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### mysql 引擎

 create table t_mysql
        id     Int32,
        name   String,
) engine = MySQL('', 'test', 't', 'root', '123456');

mysql 进行 ddl:

 alter table  t modify name int ,add age tinyint;

mysql 增加、批改 mysql 字段时,ch 无奈失效,须要重建,群里有人说重启能够,我测试重启没有失效

### mysql 同步到 ch 限度

    CREATE DATABASE t_mysql ENGINE = MaterializeMySQL('', 'db', 'root', '123456');
库创立后,ch 先全量,再做为 mysql 的从库实时时同步 mysql 数据,但有一些限度:
  1. mysql5.6 及以下版不反对
  2. ch 版本太低也不反对,至多 20.9 以上
  3. mysql 参数(binlog 为 row,开启 gtid)

     binlog_format = row
     gtid-mode = on
     enforce-gtid-consistency =1
     log-slave-updates = true # mysql 从库
     default_authentication_plugin='mysql_native_password' # 8.0 默认 caching_sha2_password
  4. 库中如果有无主键的表,会初始化失败
  5. 不反对 like(creat table t1 like t;)

     Code: 48. DB::Exception: Received from 192.x.x.x:9000. DB::Exception: Cannot convert create like statement to ClickHouse SQL: While executing MYSQL_QUERY_EVENT. The query: create table t_1 like t
