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zap 是 Uber 开发的一个高性能、强类型、分 level 的 go 语言日志库
1. 对象创立
1.1 Logger 构造体
type Logger struct {
core zapcore.Core // 外围接口
development bool
addCaller bool
onFatal zapcore.CheckWriteAction // default is WriteThenFatal
name string
errorOutput zapcore.WriteSyncer
addStack zapcore.LevelEnabler
callerSkip int
clock Clock
Logger 对象的创立有两种形式:
- 通过 New 间接创立
func New(core zapcore.Core, options ...Option) *Logger {
if core == nil {return NewNop()
log := &Logger{
core: core,
errorOutput: zapcore.Lock(os.Stderr),
addStack: zapcore.FatalLevel + 1,
clock: _systemClock,
return log.WithOptions(options...)
函数 WithOptions 应用的是 函数式抉择模式, 和 ants 源码浏览(https://segmentfault.com/a/11… 中应用的办法统一。
func (log *Logger) WithOptions(opts ...Option) *Logger {c := log.clone()
for _, opt := range opts {opt.apply(c)
return c
Option 构造
type Option interface {apply(*Logger)
// optionFunc wraps a func so it satisfies the Option interface.
type optionFunc func(*Logger)
func (f optionFunc) apply(log *Logger) {f(log)
func WrapCore(f func(zapcore.Core) zapcore.Core) Option {return optionFunc(func(log *Logger) {log.core = f(log.core)
func AddStacktrace(lvl zapcore.LevelEnabler) Option {return optionFunc(func(log *Logger) {log.addStack = lvl})
- 建造者模式 Build 创立
建造者模式 应用场景:当一个类的结构函数参数个数超过 4 个,而且这些参数有些是可选的参数,思考应用建造者模式。
func (cfg Config) Build(opts ...Option) (*Logger, error) {enc, err := cfg.buildEncoder() // 创立 Encoder 对象, json or console
if err != nil {return nil, err}
sink, errSink, err := cfg.openSinks() // 创立失常输入和谬误输入的文件门路
if err != nil {return nil, err}
if cfg.Level == (AtomicLevel{}) {return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing Level")
log := New(zapcore.NewCore(enc, sink, cfg.Level),
) // 创立 log 对象
if len(opts) > 0 {log = log.WithOptions(opts...) // 依据传入的配置重置 log 属性
return log, nil
1.2 Config 构造体解析
type Config struct {
Level AtomicLevel `json:"level" yaml:"level"` //Level 是用来配置日志级别的,即日志的最低输入级别
Development bool `json:"development" yaml:"development"` // 这个字段的含意是用来标记是否为开发者模式,在开发者模式下,日志输入的一些行为会和生产环境上不同。DisableCaller bool `json:"disableCaller" yaml:"disableCaller"` // 用来标记是否开启行号和文件名显示性能。DisableStacktrace bool `json:"disableStacktrace" yaml:"disableStacktrace"` // 标记是否开启调用栈追踪能力,即在打印异样日志时,是否打印调用栈。Sampling *SamplingConfig `json:"sampling" yaml:"sampling"` // Sampling 实现了日志的流控性能,或者叫采样配置,次要有两个配置参数,Initial 和 Thereafter,实现的成果是在 1s 的工夫单位内,如果某个日志级别下同样内容的日志输入数量超过了 Initial 的数量,那么超过之后,每隔 Thereafter 的数量,才会再输入一次。是一个对日志输入的爱护性能。Encoding string `json:"encoding" yaml:"encoding"` // json or console
EncoderConfig zapcore.EncoderConfig `json:"encoderConfig" yaml:"encoderConfig"`
OutputPaths []string `json:"outputPaths" yaml:"outputPaths"` // 日志输入门路
ErrorOutputPaths []string `json:"errorOutputPaths" // 谬误日志输入门路
InitialFields map[string]interface{} `json:"initialFields" yaml:"initialFields"` // 初始化 Fields}
EncoderConfig 构造
type EncoderConfig struct {
MessageKey string `json:"messageKey" yaml:"messageKey"`
LevelKey string `json:"levelKey" yaml:"levelKey"`
TimeKey string `json:"timeKey" yaml:"timeKey"`
NameKey string `json:"nameKey" yaml:"nameKey"`
CallerKey string `json:"callerKey" yaml:"callerKey"`
StacktraceKey string `json:"stacktraceKey" yaml:"stacktraceKey"`
LineEnding string `json:"lineEnding" yaml:"lineEnding"` // 配置行分隔符
EncodeLevel LevelEncoder `json:"levelEncoder" yaml:"levelEncoder"`
EncodeTime TimeEncoder `json:"timeEncoder" yaml:"timeEncoder"`
EncodeDuration DurationEncoder `json:"durationEncoder" yaml:"durationEncoder"`
EncodeCaller CallerEncoder `json:"callerEncoder" yaml:"callerEncoder"`
EncodeName NameEncoder `json:"nameEncoder" yaml:"nameEncoder"`
1.3 详解 Build
1.3.1 buildEncoder
buildEncoder –> newEncoder –> zapcore.Encoder 接口
