

共计 5162 个字符,预计需要花费 13 分钟才能阅读完成。

cshell Prompt 次要由两局部组成,一个是色彩定义,一个是信息显示。上面咱们别离讲讲述这两局部。

色彩(ASCII color)

所有色彩都以 \033[xxxm 的模式输写,xxx是以分号分隔的参数








echo -e "\033[31;1;4mHello\033[0m"


Code Effect Note
0 Reset / Normal all attributes off
1 Bold or increased intensity
2 Faint (decreased intensity) Not widely supported.
3 Italic Not widely supported. Sometimes treated as inverse.
4 Underline
5 Slow Blink less than 150 per minute
6 Rapid Blink MS-DOS ANSI.SYS; 150+ per minute; not widely supported
7 [[reverse video]] swap foreground and background colors
8 Conceal Not widely supported.
9 Crossed-out Characters legible, but marked for deletion. Not widely supported.
10 Primary(default) font
11–19 Alternate font Select alternate font n-10
20 Fraktur hardly ever supported
21 Bold off or Double Underline Bold off not widely supported; double underline hardly ever supported.
22 Normal color or intensity Neither bold nor faint
23 Not italic, not Fraktur
24 Underline off Not singly or doubly underlined
25 Blink off
27 Inverse off
28 Reveal conceal off
29 Not crossed out
30–37 Set foreground color See color table below
38 Set foreground color Next arguments are 5;<n> or 2;<r>;<g>;, see below
39 Default foreground color implementation defined (according to standard)
40–47 Set background color See color table below
48 Set background color Next arguments are 5;<n> or 2;<r>;<g>;, see below
49 Default background color implementation defined (according to standard)
51 Framed
52 Encircled
53 Overlined
54 Not framed or encircled
55 Not overlined
60 ideogram underline hardly ever supported
61 ideogram double underline hardly ever supported
62 ideogram overline hardly ever supported
63 ideogram double overline hardly ever supported
64 ideogram stress marking hardly ever supported
65 ideogram attributes off reset the effects of all of 60-64
90–97 Set bright foreground color aixterm (not in standard)
100–107 Set bright background color aixterm (not in standard)

4bit 色彩码

原始规定中只反对 8 种颜色,SGR 用 30-37 定义前景色,用 40-47 定义背景色。

  • 如果要在红色背景上失去彩色定休,能够用 \033[33;47m, 30 是前景色,47是背景色。
  • 要失去娇艳红色,用 \033[1;31m, 1 示意娇艳。
  • 要重置所有属性,用\033[0m
  • 要间接应用娇艳色,能够用 90-97 和 100-107


8bit 色彩码

背景色: \033[48;5;XXXm


  • 如果要用粉红字体,能够这样写:\033[38;5;206m,206 是它的前景色
  • 如果要用凌晨绿背景,能够这样写:\033[48;5;57m, 57 是它的背景色


8bit 色彩码大概范畴如下:

范畴 形容
0x00-0x07 规范色,同 4bit
0x08-0x0F 高度色
0x10-0xE7 6x6x6 空间(216 色):16 + 36 x r + 6 x g + b (0<=r, g, b <=5)
0xE8-0xFF 从黑到白的 24 阶灰度

24bit 全色系

如果反对true color, 那么就能够用上面的形式来形容色彩:

前景色: \033[38;2;<r>;<g>;<b>m
背景色: \033[48;2;<r>;<g>;<b>m



scripts to print


print "\\033[XXm"

for i in range(30,37+1):
    print "\033[%dm%d\t\t\033[%dm%d" % (i,i,i+60,i+60);

print "\033[39m\\033[49m - Reset colour"
print "\\033[2K - Clear Line"
print "\\033[<L>;<C>H OR \\033[<L>;<C>f puts the cursor at line L and column C."
print "\\033[<N>A Move the cursor up N lines"
print "\\033[<N>B Move the cursor down N lines"
print "\\033[<N>C Move the cursor forward N columns"
print "\\033[<N>D Move the cursor backward N columns"
print "\\033[2J Clear the screen, move to (0,0)"
print "\\033[K Erase to end of line"
print "\\033[s Save cursor position"
print "\\033[u Restore cursor position"
print " "
print "\\033[4m  Underline on"
print "\\033[24m Underline off"
print "\\033[1m  Bold on"
print "\\033[21m Bold off"


cshell 里,在 %`{…%}里的内容示意它不占空间 (0-width).
\e[...m\033[...m示意色彩. 如下面所形容。

色彩里 \033[0m 是用来 reset 色彩

prompt 格局

符号 形容
%/ Current working directory.
%~ cwd. If it starts with $HOME, that part is replaced by a ~. In addition if a directory name prefix matches a user’s home directory, that part of the directory will be substituted with ~user. NOTE: The ~user substitution will only happen if the shell has performed a ~ expansion for that user name in this session.
%c or %. Trailing component of cwd, may be followed by by a digit to get more than one component, if it starts with $HOME, that part is replaced with a ~.
%C Trailing component of cwd, may be followed by a digit to get more than one component, no ~ substitution.
%h, %!, ! Current history event number.
%M The full machine hostname.
%m The hostname up to the first “.”.
%S (%s) Start (stop) standout mode.
%B (%b) Start (stop) boldfacing mode. (Only if
tcsh was compiled to be eight bit clean.)
%U (%u) Start (stop) underline mode. (Only if
tcsh was compiled to be eight bit clean.)
%t or %@ Current time of day, in 12-hour, am/pm format.
%T Current time of day, in 24-hour format.
(But see the ampm shell variable below.)
%p Current time in 12-hour format, am/pm format with seconds.
%P Current time in 24-hour format, with seconds.
\c `c’ is parsed the same way as in bindkey.
^c `c’ is parsed the same way as in bindkey.
%% A single %.
%n The user name, contents of $user.
%d The weekday in <Day> format.
%D The day in dd format.
%w The month in <Mon> format.
%W The month in mm format.
%y The year in yy format.
%Y The year in yyyy format.
%l The line (tty) the user is logged on.
%L clear from prompt to end of display or end of line.
%# A #' if tcsh is run as a root shell, a >’ if not.
%{..%} Include string as a literal escape sequence. Note that the enclosed escape sequence, should only be used to change terminal attributes and should not move the cursor location. Also, this cannot be the last character in the prompt string. (Available only if tcsh was compiled to be eight bit clean.)
%? return code of the last command executed just before the prompt.
%R In prompt3 this is the corrected string; in prompt2 it is the status of the parser.


30 – black
31 – red
32 – green
33 – yellow
34 – blue
35 – magenta
36 – cyan
37 – white


0 – normal
1 – bold
2 – normal again
3 – background color
4 – underline the text
5 – blinking


如果想在 prompt 中应用 \n, 那么不能独自给它定义色彩,否则会呈现光标错乱。


set prompt="\n%{\033[0;32m%}%n @ %m:%{\033[0;33m%}%~%{\033[1;30m%} [%P]\n%{\033[0;35m%}#%{\033[0m%}" '


ANSI-Color WIki
TCSH Manual
