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I was asked by one partner that it is expected to adapt the label of“New”button into“Add”, and change the text of first menu item from“Add”to“From Contact”.
Here below is detail step how to achieve this requirement.
(1) Work center Administrator, General Settings->Language Adaptations:
Create a new Language Adaptation:
Select the Work center view where the button and menu item resides in:
Click Edit button and then click button“Collect Texts”:
(2) Now you could do actual text adaptation. Do filtering by“New”keyword and restrict UI Element Type to only display Button to avoid too many items with Source Text equals to“Add”. Since there are lots of“New”button defined within this work center view, so you have to also use column“UI Short Name”to identify the very button in Contact OWL toolbar.
Replace“Add”with“From Contact”as well.
Write down the ID of this text for later usage: igVref5FuaY1LnI6tdBKZm
How Text adaptation works under the hood
In the runtime the adapted text works as expected.
Neither the original text shipped by SAP nor the adapted text is directly bound to menu item. Instead, there is a binding existed to connect an instance of UI text pool with the text property of menu item.
Copy the source code of COD_Account_TI from HTTP response in the network tab of Chrome development tool and search by ID igVref5FuaY1LnI6tdBKZm:
One entry for text pool instance found:
And in the runtime, we can see the text property of menu item is bound to this text pool instance:
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