

共计 12927 个字符,预计需要花费 33 分钟才能阅读完成。

之前咱们曾经实现了一个不带依赖预构建版本的 vite, 在 vite2.0 中减少了一个代表性优化策略 依赖预构建


  1. 依赖预构建性能
  2. 实现对 SFC 的解析
  3. 实现对 vue3 语法的解析
  4. 实现对 html 和 js 的解析
  5. 最初实现一个对数字的加减操作性能


  1. 依赖预构建局部
  2. 本地服务局部



const http = require('http');
const path = require('path');
const url = require('url');
const querystring = require('querystring');
const glob = require('fast-glob'); // 在规定范畴内查问指定的文件,并返回绝对路径
const {build} = require('esbuild'); // 打包编译 esm 模块
const fs = require('fs');
const os = require('os'); // 获取以后的零碎信息
const {createHash} = require('crypto'); // 加密应用
const {init, parse} = require('es-module-lexer'); // 查问出代码中应用 import 局部信息
const MagicString = require('magic-string');// 替换代码中门路
const compilerSfc = require('@vue/compiler-sfc');// 将 sfc 转化为 json 数据
const compilerDom = require('@vue/compiler-dom');// 将 template 转化为 render 函数


async function optimizeDeps() {
// 第一步: 设置缓存存储的地位
let cacheDir = 'node_modules/.vite';
const dataPath = path.join(cacheDir, '_metadata.json');
const mainHash = getDepHash();
const data = {
hash: mainHash,
browserHash: mainHash,
optimized: {},};
if (fs.existsSync(dataPath)) {
let prevData;
try {
// 解析.vite 下的_metadata.json 文件
prevData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(dataPath, 'utf-8'));
} catch (error) {console.log(error);
// 哈希是统一的,不须要从新绑定
if (prevData && prevData.hash === data.hash) {return prevData;}
if (fs.existsSync(cacheDir)) {
// 如果 node_modules/.vite 这个文件存在则清空.vite 下的所有文件
} else {fs.mkdirSync(cacheDir, { recursive: true});
// 第二步: 收集依赖模块门路
const {deps, missing} = await scanImports();
// {
// 'vue': ''C:\\Users\\dftd\\desktop\\vite\\node-vue\\node_modules\\vue\\dist\\vue.runtime.esm-bundler.js''
// }
console.log('deps', deps);
// update browser hash
data.browserHash = createHash('sha256')
.update(data.hash + JSON.stringify(deps))
.substr(0, 8);
const qualifiedIds = Object.keys(deps);
// 如果没有找到任何依赖,那么间接把 data 数据写入.vite/_metadata.json
if (!qualifiedIds.length) {fs.writeFileSync(dataPath, data);
return data;
// 第三步: 对收集的依赖进行解决
// 比方 deps 的数据是 {'plamat/byte': 'C:\\Users\\dftd\\node_modules\\vue\\dist\\byte.js'}
const flatIdDeps = {}; // 这个对象存储的是 { plamat_byte: 'path'} 的模式
const idToExports = {}; // 这个对象存储的是{ plamat/byte: 'souce'} 的模式
const flatIdToExports = {}; // 这个对象存储的是{ plamat/byte: 'souce'} 的模式
await init;
// 将 例如 node/example ==> node_example
const flattenId = (id) => id.replace(/[\/\.]/g, '_');
for (const id in deps) {const flatId = flattenId(id);
flatIdDeps[flatId] = deps[id];
const entryContent = fs.readFileSync(deps[id], 'utf-8');
const exportsData = parse(entryContent);
for (const { ss, se} of exportsData[0]) {const exp = entryContent.slice(ss, se);
if (/export\s+\*\s+from/.test(exp)) {exportsData.hasReExports = true;}
idToExports[id] = exportsData;
flatIdToExports[flatId] = exportsData;
const define = {'process.env.NODE_ENV': 'development',};
console.log('flatIdDeps', flatIdDeps);
function esbuildVitePlugin(flatIdDeps) {
return {
name: 'vite-scan',
setup(build) {build.onResolve({ filter: /\*/}, (args) => {console.log('打印后果', args);
const result = await build({absWorkingDir: process.cwd(),
// entryPoints: Object.keys(flatIdDeps),
entryPoints: Object.values(flatIdDeps),