func newEncoder(name string, encoderConfig zapcore.EncoderConfig) (zapcore.Encoder, error) {
if encoderConfig.TimeKey != "" && encoderConfig.EncodeTime == nil {return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing EncodeTime in EncoderConfig")
defer _encoderMutex.RUnlock() // 应用读写锁
if name == "" {return nil, errNoEncoderNameSpecified}
constructor, ok := _encoderNameToConstructor[name] // 返回 Encoder 对象
if !ok {return nil, fmt.Errorf("no encoder registered for name %q", name)
return constructor(encoderConfig)
map 中存储函数对象
_encoderNameToConstructor = map[string]func(zapcore.EncoderConfig) (zapcore.Encoder, error){"console": func(encoderConfig zapcore.EncoderConfig) (zapcore.Encoder, error) {return zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(encoderConfig), nil
"json": func(encoderConfig zapcore.EncoderConfig) (zapcore.Encoder, error) {return zapcore.NewJSONEncoder(encoderConfig), nil
NewConsoleEncoder 创立的 consoleEncoder 构造体的底层构造是 jsonEncoder, 只是 consoleEncoder 的spaced 为true, NewJSONEncoder 的 spaced 为false.
jsonEncoder 构造体:
type jsonEncoder struct {
buf *buffer.Buffer
spaced bool // include spaces after colons and commas
openNamespaces int
// for encoding generic values by reflection
reflectBuf *buffer.Buffer
reflectEnc *json.Encoder
func newJSONEncoder(cfg EncoderConfig, spaced bool) *jsonEncoder {
return &jsonEncoder{
EncoderConfig: &cfg,
buf: bufferpool.Get(),
spaced: spaced,
Buffer 构造体
const _size = 1024 // by default, create 1 KiB buffers
type Buffer struct {bs []byte
pool Pool
type Pool struct {p *sync.Pool}
func NewPool() Pool {
return Pool{p: &sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} {return &Buffer{bs: make([]byte, 0, _size)} // 默认会创立 1k 的 buffer
1.3.2 openSinks
创立 output, 和 errorput 文件
调用程序: Open–>open–> newSink
func (cfg Config) openSinks() (zapcore.WriteSyncer, zapcore.WriteSyncer, error) {sink, closeOut, err := Open(cfg.OutputPaths...)
if err != nil {return nil, nil, err}
errSink, _, err := Open(cfg.ErrorOutputPaths...)
if err != nil {closeOut() // 下文中的 close 在这里被调用
return nil, nil, err
return sink, errSink, nil
func Open(paths ...string) (zapcore.WriteSyncer, func(), error) {writers, close, err := open(paths)
if err != nil {return nil, nil, err}
writer := CombineWriteSyncers(writers...)
return writer, close, nil
func open(paths []string) ([]zapcore.WriteSyncer, func(), error) {writers := make([]zapcore.WriteSyncer, 0, len(paths))
closers := make([]io.Closer, 0, len(paths))
close := func() { // 返回一个回调函数,应用奇妙
for _, c := range closers {c.Close()
var openErr error
for _, path := range paths {sink, err := newSink(path)
if err != nil {openErr = multierr.Append(openErr, fmt.Errorf("couldn't open sink %q: %v", path, err))
writers = append(writers, sink) // 追加多个写入的门路
closers = append(closers, sink) // 追加多个写入的门路用来敞开文件
if openErr != nil {close()
return writers, nil, openErr
return writers, close, nil
func newSink(rawURL string) (Sink, error) {u, err := url.Parse(rawURL) // 因为门路还能够是 http 的 url,失常的 path 赋值到 u.Path 上。if err != nil {return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't parse %q as a URL: %v", rawURL, err)
if u.Scheme == "" {u.Scheme = schemeFile}
factory, ok := _sinkFactories[u.Scheme]
if !ok {return nil, &errSinkNotFound{u.Scheme}
return factory(u)
_sinkFactories 是个 map 构造,存储的是回调函数。
_sinkFactories = map[string]func(*url.URL) (Sink, error){schemeFile: newFileSink,}
func newFileSink(u *url.URL) (Sink, error) {
if u.User != nil {return nil, fmt.Errorf("user and password not allowed with file URLs: got %v", u)
if u.Fragment != "" {return nil, fmt.Errorf("fragments not allowed with file URLs: got %v", u)
if u.RawQuery != "" {return nil, fmt.Errorf("query parameters not allowed with file URLs: got %v", u)
// Error messages are better if we check hostname and port separately.
