依照【云溪数据库 Tracing(一)】介绍的应用 opentracing 要求,本文着重介绍云溪数据库 Tracing 模块中是如何实现 Span,SpanContexts 和 Tracer 的。
Part 1 – Tracing 模块调用关系
1.1 Traincg 模块蕴含的文件列表
Tracer.go:定义了 opentracing 中的 trace 相干接口的实现。
Tracer_span.go:定义了 opentracing 中的 span 相干操作的实现。
Tags.go:定义了 opentracing 中对于 tags 的相干接口。
Shadow.go:不是 opentracing 中的概念,这里次要实现与 zipkin 的通信,用于 tracing 信息推送到内部的 zipkin 中。
1.2 各个文件之间的调用关系
在 cluster_settings.go 中会创立 tracer,供全局应用,其余模块中应用这个 Tracer 实现 span 的创立和其余操作,例如设定 span 名称、设定 tag、减少 log 等操作。
Part 2 – Opentracing
2.1 Span 接口实现:
GetContext 实现:API 用于获取 Span 中的 SpanContext,次要性能是先创立一个 map[string]string 类型的 baggageCopy, 将 span 中的 mu.Baggage 读出写入 baggageCopy,创立新的 spanContext,并且返回。
func (s *span) Context() opentracing.SpanContext {s.mu.Lock()
defer s.mu.Unlock()
baggageCopy := make(map[string]string, len(s.mu.Baggage))
for k, v := range s.mu.Baggage {baggageCopy[k] = v
sc := &spanContext{
spanMeta: s.spanMeta,
Baggage: baggageCopy,
if s.shadowTr != nil {
sc.shadowTr = s.shadowTr
sc.shadowCtx = s.shadowSpan.Context()}
if s.isRecording() {
sc.recordingGroup = s.mu.recordingGroup
sc.recordingType = s.mu.recordingType
return sc
Finished 实现:API 用于完结一个 Span 的记录和追踪。
func (s *span) Finish() {s.FinishWithOptions(opentracing.FinishOptions{})
SetTag 实现:用于向指定的 Span 增加 Tag 信息。
func (s *span) SetTag(key string, value interface{}) opentracing.Span {return s.setTagInner(key, value, false /* locked */)
Log 实现:用于向指定的 Span 增加 Log 信息。
func (s *span) LogKV(alternatingKeyValues ...interface{}) {fields, err := otlog.InterleavedKVToFields(alternatingKeyValues...)
if err != nil {s.LogFields(otlog.Error(err), otlog.String("function", "LogKV"))
SetBaggageItem 实现:用于向指定的 Span 减少 Baggage 信息,次要是用于跨过程追踪应用。
func (s *span) SetBaggageItem(restrictedKey, value string) opentracing.Span {s.mu.Lock()
defer s.mu.Unlock()
return s.setBaggageItemLocked(restrictedKey, value)
BaggageItem 实现:用于获取指定的 Baggage 信息。
func (s *span) BaggageItem(restrictedKey string) string {s.mu.Lock()
defer s.mu.Unlock()
return s.mu.Baggage[restrictedKey]
SetOperationName 实现:用于设定 Span 的名称。
func (s *span) SetOperationName(operationName string) opentracing.Span {
if s.shadowTr != nil {s.shadowSpan.SetOperationName(operationName)
s.operation = operationName
return s
Tracer 实现:用于获取 Span 属于哪个 Tracer。
// Tracer is part of the opentracing.Span interface.
func (s *span) Tracer() opentracing.Tracer {return s.tracer}
2.2 SpanContext 接口实现:
ForeachBaggageItem 实现:用于遍历 spanContext 中的 baggage 信息。
func (sc *spanContext) ForeachBaggageItem(handler func(k, v string) bool) {
for k, v := range sc.Baggage {if !handler(k, v) {break}
2.3 Tracer 接口实现:
Inject 实现:用于向 carrier 中注入 SpanContext 信息
// Inject is part of the opentracing.Tracer interface.
func (t *Tracer) Inject(osc opentracing.SpanContext, format interface{}, carrier interface{},) error {
// We only
support the HTTPHeaders/TextMap format.
if format != opentracing.HTTPHeaders && format != opentracing.TextMap {return opentracing.ErrUnsupportedFormat}
mapWriter, ok := carrier.(opentracing.TextMapWriter)
if !ok {return opentracing.ErrInvalidCarrier}
sc, ok := osc.(*spanContext)
if !ok {return opentracing.ErrInvalidSpanContext}
mapWriter.Set(fieldNameTraceID, strconv.FormatUint(sc.TraceID, 16))
mapWriter.Set(fieldNameSpanID, strconv.FormatUint(sc.SpanID, 16))
for k, v := range sc.Baggage {mapWriter.Set(prefixBaggage+k, v)
return nil
Extract 实现:用于从 carrier 中抽取出 SpanContext 信息。
func (t *Tracer) Extract(format interface{}, carrier interface{}) (opentracing.SpanContext, error) {
// We only
support the HTTPHeaders/TextMap format.
