

Number Conversions (12 Points)
Show all of the work necessary to make these conversions

  1. Convert 10.12510
    to binary.
  2. Convert (373.28125)10
    to hexadecimal.
  3. Convert (BEEF)16
    to binary.
  4. Convert (101110101110)2
    to hexadecimal.
  5. Convert (-173.28125)10
    to floating point. Use 127 as an exponent bias. Make sure to list
    the sign bit, 8 biased exponent bits, and the 23 fractional bits. Use IEEE 754 Floating
    Point Format. Convert the 32 bits result into 8 hexadecimal symbols.
  6. Convert (17.125)16
    to floating point. Use 127 as an exponent bias. Make sure to list the
    sign bit, 8 biased exponent bits, and the 23 fractional bits. Use IEEE 754 Floating Point
    Format. Convert the 32 bits result into 8 hexadecimal symbols.
    Arithmetic (8 Points)
  7. Convert the following two numbers into floating point format.
    a. 14,760,626
    b. 175,663
    Show how these two floating point numbers could be added together, by following the
    process listed on page 258 of the textbook. Show the intermediate step for each stage of the
    addition. Check the final answer by converting the final floating point sum back into the decimal
    number system.
    CMOS (10 Points)
    Draw and label the CMOS construction of a NOT, 2-input NAND, 2-input AND, 3-input NOR,
    and a BUFFER.
    Canonical and Standard Forms (10 Points)
    Here is the canonical expression for a piece of combinational logic to create the output Y.
    Y (A,B,C) = ∑ 0, 3, 4, 5
    ● Draw the logic diagram for the standard form for output Y, using only NOT, AND, and
    OR gates. Do not do any minimizations.
    ● Draw the logic diagram for the minimized form for output Y, using only NOT and NAND
    ● Draw a custom gate for output Y, using only a custom implementation of CMOS. Do not
    design this block using gates and then replace the gates with CMOS. Go directly to an
    optimized CMOS implementation discussed in chapter 1.
    How many transistors are used for each of the 3 diagrams?
    Sequential State Machine (20 points)
    Design and create a custom Moore State Machine counter that operates in the following manner.
    This is testing chapter 3 content, so System Verilog is not allowed for this problem.
    ● It has a positive edge triggered clock, clk
    ● It has an active low reset, reset_n. The count is asynchronously reset to 0 when reset_n is
    ● It counts up by 2 when the ud input is 1.
    ● It counts down by 1 when the ud input is 0.
    ● The maximum count is 6 and the minimum count is 0. If the current count is 4 and the
    counter counts up two , the next value is 6. If it counts up again, the value is capped to 6.
    ● The output, P, is high whenever the count is a multiple of 3 (3 and 6).
    Provide the following artifacts demonstrating your design.
  8. State diagram
  9. State transition table
  10. Output table
  11. Logic diagram, showing the gate level design for Next State Logic and Output
    Logic. Specifically show how those two blocks are connected to individual flip
    Extra Credit (10 points)
    Draft your custom Moore State Machine into Quartus, create a HDL module from your block
    diagram file, simulate it in ModelSim to validate your design. Attach a screenshot that
    demonstrates correct functionality.

