mf/public/luigi-config.js:


navigation: {nodes: () => [
      pathSegment: 'home',
      label: 'Home',
      icon: 'home',
      viewUrl: '/app.html#/home',
      children: [{
        pathSegment: 'products',
        label: 'Products',
        icon: 'list',
        viewUrl: '/app.html#/products'

Step 12: Add “Product Detail” view to Luigi app

在此步骤中,您将向应用程序增加 ProductDetail.jsx 视图。您将可能通过 Luigi 动静参数显示每个产品的详细信息,在本例中名为 :id。

文件 luigi-config.js 的内容为:

/* eslint-disable no-undef */
    navigation: {nodes: () => [
          pathSegment: 'home',
          label: 'Home',
          icon: 'home',
          viewUrl: '/app.html#/home',
          children: [{
            pathSegment: 'products',
            label: 'Products',
            icon: 'list',
            viewUrl: '/app.html#/products'
          pathSegment: 'products',
          label: 'Products',
          icon: 'list',
          viewUrl: '/app.html#/products',
          keepSelectedForChildren: true,
          children: [{
              pathSegment: ':id',
              viewUrl: '/app.html#/productDetail/:id'
    settings: {
        header: {
          title: 'Luigi Application',
          logo: '/logo.png'
        responsiveNavigation: 'simpleMobileOnly'

Step 13: Use Luigi link manager for routing

在这一步中,咱们将应用 Luigi 来提供微前端的路由,而不是应用 React。Luigi Client 的 linkManager 性能是导航到每个产品的 id 页面的最简略办法。

更多 Jerry 的原创文章,尽在:” 汪子熙 ”:
