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1. 什么是哈希表




\(O(1) \)

比方咱们看一种常见的实现形式,哈希算法 + 数组 + 链表 形成的哈希表:

假如数组 index 从 1 开始,那么依据哈希算法,元素 1 就放在数组下标为 1 的中央,元素 3 就放在数组下标为 3 的中央,元素 5 放在数组下标为 1 的中央,然而因为元素 1 曾经在数组中了,对于这种状况,咱们的一种解决形式就是元素 1 和元素 5 通过链表连贯,元素 1 依然在数组中,新退出的元素 5 放在元素 1 前面,元素 1 的 next 节点指向元素 5.

2. java 实现

哈希表的用处很广,比方 java 的 HashMap、HashSet。

对于哈希表,咱们的操作次要是 PUT 和 GET 操作。

上面就来看看怎么实现繁难版本的 HashMap。

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;

 * key and value are not permitted null
 * @author bennetty74
 * @since 2021.10.24
public class HashMap <K,V> implements Map<K,V>{
    // 申明一个 ENTRY 数组用于寄存元素
    private Entry<K,V>[] entries;
    private final double loadFactor = 0.75d;
    private int capacity = 8;
    private int size = 0;

    public HashMap() {entries = new Entry[this.capacity];

    public HashMap(int capacity) {
        this.capacity = capacity;
        entries = new Entry[capacity];

    public boolean contains(K key) {int idx = getIndex(key);
        if (entries[idx] == null) {return false;}
        Entry<K, V> entry = entries[idx];
        while (entry != null) {if (entry.key.equals(key)) {return true;}
            entry = entry.next;
        return false;
    // put 操作,不容许 key 和 value 为 null
    public boolean put(K key, V value) {if (Objects.isNull(key) || Objects.isNull(value)) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key or value is null");
        int idx = getIndex(key);
        // if null, put in entries array
        if (Objects.isNull(entries[idx])) {entries[idx] = new Entry<>(key, value);
        } else {
            // else put at the head of Entry list
            Entry<K, V> newEntry = new Entry<>(key, value);
            newEntry.next = entries[idx];
            entries[idx] = newEntry;
        // if load factor greater than 0.75, then rehash
        if (size++ / (double) capacity > 0.75f) {rehash();
        return true;

    private void rehash() {
        capacity = 2 * capacity;
        Entry<K, V>[] oldEntries = Arrays.copyOf(this.entries, capacity);
        entries = new Entry[capacity];
        for (Entry<K, V> oldEntry : oldEntries) {if (oldEntry != null) {put(oldEntry.key, oldEntry.value);

    public V get(K key) {if (Objects.isNull(key)) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key is null");
        // get idx by key's hashCode
        int idx = getIndex(key);
        Entry<K, V> entry = entries[idx];
        if (!Objects.isNull(entry)) {while (!Objects.isNull(entry)) {if (key.equals(entry.key)) {return entry.value;}
                entry = entry.next;
        // not found the specific key, return null
        return null;
    // 此处的 hash 算法很简略,就是依据 key 的 hashCode 除以 entry 数组的容量的余数作为数组下标寄存元素
    private int getIndex(K key) {return key.hashCode() % capacity;

    public String toString() {StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("HashMap {");
        for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {if (entries[i] != null) {Entry<K, V> entry = entries[i];
                while (entry != null) {sb.append(entry.key).append("=").append(entry.value).append(",");
                    entry = entry.next;
        sb.replace(sb.length() - 1, sb.length(), "").append("}");
        return sb.toString();}

    // Entry 类,蕴含 HashMap 的 key 和 value
    private static class Entry<K,V> {
        K key;
        V value;

        public Entry(K key, V value) {
            this.key = key;
            this.value = value;

        Entry<K,V> next;