bundle: true,
format: 'esm',
outdir: cacheDir, // 配置打完包的文件存储的地位 cacheDir 默认为
treeShaking: true,
metafile: true,
// plugins: [esbuildVitePlugin(flatIdDeps)],
// console.log('result', result);
const metafile = result.metafile;
// 将 _metadata.json 写入 .vite
const cacheDirOutputPath = path.relative(process.cwd(), cacheDir);
// console.log(cacheDirOutputPath);
for (const id in deps) {
// p ==> C:\Users\dftd\desktop\vite\node-vue\node_modules\.vite\vue.js
// normalizePath(p) ==> C:/Users/dftd/desktop/vite/node-vue/node_modules/.vite/vue.js
const p = path.resolve(cacheDir, flattenId(id) + '.js');
const entry = deps[id];
data.optimized[id] = {file: normalizePath(p),
src: normalizePath(entry),
needsInterop: false,
fs.writeFileSync(dataPath, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
return data;
function normalizePath(id) {const isWindows = os.platform() === 'win32';
return path.posix.normalize(isWindows ? id.replace(/\\/g, '/') : id);
// 将此我的项目的 xxx.lock.json 文件和局部 vite 配置内容生成一个 hash
function getDepHash() {
// 读取 xxx.lock.json 文件的内容
const content = lookupFile() || '';
const cryptographicStr = createHash('sha256')
.substring(0, 8);
return cryptographicStr;
// 读取 xxx.lock.json 文件的内容
function lookupFile() {const lockfileFormats = ['package-lock.json', 'yarn.lock', 'pnpm-lock.yaml'];
let content = null;
for (let index = 0; index < lockfileFormats.length; index++) {const lockPath = path.resolve(__dirname, lockfileFormats[index]);
const isExist = fs.existsSync(lockPath, 'utf-8');
if (isExist) {content = fs.readFileSync(lockPath);
// for (const index of lockfileFormats) {// console.log(index);
// const lockPath = path.resolve(__dirname, index);
// const isExist = fs.existsSync(lockPath, 'utf-8');
// if (isExist) {// content = fs.readFileSync(lockPath);
// return content;
// }
// }
return content;
function emptyDir(dir) {for (const file of fs.readdirSync(dir)) {const abs = path.resolve(dir, file);
if (fs.lstatSync(abs).isDirectory()) {emptyDir(abs);
} else {fs.unlinkSync(abs);
// esbuild plugin
function esbuildScanPlugin(deps) {
return {
name: 'dep-scan',
setup(build) {
// 解析 index.html
build.onResolve({filter: /\.(html|vue)$/ }, (args) => {// console.log(args);
// const path1 = path.resolve(__dirname, args.path);
return {
path: args.path,
namespace: 'html',
// 加载以后 index.html 文件 返回出 main.js
build.onLoad({ filter: /\.(html|vue)$/, namespace: 'html' },
async ({path: ids}) => {
const scriptModuleRE =
const srcRE = /\bsrc\s*=\s*(?:"([^"]+)"|'([^']+)'|([^\s'">]+))/im;
const langRE = /\blang\s*=\s*(?:"([^"]+)"|'([^']+)'|([^\s'">]+))/im;
const scriptRE = /(<script\b(?:\s[^>]*>|>))(.*?)<\/script>/gims;
const importsRE =
/(?:^|;|\*\/)\s*import(?!\s+type)(?:[\w*{}\n\r\t, ]+from\s*)?\s*("[^"]+"|'[^']+')\s*(?:$|;|\/\/|\/\*)/gm;
let raw = fs.readFileSync(ids, 'utf-8');
raw = raw.replace(/<!--(.|[\r\n])*?-->/, '<!---->');
const isHtml = ids.endsWith('.html');
const regex = isHtml ? scriptModuleRE : scriptRE;
regex.lastIndex = 0;
let js = '';
let loader = 'js';
let match;
while ((match = regex.exec(raw))) {const [, openTag, content] = match;
const srcMatch = openTag.match(srcRE);
const langMatch = openTag.match(langRE);
const lang =
