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什么是 hooks

函数式编程在前端开发中越来越风行,尤其是在古代前端框架 Vue3.xReact 16+ 中。它的长处包含代码可读性、可维护性、可测试性和复用性。


把握函数式编程和钩子的应用,可能进步咱们的开发效率,同时提供更好的用户体验和代码品质。在应用 Vue3.xReact 16+ 等古代前端框架时,函数式编程和自定义钩子函数将成为咱们必备的技能。

优良的 vue3.x hooks 库

  • vue-hooks-plus
  • vueuse



假如你曾经理解并且把握 vue3.x ts,所以不做过多的赘述。废话不多说,间接上手~~~

useElementBounding 办法






  1. 待监听的 dom
  2. 配置监听条件 options


interface UseElementBoundingOptions {
   * When the component is mounted, initialize all values to 0
   * @default true
  reset?: boolean
   * windowResize
   * @default true
  windowResize?: boolean
   * windowScroll
   * @default true
  windowScroll?: boolean
   * immediate
   * @default true
  immediate?: boolean

interface UseElementBoundingReturnType {
  width: Ref<number>
  height: Ref<number>
  top: Ref<number>
  left: Ref<number>
  bottom: Ref<number>
  right: Ref<number>
type TargetValue<T> = T | undefined | null

type TargetType = HTMLElement | Element | Window | Document | ComponentPublicInstance

export type BasicTarget<T extends TargetType = Element> =
  | (() => TargetValue<T>)
  | TargetValue<T>
  | Ref<TargetValue<T>>

function getTargetElement<T extends TargetType>(target: BasicTarget<T>, defaultElement?: T) {if (!isBrowser) {return undefined}

  if (!target) {return defaultElement}

  let targetElement: TargetValue<T>
  if (typeof target === 'function') {targetElement = target()
  } else if (isRef(target)) {targetElement = (target.value as ComponentPublicInstance)?.$el ?? target.value
  } else {targetElement = target}
  return targetElement
export default function useElementBounding(
  target: BasicTarget,
  options?: UseElementBoundingOptions,
): UseElementBoundingReturnType {const { reset = true, windowResize = true, windowScroll = true, immediate = true} = options ?? {}
  const size = reactive({
    width: 0,
    height: 0,
    top: 0,
    left: 0,
    bottom: 0,
    right: 0,
  // 定义更新函数
  const update = () => {
    // 获取 dom
    const targetDom = getTargetElement(target)

    if (!targetDom) {
      // 组件装置后,将所有值初始化为 0
      if (reset) {Object.keys(size).forEach(key => {if (keyisUseElementBoundingReturnTypeKey(key))
            size[key] = 0


    if (targetDom) {
      // 应用 getBoundingClientRect 办法,获取元素信息
      const {width, height, top, left, bottom, right} = targetDom.getBoundingClientRect()

      size.width = width
      size.height = height
      size.top = top
      size.left = left
      size.bottom = bottom
      size.right = right

  // 窗口尺寸产生更改时触发更新
  if (windowResize) {
    useEventListener('resize', update, {// 事件监听器不会调用 preventDefault() 办法来阻止默认行为。这样能够进步滚动的性能,并且缩小滚动操作的提早。passive: true,

  // 窗口滚动时触发更新
  if (windowScroll) {
    useEventListener('scroll', update, {
      capture: true,
      passive: true,

  // 元素尺寸更改时触发更新
  useResizeObserver(target, update)
  // 代理对象产生更改时触发更新
  watch(() => getTargetElement(target), update)

  onMounted(() => {immediate && update()

  return {...toRefs(size),
import {onMounted, reactive, toRefs, Ref, watch} from 'vue'
import useResizeObserver from '../useResizeObserver'
import useEventListener from '../useEventListener'

import {BasicTarget, getTargetElement} from '../utils/domTarget'

export interface UseElementBoundingOptions {
   * When the component is mounted, initialize all values to 0
   * @default true
  reset?: boolean
   * windowResize
   * @default true
  windowResize?: boolean
   * windowScroll
   * @default true
  windowScroll?: boolean
   * immediate
   * @default true
  immediate?: boolean

function keyisUseElementBoundingReturnTypeKey(key: string): key is keyof UseElementBoundingReturnType {return ['width', 'height', 'top', 'left', 'bottom', 'right'].includes(key)

export interface UseElementBoundingReturnType {
  width: Ref<number>
  height: Ref<number>
  top: Ref<number>
  left: Ref<number>
  bottom: Ref<number>
  right: Ref<number>

export default function useElementBounding(
  target: BasicTarget,
  options?: UseElementBoundingOptions,
): UseElementBoundingReturnType {const { reset = true, windowResize = true, windowScroll = true, immediate = true} = options ?? {}
  const size = reactive({
    width: 0,
    height: 0,
    top: 0,
    left: 0,
    bottom: 0,
    right: 0,
  // 定义更新函数
  const update = () => {
    // 获取 dom
    const targetDom = getTargetElement(target)

    if (!targetDom) {
      // 组件装置后,将所有值初始化为 0
      if (reset) {Object.keys(size).forEach(key => {if (keyisUseElementBoundingReturnTypeKey(key))
            size[key] = 0


    if (targetDom) {
      // 应用 getBoundingClientRect 办法,获取元素信息
      const {width, height, top, left, bottom, right} = targetDom.getBoundingClientRect()

      size.width = width
      size.height = height
      size.top = top
      size.left = left
      size.bottom = bottom
      size.right = right

  // 窗口尺寸产生更改时触发更新
  if (windowResize) {
    useEventListener('resize', update, {// 事件监听器不会调用 preventDefault() 办法来阻止默认行为。这样能够进步滚动的性能,并且缩小滚动操作的提早。passive: true,

  // 窗口滚动时触发更新
  if (windowScroll) {
    useEventListener('scroll', update, {
      capture: true,
      passive: true,

  // 元素尺寸更改时触发更新
  useResizeObserver(target, update)
  // 代理对象产生更改时触发更新
  watch(() => getTargetElement(target), update)

  onMounted(() => {immediate && update()

  return {...toRefs(size),


其实代码量并不多,核心思想就是利用 vue3.x 的响应式办法进行封装。该代码 源码地址。


vue-hooks-plus 也是小编参加奉献与保护的的一个开源 vue3 hooks 库,能够来看看,没事还能够点个赞~~~谢谢~~~
