

以前始终都是创立的 vue js 版本的我的项目,随着 typescript 的广泛,明天手把手带大家来创立一个 typescript 版本的我的项目。


间接应用脚手架来场景一个 vue 我的项目,具体操作步骤参照
明天才晓得能够应用图形化界面去创立 vue 我的项目,我应用两种形式都创立了下,如下我的配置
Installed CLI Plugins
babel router vuex eslint unit-mochae 2e-cypress typescript

脚本创立的间接 npm install 插件,ui 创立好的是须要本人手动 npm install,如果我没记错的话。

应用 npm run serve,咱们来看下界面

默认创立的我的项目没有 vue.config.j s 文件的,咱们须要本人手动去创立,并做一些配置,如果咱们没有创立他默认启动端口是 8080.
我从 vue-typescript-admin-template 抄出一个 vue.config.js 进去

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
const path = require('path')

// If your port is set to 80,
// use administrator privileges to execute the command line.
// For example, on Mac: sudo npm run / sudo yarn
const devServerPort = 9527 // TODO: get this variable from setting.ts
const mockServerPort = 9528 // TODO: get this variable from setting.ts
const name = 'Vue Typescript Demo' // TODO: get this variable from setting.ts

module.exports = {
  publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '/vue-ts-demo/' : '/',
  lintOnSave: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
  productionSourceMap: false,
  devServer: {
    port: devServerPort,
    open: true,
    overlay: {
      warnings: false,
      errors: true
    progress: false,
    proxy: {
      // change xxx-api/login => /mock-api/v1/login
      // detail: https://cli.vuejs.org/config/#devserver-proxy
      [process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API]: {target: `${mockServerPort}/mock-api/v1`,
        changeOrigin: true, // needed for virtual hosted sites
        ws: true, // proxy websockets
        pathRewrite: {['^' + process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API]: ''
  pluginOptions: {
    'style-resources-loader': { // 须要跟 vue-cli-plugin-style-resources-loader 配套应用,不然引入的款式不胜利
      preProcessor: 'scss',
      patterns: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/styles/_variables.scss'), // 引入初始款式,不必本人在引入
        path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/styles/_mixins.scss')
  chainWebpack(config) {
    // provide the app's title in html-webpack-plugin's options list so that
    // it can be accessed in index.html to inject the correct title.
    // https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/webpack.html#modifying-options-of-a-plugin
    config.plugin('html').tap(args => {args[0].title = name
      return args

    // it can improve the speed of the first screen, it is recommended to turn on preload
    config.plugin('preload').tap(() => [
        rel: 'preload',
        // to ignore runtime.js
        // https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/blob/dev/packages/@vue/cli-service/lib/config/app.js#L171
        fileBlacklist: [/\.map$/, /hot-update\.js$/, /runtime\..*\.js$/],
        include: 'initial'

    // when there are many pages, it will cause too many meaningless requests

    // https://webpack.js.org/configuration/devtool/#development
    // Change development env source map if you want.
    // The default in vue-cli is 'eval-cheap-module-source-map'.
    // config
    //   .when(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
    //     config => config.devtool('eval-cheap-source-map')
    //   )

      .when(process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development',
        config => {
              chunks: 'all',
              cacheGroups: {
                libs: {
                  name: 'chunk-libs',
                  test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/,
                  priority: 10,
                  chunks: 'initial' // only package third parties that are initially dependent
                elementUI: {
                  name: 'chunk-elementUI', // split elementUI into a single package
                  priority: 20, // the weight needs to be larger than libs and app or it will be packaged into libs or app
                  test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]_?element-ui(.*)/ // in order to adapt to cnpm
                commons: {
                  name: 'chunk-commons',
                  test: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/components'),
                  minChunks: 3, //  minimum common number
                  priority: 5,
                  reuseExistingChunk: true
          // https://webpack.js.org/configuration/optimization/#optimizationruntimechunk

而后在运行,浏览器关上端口就是 9527 了。