langMatch && (langMatch[1] || langMatch[2] || langMatch[3]);
if (lang === 'ts' || lang === 'tsx' || lang === 'jsx') {loader = lang;}
if (srcMatch) {const src = srcMatch[1] || srcMatch[2] || srcMatch[3];
js += `import ${JSON.stringify(src)}\n`;
} else if (content.trim()) {js += content + '\n';}
if (loader.startsWith('ts') &&
(ids.endsWith('.svelte') ||
(ids.endsWith('.vue') && /<script\s+setup/.test(raw)))
) {// when using TS + (Vue + <script setup>) or Svelte, imports may seem
// unused to esbuild and dropped in the build output, which prevents
// esbuild from crawling further.
// the solution is to add `import 'x'` for every source to force
// esbuild to keep crawling due to potential side effects.
let m;
const original = js;
while ((m = importsRE.exec(original)) !== null) {
// This is necessary to avoid infinite loops with zero-width matches
if (m.index === importsRE.lastIndex) {importsRE.lastIndex++;}
js += `\nimport ${m[1]}`;
if (!js.includes(`export default`)) {js += `\nexport default {}`;
return {
contents: js,
// 解析第三方库的 esm js 模块文件 间接走打包
// avoid matching windows volume
filter: /\.js\?v=1$/,
({path: id, importer}) => {
return {
path: id,
external: true,
// 解析.js 文件
// avoid matching windows volume
filter: /main\.js$/,
({path: id, importer}) => {
return {
path: id,
namespace: 'mianJs',
// 加载.js 文件的内容
build.onLoad({ filter: /main\.js$/, namespace: 'mianJs'},
({path: id}) => {const c = fs.readFileSync(id, 'utf-8');
const magicString = new MagicString(c);
let imports = parse(c)[0];
imports.forEach((i) => {const { s, e, n} = i;
let absolutePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules', n);
const isExist = fs.existsSync(absolutePath);
if (isExist) {const modulePath = require(absolutePath + '/package.json').module;
const esmPath = path.resolve(absolutePath, modulePath);
magicString.overwrite(s, e, `${esmPath}?v=1`);
deps[n] = esmPath;
} else {// let aa = path.resolve(__dirname, n);
// magicString.overwrite(s, e, aa);
return {
loader: 'js',
contents: magicString.toString(),};
// 收集依赖模块门路 返回一个依赖合集对象
async function scanImports() {const deps = {};
const missing = {};
let entries;
// 查问出当前目录下后缀为 html 的文件
entries = await glob('**/*.html', {cwd: process.cwd(),
ignore: ['**/node_modules/**'],
absolute: true,
// entries => ['C:/Users/dftd/Desktop/vite/node-vue/index.html']
// console.log('entries', entries);
if (!entries.length) {
return {deps: {},
missing: {},};
const scanPath = esbuildScanPlugin(deps);
// 应用 esbuild 进行一次打包,打包过程中就找到了 deps 和 missing, 最初返回 deps 和 missing
// Promise.all(// entries.map((entry) => {// console.log(222);
// await build({// absWorkingDir: process.cwd(), // 工作的目录
// entryPoints: [entry], // 入口文件(个别为 index.html)
// write: false, // build API 能够间接写入文件系统 默认状况下,JavaScript API 会写入文件系统
// bundle: true, // 应用 analyze 性能生成一个对于 bundle 内容的易于浏览的报告
// format: 'esm', // 输入的类型(iife, cjs, esm)// plugins: [scanPath],
// });
// }),
// );
await build({absWorkingDir: process.cwd(), // 工作的目录
entryPoints: entries, // 入口文件(个别为 index.html)
write: false, // build API 能够间接写入文件系统 默认状况下,JavaScript API 会写入文件系统
bundle: true, // 应用 analyze 性能生成一个对于 bundle 内容的易于浏览的报告
format: 'esm', // 输入的类型(iife, cjs, esm)plugins: [scanPath],
return {


