-- 单个别名
with aliasName as (select ....)
select * from aliasName
-- 多个别名
tmp as (select * from tb_name),
tmp2 as (select * from tb_name2),
tmp3 as (select * from tb_name3),
-- 相当于建了个 e 长期表
with e as (select * from scott.emp e where e.empno=7499)
select * from e;
-- 相当于建了 e、d 长期表
e as (select * from scott.emp),
d as (select * from scott.dept)
select * from e, d where e.deptno = d.deptno;
with temp1 as (select 'female' sex, 'zhangsan' stu_name from dual),
temp2 as (select 'male' sex, 'lisi' stu_name from dual),
temp3 as (select 'female' sex, 'wangwu' stu_name from dual)
select * from temp1
union all
select * from temp2
union all
select * from temp3