if format != opentracing.HTTPHeaders && format != opentracing.TextMap {return noopSpanContext{}, opentracing.ErrUnsupportedFormat
mapReader, ok := carrier.(opentracing.TextMapReader)
if !ok {return noopSpanContext{}, opentracing.ErrInvalidCarrier
var sc spanContext
err :=
mapReader.ForeachKey(func(k, v string) error {switch k = strings.ToLower(k); k {
case fieldNameTraceID:
var err error
sc.TraceID, err = strconv.ParseUint(v, 16, 64)
if err != nil {return opentracing.ErrSpanContextCorrupted}
case fieldNameSpanID:
var err error
sc.SpanID, err = strconv.ParseUint(v, 16, 64)
if err != nil {return opentracing.ErrSpanContextCorrupted}
case fieldNameShadowType:
shadowType = v
if strings.HasPrefix(k, prefixBaggage) {
if sc.Baggage == nil {sc.Baggage = make(map[string]string)
sc.Baggage[strings.TrimPrefix(k, prefixBaggage)] = v
} else if strings.HasPrefix(k, prefixShadow) {
if shadowCarrier == nil {shadowCarrier = make(opentracing.TextMapCarrier)
// We build a
shadow textmap with the original shadow keys.
shadowCarrier.Set(strings.TrimPrefix(k, prefixShadow), v)
return nil
if err != nil {return noopSpanContext{}, err
if sc.TraceID == 0 &&
sc.SpanID == 0 {return noopSpanContext{}, nil
return &sc, nil
StartSpan 接口实现:用于创立一个新的 Span,可依据传入不同 opts 来实现不同 Span 的初始化。
func (t *Tracer) StartSpan(operationName string, opts ...opentracing.StartSpanOption,) opentracing.Span {
// Fast paths to
avoid the allocation of StartSpanOptions below when tracing
// is disabled: if we have no options
or a single SpanReference (the common
// case) with a noop context, return a
noop span now.
if len(opts) == 1 {if o, ok := opts[0].(opentracing.SpanReference); ok {if IsNoopContext(o.ReferencedContext) {return &t.noopSpan}
shadowTr := t.getShadowTracer()
return s
2.4 noop span 实现:
noop span 实现:使监控代码不依赖 Tracer 和 Span 的返回值,避免程序异样退出。
type noopSpan struct {tracer *Tracer}
var _ opentracing.Span = &noopSpan{}
func (n *noopSpan) Context() opentracing.SpanContext { return noopSpanContext{} }
func (n *noopSpan) BaggageItem(key string) string {return ""}
func (n *noopSpan) SetTag(key string, value interface{}) opentracing.Span {return n}
func (n *noopSpan) Finish() {}
func (n *noopSpan) FinishWithOptions(opts opentracing.FinishOptions) {}
func (n *noopSpan) SetOperationName(operationName string) opentracing.Span {return n}
func (n *noopSpan) Tracer() opentracing.Tracer { return n.tracer}
func (n *noopSpan) LogFields(fields ...otlog.Field) {}
func (n *noopSpan) LogKV(keyVals ...interface{}) {}
func (n *noopSpan) LogEvent(event string) {}
func (n *noopSpan) LogEventWithPayload(event string, payload interface{}) {}
func (n *noopSpan) Log(data opentracing.LogData) {}
func (n *noopSpan) SetBaggageItem(key, val string) opentracing.Span {
if key == Snowball {
panic("attempting to set Snowball on a noop span; use the Recordable option
to StartSpan")
return n
Part3 – 云溪数据库中
Opentracing 简略应用示例
3.1 开启 Tracer Recording 测试
云溪数据库中 开始创立的 span 均是 no operator span, 须要手动调用 StartRecording, 将 span 转换为可 record 状态,能力失常对 span 进行操作。
func TestTracerRecording(t *testing.T) {tr := NewTracer()
noop1 := tr.StartSpan("noop")
if _, noop := noop1.(*noopSpan); !noop {t.Error("expected noop span")
noop1.LogKV("hello", "void")
noop2 := tr.StartSpan("noop2", opentracing.ChildOf(noop1.Context()))
if _, noop := noop2.(*noopSpan); !noop {t.Error("expected noop child span")
s1 := tr.StartSpan("a", Recordable)
if _, noop := s1.(*noopSpan); noop {t.Error("Recordable (but not recording) span should not be noop")
if !IsBlackHoleSpan(s1) {t.Error("Recordable span should be black hole")
// Unless recording is actually started, child spans are still noop.