依赖预构建产生在在本地服务启动之前执行, 大抵过程分为两步,第一步就是依赖的收集(这部分用到了 esbuild build 办法来收集所有的依赖门路),第二部是把这些收集的依赖门路再次用 esbuild build 办法进行编译,编译的后果存储到 node_modules/.vite 中, 并且还创立了一份_metadata.json 文件对构建出的依赖做记录。


function createServer() {optimizeDeps();
const serve = {};
let httpServe = http.createServer((req, res) => {let pathName = url.parse(req.url).pathname;
// console.log(22, pathName);
if (pathName == '/') {pathName = '/index.html';}
let extName = path.extname(pathName);
let extType = '';
switch (extName) {
case '.html':
extType = 'text/html';
case '.js':
extType = 'application/javascript';
case '.css':
extType = 'text/css';
case '.ico':
extType = 'image/x-icon';
case '.vue':
extType = 'application/javascript';
extType = 'text/html';
if (/.vite/.test(pathName)) {
// 间接加载预构建好的包
resolveViteModules(pathName, extType, res);
} else if (/\/@modules\//.test(pathName)) {
// 加载那些没有预构建好的包第三方包
resolveNodeModules(pathName, res);
} else {
// 加载非第三方包文件
resolveModules(pathName, extName, extType, res, req);
serve.listen = () => {httpServe.listen(7777);
return serve;
// 重写门路
function rewriteImports(source) {let imports = parse(source)[0];
const magicString = new MagicString(source);
if (imports.length) {for (let index = 0; index < imports.length; index++) {const { s, e} = imports[index];
// 失去以后引入的第三方库的 name
const id = source.substring(s, e);
if (/^[^\.\/]/.test(id)) {
// 依据 id 到 node_modules/.vite/_metadata.json 中查问以后这个包是否存在
const _metadataPath = path.resolve(
const _metaContent = require(_metadataPath).optimized;
console.log('_metaContent', _metaContent);
if (_metaContent[id]) {magicString.overwrite(s, e, `/node_modules/.vite/${id}`);
} else {magicString.overwrite(s, e, `/@modules/${id}`);
return magicString.toString();}
// 解决加载非第三方包文件
function resolveModules(pathName, extName, extType, res, req) {fs.readFile(`.${pathName}`, 'utf-8', (err, data) => {if (err) {throw err;}
console.log('extName', extName);
console.log('extType', extType);
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': `${extType}; charset=utf-8`,
if (extName == '.vue') {const query = querystring.parse(url.parse(req.url).query);
const ret = compilerSfc.parse(data);
const {descriptor} = ret;
if (!query.type) {
// 解析出 vue 文件 script 局部
const scriptBlock = descriptor.script.content;
const newScriptBlock = rewriteImports(scriptBlock.replace('export default', 'const __script ='),
const newRet = `
import {render as __render} from '.${pathName}?type=template'
__script.render = __render
export default __script
} else {
// 解析出 vue 文件 template 局部 生成 render 函数
const templateBlock = descriptor.template.content;
const compilerTemplateBlockRender = rewriteImports(
compilerDom.compile(templateBlock, {mode: 'module',}).code,
} else if (extName == '.js') {const r = rewriteImports(data);
} else {res.write(data);
// 在 node_modules 中读取没有预构建好的资源
function resolveNodeModules(pathName, res) {const id = pathName.replace(/\/@modules\//, '');
// 如果是加载的是第三方包
// 获取第三方包的相对地址
let absolutePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules', id);
// console.log('absolutePath', absolutePath);
// 获取第三方包的 esm 的包地址
const modulePath = require(absolutePath + '/package.json').module;
const esmPath = path.resolve(absolutePath, modulePath);
// console.log('esmPath', esmPath);
// const pkgPath = `./node_modules/${id}/${modulePath}`;
fs.readFile(esmPath, 'utf-8', (err, data) => {if (err) {throw err;}
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': `application/javascript; charset=utf-8`,});
// const b = cjsEs6(data);
// console.log(b);
const r = rewriteImports(data);
// console.log(r);
// 加载.vite 预构建好的包
function resolveViteModules(pathName, extType, res) {const id = pathName.replace(/\/node_modules\/.vite\//, '');
// 依据 id 到 node_modules/.vite/_metadata.json 中查问以后这个包是否存在
const _metadataPath = path.resolve(
const _metaContent = require(_metadataPath).optimized;
const {src, file} = _metaContent[id];
// 提取以后文件门路中的文件名称
const absFileName = path.basename(src);
const absFile = path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules/.vite', absFileName);
const content = fs.readFileSync(absFile, 'utf-8');
// console.log(1111, content);
// console.log(222, absFile);
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': `application/javascript; charset=utf-8`,});
const serve = createServer();

我在上一篇中写过一篇不带预构建版本的 vite,这个版本是在之前的根底重写了 rewriteImports 办法把门路重写改为 /node_modules/.vite 能够间接加载预构建好的文件, 如果你还没有看我的不带预构建版本的 vite 倡议先看下,由浅入深能力更好的了解 vite 的实质原理。
