mlflow 的更新迭代速度还是很快的,均匀一个月一个大版本的更新,截止到 11 月 1 号,曾经更新到了 1.11.0 版本
咱们查看 mlflow release, 就能看到早在 1.10.0 版本,就提供了对 model registry 的更好的 feature 反对,以及可能对试验进行逻辑删除操作,
而这些 features 在 mlflow 1.4.0 是没有的,特地是删除试验的个性,如果试验很多的状况下,咱们看到的试验是横七竖八的,很不不便咱们进行治理,所以咱们进行 mlflow 的降级
参照之前 mlflow 的搭建应用,咱们先建设 mlflow 1.4.0 和 mlflow 1.11.0 的 conda 环境
假如你曾经建设好了对应的 conda 环境,且别离为 mlflow-1.4.0 和 mlflow-1.11.0 则执行:
conda activate mlflow-1.11.0
参考 mlflow db upgrade,执行
mlflow db upgrade mysql://user:passwd@host:port/db
如:mlflow db upgrade mysql://root:root@localhost/mlflow
名词 | 解释 |
user | 数据库的用户名 |
passwd | 数据库的明码 |
host | 数据库的主机地址 |
port | 数据库的端口,如默认为 3306 则能够省略 |
db | 数据库的 database |
2020/11/02 10:24:50 INFO mlflow.store.db.utils: Updating database tables
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 2b4d017a5e9b -> cfd24bdc0731, Update run status constraint with killed
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade cfd24bdc0731 -> 0a8213491aaa, drop_duplicate_killed_constraint
WARNI [0a8213491aaa_drop_duplicate_killed_constraint_py] Failed to drop check constraint. Dropping check constraints may not be supported by your SQL database. Exception content: (MySQLdb._exceptions.ProgrammingError) (1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near'CHECK status'at line 1")
(Background on this error at: http://sqlalche.me/e/f405)
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 0a8213491aaa -> 728d730b5ebd, add registered model tags table
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 728d730b5ebd -> 27a6a02d2cf1, add model version tags table
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 27a6a02d2cf1 -> 84291f40a231, add run_link to model_version
如果此时再在 mlflow 1.4.0 的环境下 再执行:
mlflow server \
--backend-store-uri mysql://root:root@localhost/mlflow \
--host -p 5002 \
--default-artifact-root s3://mlflow
2020/11/02 10:25:41 ERROR mlflow.cli: Error initializing backend store
2020/11/02 10:25:41 ERROR mlflow.cli: Detected out-of-date database schema (found version 84291f40a231, but expected 2b4d017a5e9b). Take a backup of your database, then run 'mlflow db upgrade <database_uri>' to migrate your database to the latest schema. NOTE: schema migration may result in database downtime - please consult your database's documentation for more detail.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/ljh/opt/miniconda3/envs/mlflow-1.4.0-dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mlflow/cli.py", line 263, in server
initialize_backend_stores(backend_store_uri, default_artifact_root)
File "/Users/ljh/opt/miniconda3/envs/mlflow-1.4.0-dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mlflow/server/handlers.py", line 97, in initialize_backend_stores
_get_tracking_store(backend_store_uri, default_artifact_root)
File "/Users/ljh/opt/miniconda3/envs/mlflow-1.4.0-dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mlflow/server/handlers.py", line 83, in _get_tracking_store
_tracking_store = _tracking_store_registry.get_store(store_uri, artifact_root)
File "/Users/ljh/opt/miniconda3/envs/mlflow-1.4.0-dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mlflow/tracking/_tracking_service/registry.py", line 37, in get_store
return builder(store_uri=store_uri, artifact_uri=artifact_uri)
File "/Users/ljh/opt/miniconda3/envs/mlflow-1.4.0-dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mlflow/server/handlers.py", line 54, in _get_sqlalchemy_store
return SqlAlchemyStore(store_uri, artifact_uri)
File "/Users/ljh/opt/miniconda3/envs/mlflow-1.4.0-dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mlflow/store/tracking/sqlalchemy_store.py", line 99, in __init__
File "/Users/ljh/opt/miniconda3/envs/mlflow-1.4.0-dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mlflow/store/db/utils.py", line 52, in _verify_schema
"more detail." % (current_rev, head_revision))
mlflow.exceptions.MlflowException: Detected out-of-date database schema (found version 84291f40a231, but expected 2b4d017a5e9b). Take a backup of your database, then run 'mlflow db upgrade <database_uri>' to migrate your database to the latest schema. NOTE: schema migration may result in database downtime - please consult your database's documentation for more detail.
此时再在 mlflow 1.11.0 的 conda 环境下执行:
mlflow server \
--backend-store-uri mysql://root:root@localhost/mlflow \
--host -p 5003 \
--default-artifact-root s3://mlflow
就能失常的看到页面, 这样 mlflow 从 1.4.0 到 1.11.0 的降级就实现了