# 下载源码
git clone https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract.git
cd tesseract
# 可能呈现谬误: Unable to find a valid copy of libtoolize or glibtoolize in your PATH!
# 解决方案:
## yum install automake -y
## yum install libtool -y
# ./configure 可能呈现以下问题, 附上解决方案
# 问题 1 configure: error: Your compiler does not have the necessary C++17 support! Cannot proceed.
# 解决方案: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000041832780
# 问题 2 configure: error: Leptonica 1.74 or higher is required. Try to install libleptonica-dev package.
# 解决方案: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000041833110
make && make install
官网阐明文档: https://tesseract-ocr.github.io/tessdoc/Compiling.html
Linux 环境如何反对应用 tess4j 进行 ORC
linux (centos7) 上装 Tesseract-OCR 最新版本 (5.0)