if u.Port() != "" {return nil, fmt.Errorf("ports not allowed with file URLs: got %v", u)
if hn := u.Hostname(); hn != ""&& hn !="localhost" {return nil, fmt.Errorf("file URLs must leave host empty or use localhost: got %v", u)
fmt.Println("u.Path:", u.Path)
switch u.Path {
case "stdout":
return nopCloserSink{os.Stdout}, nil // stdout
case "stderr":
return nopCloserSink{os.Stderr}, nil
// 带有具体的输入文件名
return os.OpenFile(u.Path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, 0666)
2. 如何应用
以 Info 为例:
func (log *Logger) Info(msg string, fields ...Field) {if ce := log.check(InfoLevel, msg); ce != nil {ce.Write(fields...)
check 函数
func (log *Logger) check(lvl zapcore.Level, msg string) *zapcore.CheckedEntry {
// check must always be called directly by a method in the Logger interface
// (e.g., Check, Info, Fatal).
const callerSkipOffset = 2
// Check the level first to reduce the cost of disabled log calls.
// Since Panic and higher may exit, we skip the optimization for those levels.
if lvl < zapcore.DPanicLevel && !log.core.Enabled(lvl) {return nil}
// Create basic checked entry thru the core; this will be non-nil if the
// log message will actually be written somewhere.
ent := zapcore.Entry{
LoggerName: log.name,
Time: log.clock.Now(),
Level: lvl,
Message: msg,
ce := log.core.Check(ent, nil) // 满足达到日志等级才新建 CheckedEntry. 该 checkedEntry 应用 sync.Pool 创立。willWrite := ce != nil
// Set up any required terminal behavior.
switch ent.Level {
case zapcore.PanicLevel:
ce = ce.Should(ent, zapcore.WriteThenPanic)
case zapcore.FatalLevel:
onFatal := log.onFatal
// Noop is the default value for CheckWriteAction, and it leads to
// continued execution after a Fatal which is unexpected.
if onFatal == zapcore.WriteThenNoop {onFatal = zapcore.WriteThenFatal}
ce = ce.Should(ent, onFatal)
case zapcore.DPanicLevel:
if log.development {ce = ce.Should(ent, zapcore.WriteThenPanic)
// Only do further annotation if we're going to write this message; checked
// entries that exist only for terminal behavior don't benefit from
// annotation.
if !willWrite {return ce}
// 其余省略
Write 函数
func (ce *CheckedEntry) Write(fields ...Field) {
if ce == nil {return}
if ce.dirty {
if ce.ErrorOutput != nil {
// Make a best effort to detect unsafe re-use of this CheckedEntry.
// If the entry is dirty, log an internal error; because the
// CheckedEntry is being used after it was returned to the pool,
// the message may be an amalgamation from multiple call sites.
fmt.Fprintf(ce.ErrorOutput, "%v Unsafe CheckedEntry re-use near Entry %+v.\n", ce.Time, ce.Entry)
ce.dirty = true
var err error
for i := range ce.cores {err = multierr.Append(err, ce.cores[i].Write(ce.Entry, fields)) // 外围,写入格式化数据
if ce.ErrorOutput != nil {
if err != nil {fmt.Fprintf(ce.ErrorOutput, "%v write error: %v\n", ce.Time, err)
should, msg := ce.should, ce.Message
switch should {
case WriteThenPanic:
case WriteThenFatal:
case WriteThenGoexit:
外围写数据 writeContext
func (c *ioCore) Write(ent Entry, fields []Field) error {buf, err := c.enc.EncodeEntry(ent, fields) // 把数据写入缓存
if err != nil {return err}
_, err = c.out.Write(buf.Bytes()) // 写入数据到文件
if err != nil {return err}
if ent.Level > ErrorLevel {
// Since we may be crashing the program, sync the output. Ignore Sync
// errors, pending a clean solution to issue #370.
return nil
func (c consoleEncoder) writeContext(line *buffer.Buffer, extra []Field) {context := c.jsonEncoder.Clone().(*jsonEncoder)
defer func() {
// putJSONEncoder assumes the buffer is still used, but we write out the buffer so
// we can free it.
addFields(context, extra) // 把 Fields 写入到 buffer 中
if context.buf.Len() == 0 {return}
参考: 1. https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/…