noop3 := tr.StartSpan("noop3", opentracing.ChildOf(s1.Context()))
if _, noop := noop3.(*noopSpan); !noop {t.Error("expected noop child span")
s1.LogKV("x", 1)
StartRecording(s1, SingleNodeRecording)
s1.LogKV("x", 2)
s2 := tr.StartSpan("b", opentracing.ChildOf(s1.Context()))
if IsBlackHoleSpan(s2) {t.Error("recording span should not be black hole")
s2.LogKV("x", 3)
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(s1), `
span a:
tags: unfinished=
x: 2
span b:
tags: unfinished=
x: 3
`); err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(s2), `
span b:
tags: unfinished=
x: 3
`); err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
s3 := tr.StartSpan("c", opentracing.FollowsFrom(s2.Context()))
s3.LogKV("x", 4)
s3.SetTag("tag", "val")
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(s1), `
span a:
tags: unfinished=
x: 2
span b:
x: 3
span c:
tags: tag=val unfinished=
x: 4
`); err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(s1), `
span a:
tags: unfinished=
x: 2
span b:
x: 3
span c:
tags: tag=val
x: 4
`); err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
s1.LogKV("x", 100)
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(s1), ``); err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
// The child span is still recording.
s3.LogKV("x", 5)
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(s3), `
span c:
tags: tag=val
x: 4
x: 5
`); err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
3.2 创立 childSpan 测试
测试 StartChildSpan,依据已有 span 创立出一个新的 span,为已有 span 的子 span。
func TestStartChildSpan(t *testing.T) {tr := NewTracer()
sp1 := tr.StartSpan("parent", Recordable)
StartRecording(sp1, SingleNodeRecording)
sp2 := StartChildSpan("child", sp1, nil /* logTags */, false /*separateRecording*/)
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(sp1), `
span parent:
span child:
`); err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
sp1 = tr.StartSpan("parent", Recordable)
StartRecording(sp1, SingleNodeRecording)
sp2 = StartChildSpan("child", sp1, nil /* logTags */, true /*separateRecording*/)
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(sp1), `
span parent:
`); err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(sp2), `
span child:
`); err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
sp1 = tr.StartSpan("parent", Recordable)
StartRecording(sp1, SingleNodeRecording)
sp2 = StartChildSpan("child", sp1, logtags.SingleTagBuffer("key", "val"), false, /*separateRecording*/
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(sp1), `
span parent:
span child:
tags: key=val
`); err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
3.3 跨过程追踪测试
测试跨过程追踪性能,次要是测试 inject 接口和 extract 接口,Inject 用于向 carrier 中注入 SpanContext 信息,Extract 用于从 carrier 中抽取出 SpanContext 信息。
func TestTracerInjectExtract(t *testing.T) {tr := NewTracer()
tr2 := NewTracer()
// Verify that noop spans become noop spans on the remote side.
noop1 := tr.StartSpan("noop")
if _, noop := noop1.(*noopSpan); !noop {t.Fatalf("expected noop span: %+v", noop1)
carrier := make(opentracing.HTTPHeadersCarrier)
if err := tr.Inject(noop1.Context(), opentracing.HTTPHeaders, carrier); err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
if len(carrier) != 0 {t.Errorf("noop span has carrier: %+v", carrier)
wireContext, err := tr2.Extract(opentracing.HTTPHeaders, carrier)
if err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
if _, noopCtx := wireContext.(noopSpanContext); !noopCtx {t.Errorf("expected noop context: %v", wireContext)
noop2 := tr2.StartSpan("remote op", opentracing.FollowsFrom(wireContext))
if _, noop := noop2.(*noopSpan); !noop {t.Fatalf("expected noop span: %+v", noop2)
// Verify that snowball tracing is propagated and triggers recording on the
// remote side.
s1 := tr.StartSpan("a", Recordable)
StartRecording(s1, SnowballRecording)
carrier = make(opentracing.HTTPHeadersCarrier)
if err := tr.Inject(s1.Context(), opentracing.HTTPHeaders, carrier); err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
wireContext, err = tr2.Extract(opentracing.HTTPHeaders, carrier)
if err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
s2 := tr2.StartSpan("remote op", opentracing.FollowsFrom(wireContext))
// Compare TraceIDs
trace1 := s1.Context().(*spanContext).TraceID
trace2 := s2.Context().(*spanContext).TraceID
if trace1 != trace2 {t.Errorf("TraceID doesn't match: parent %d child %d", trace1, trace2)
s2.LogKV("x", 1)
// Verify that recording was started automatically.
rec := GetRecording(s2)
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(rec, `
span remote op:
tags: sb=1
x: 1
`); err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(s1), `
span a:
tags: sb=1 unfinished=
`); err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
if err := ImportRemoteSpans(s1, rec); err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
if err := TestingCheckRecordedSpans(GetRecording(s1), `
span a:
tags: sb=1
span remote op:
tags: sb=1
x: 1
`); err != nil {t.Fatal(err)