

共计 3123 个字符,预计需要花费 8 分钟才能阅读完成。

注释共 1410 字,浏览大概须要 8 分钟

创意人群的最佳助手,您将在 8 分钟后取得以下超能力:

1. 高清艺术类插图【非人物】

2. 多格调高效出图

Beezy 评级:A 级
* 通过寻找和一段时间的学习,一部分人能把握。次要晋升效率并加强本身技能。

推荐人 |Yolanda 

编辑者 |Ramy

●此图片是由 Midjourney 主动生成,输出:In this bustling future city, Chihiro is running through the streets, surrounded by crowds of people and towering buildings covered in greenery. Totoro is flying above her, his umbrella helping him glide through the air. Despite the busy city, there is a sense of harmony and balance, with the plants and trees providing a natural oasis within the urban landscape.

当你有一个创作灵感,但不会画画,学习一个设计工具十分消耗工夫,但有了 ChatGPT 就能够帮你施展想象力

Step1 设定 AI 角色

开始与 ChatGPT 对话的时候,输出角色设定:

请你伪装是 Midjourney 人工智能提取概念,将生成图像。


当 ChatGPT 了解这个常识的时候,它会让你提供概念 Step2 输出想法,激发灵感输出一个抽象概念:将来城市景观。

接着回复须要三个提醒,接着 ChatGPT 迅速扩大了三种不同的将来城市场景,每个形容细节都很具体。将这三种提醒翻译为 Midjourney 所须要的英文提醒词

别离将三种不同的提醒输出到 Midjourney 生成图片看看成果:


●此图片是由 Midjourney 主动生成,输出:This is a scene of an abandoned future city, including some abandoned skyscrapers, desolate roads, and discarded robots. The color scheme in this scene is mainly dark gray and brown, giving people a feeling of desolation and loneliness. You need to try to create this abandoned, desolate feeling, while giving the scene enough detail and texture to make it look realistic.


●此图片是由 Midjourney 主动生成,输出:This is a scene of a green future city, where most of the buildings and roads are covered in plants. In this scene, green plants cover buildings and streets, giving people a natural and harmonious feeling. You need to create a realistic plant and green environment to create this feeling.


●此图片是由 Midjourney 主动生成,输出:This is a scene of a green future city, where most of the buildings and roads are covered in plants. In this scene, green plants cover buildings and streets, giving people a natural and harmonious feeling. You need to create a realistic plant and green environment to create this feeling.

后续优化 1:增加画面细节当咱们取得这些初稿,仍须要做一些调整,这时你能够再次让 ChatGPT 充当 Midjourney 提词器,给提醒词让其生成相似格调的提醒形容。

例如:我想让你作为 Midjourney 人工智能提醒生成器,在提醒 2 中:This is a scene of a green future city, where most of the buildings and roads are covered in plants. In this scene, green plants cover buildings and streets, giving people a natural and harmonious feeling. You need to create a realistic plant and green environment to create this feeling.


将新的提醒放入 Midjourney 从新生成图像,图片变成了动漫格调,充满生机与心愿。

后续优化 2:
增加故事背景想要加强画面的故事感,咱们能够尝试改变局部提醒语,其大抵意思不变,让它从新生成。例如:这是一个绿色的将来城市场景,绿色的动物笼罩着修建和街道,给人一种天然、谐和的感觉,这里有许多龙猫、千与千寻等宫崎骏作品的元素,充斥了活力与神秘。咱们看看 ChatGPT 联想扩大的能力:


●此图片是由 Midjourney 主动生成,输出:In this bustling future city, Chihiro is running through the streets, surrounded by crowds of people and towering buildings covered in greenery. Totoro is flying above her, his umbrella helping him glide through the air. Despite the busy city, there is a sense of harmony and balance, with the plants and trees providing a natural oasis within the urban landscape.

过来没有 AI 时,大家感觉创意不出货色了,现在的 AI,发现人人都能够成为创意巨匠。

Beezy 测评:

1. 当你有一个概念,能够让 ChatGPT 帮助扩大想象力,给人一个十分疾速的直观印象

2. 当对图的细节品质要求较高的时候,间接让 ChatGPT 补充提醒词,调整图片格调

3. 当你对图片的内容丰盛度不够,间接替换 / 增加相干元素提醒词,重构图片格调

4. 现阶段 ChatGPT 格调连贯性较难保障,存在随机性。


* 小查子,乃 ChatGPT 憎称。



你有哪些想要通过 ChatGPT 实现的场景?

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