

共计 17802 个字符,预计需要花费 45 分钟才能阅读完成。

一. 前言

近期,ChatGLM-6B 的第二代版本 ChatGLM2-6B 曾经正式公布,引入了如下新个性:

①. 基座模型降级,性能更弱小,在中文 C -Eval 榜单中,以 51.7 分位列第 6;

②. 反对 8K-32k 的上下文;

③. 推理性能晋升了 42%;

④. 对学术研究齐全凋谢,容许申请商用受权。

目前大多数部署计划采纳的是 fastapi+uvicorn+transformers,这种形式适宜疾速运行一些 demo,在生产环境中应用还是举荐应用专门的深度学习推理服务框架,如 Triton。本文将介绍我利用团体 9n-triton 工具部署 ChatGLM2-6B 过程中踩过的一些坑,心愿能够为有部署需要的同学提供一些帮忙。

二. 硬件要求


量化等级 编码 2048 长度的最小显存 生成 8192 长度的最小显存
FP16 / BF16 13.1 GB 12.8 GB
INT8 8.2 GB 8.1 GB
INT4 5.5 GB 5.1 GB

我部署了 2 个 pod,每个 pod 的资源:CPU(4 核)、内存(30G)、1 张 P40 显卡(显存 24G)。

三. 部署实际

Triton 默认反对的 PyTorch 模型格局为 TorchScript,因为 ChatGLM2-6B 模型转换成 TorchScript 格局会报错,本文将以 Python Backend 的形式进行部署。

1. 模型目录构造

9N-Triton 应用集成模型,如上图所示模型仓库 (model_repository), 它外部能够蕴含一个或多个子模型(如 chatglm2-6b)。上面对各个局部进行开展介绍:

2. python 执行环境

该局部为模型推理时须要的相干 python 依赖包,能够应用 conda-pack 将 conda 虚拟环境打包,如 python-3-8.tar.gz。如对打包 conda 环境不相熟的,能够参考 https://conda.github.io/conda-pack/。而后在 config.pbtxt 中配置执行环境门路:

parameters: {
  value: {string_value: "$$TRITON_MODEL_DIRECTORY/../python-3-8.tar.gz"}


留神:以后 python 执行环境为所有子模型共享,如果想给不同子模型指定不同的执行环境,则应该将 tar.gz 文件放在子模型目录下,如下所示:

同时,在 config.pbtxt 中配置执行环境门路如下:

parameters: {
  value: {string_value: "$$TRITON_MODEL_DIRECTORY/python-3-8.tar.gz"}

3. 模型配置文件

模型仓库库中的每个模型都必须蕴含一个模型配置文件 config.pbtxt,用于指定平台和或后端属性、max\_batch\_size 属性以及模型的输出和输入张量等。ChatGLM2-6B 的配置文件能够参考如下:

name: "chatglm2-6b" // 必填,模型名,需与该子模型的文件夹名字雷同
backend: "python" // 必填,模型所应用的后端引擎

max_batch_size: 0 // 模型每次申请最大的批数据量,张量 shape 由 max_batch_size 和 dims 组合指定,对于 max_batch_size 大于 0 的模型,残缺形态造成为 [-1] + dims。对于 max_batch_size 等于 0 的模型,残缺形态造成为 dims。input [ // 必填,输出定义
    name: "prompt" // 必填,名称
    data_type: TYPE_STRING // 必填,数据类型
    dims: [-1] // 必填,数据维度,-1 示意可变维度
    name: "history"
    data_type: TYPE_STRING
    dims: [-1]
    name: "temperature"
    data_type: TYPE_STRING
    dims: [-1]
    name: "max_token"
    data_type: TYPE_STRING
    dims: [-1]
    name: "history_len"
    data_type: TYPE_STRING
    dims: [-1]
output [ // 必填,输入定义
    name: "response"
    data_type: TYPE_STRING
    dims: [-1]
    name: "history"
    data_type: TYPE_STRING
    dims: [-1]
parameters: { // 指定 python 执行环境
  value: {string_value: "$$TRITON_MODEL_DIRECTORY/../python-3-8.tar.gz"}
instance_group [ // 模型实例组
      count: 1  // 实例数量
      kind: KIND_GPU  // 实例类型
      gpus: [0]  // 指定实例可用的 GPU 索引


4. 自定义 python backend

次要须要实现 model.py 中提供的三个接口:

①. initialize: 初始化该 Python 模型时会进行调用,个别执行获取输入信息及创立模型的操作

②. execute: python 模型接管申请时的执行函数;

③. finalize: 删除模型时会进行调用;

如果有 n 个模型实例,那么会调用 n 次 initialize 和 finalize 这两个函数。

ChatGLM2-6B 的 model.py 文件能够参考如下:

import os
# 设置显存闲暇 block 最大宰割阈值
os.environ['PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF'] = 'max_split_size_mb:32'
# 设置 work 目录

os.environ['TRANSFORMERS_CACHE'] = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+"/work/"
os.environ['HF_MODULES_CACHE'] = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+"/work/"

import json

# triton_python_backend_utils is available in every Triton Python model. You
# need to use this module to create inference requests and responses. It also
# contains some utility functions for extracting information from model_config
# and converting Triton input/output types to numpy types.
import triton_python_backend_utils as pb_utils
import sys
import gc
import time
import logging
import torch
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
import numpy as np


logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] - %(levelname)s: %(message)s',

class TritonPythonModel:
    """Your Python model must use the same class name. Every Python model
    that is created must have "TritonPythonModel" as the class name.
    """def initialize(self, args):"""`initialize` is called only once when the model is being loaded.
        Implementing `initialize` function is optional. This function allows
        the model to intialize any state associated with this model.

        args : dict
          Both keys and values are strings. The dictionary keys and values are:
          * model_config: A JSON string containing the model configuration
          * model_instance_kind: A string containing model instance kind
          * model_instance_device_id: A string containing model instance device ID
          * model_repository: Model repository path
          * model_version: Model version
          * model_name: Model name
        # You must parse model_config. JSON string is not parsed here
        self.model_config = json.loads(args['model_config'])
        output_response_config = pb_utils.get_output_config_by_name(self.model_config, "response")
        output_history_config = pb_utils.get_output_config_by_name(self.model_config, "history")

        # Convert Triton types to numpy types
        self.output_response_dtype = pb_utils.triton_string_to_numpy(output_response_config['data_type'])
        self.output_history_dtype = pb_utils.triton_string_to_numpy(output_history_config['data_type'])
        ChatGLM_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+"/ChatGLM2_6B"
        self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(ChatGLM_path, trust_remote_code=True)
        model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(ChatGLM_path,
        self.model = model.eval()
        logging.info("model init success")
    def execute(self, requests):
        """`execute` MUST be implemented in every Python model. `execute`
        function receives a list of pb_utils.InferenceRequest as the only
        argument. This function is called when an inference request is made
        for this model. Depending on the batching configuration (e.g. Dynamic
        Batching) used, `requests` may contain multiple requests. Every
        Python model, must create one pb_utils.InferenceResponse for every
        pb_utils.InferenceRequest in `requests`. If there is an error, you can
        set the error argument when creating a pb_utils.InferenceResponse

        requests : list
          A list of pb_utils.InferenceRequest

          A list of pb_utils.InferenceResponse. The length of this list must
          be the same as `requests`
        output_response_dtype = self.output_response_dtype
        output_history_dtype = self.output_history_dtype

        # output_dtype = self.output_dtype
        responses = []
        # Every Python backend must iterate over everyone of the requests
        # and create a pb_utils.InferenceResponse for each of them.
        for request in requests:
            prompt = pb_utils.get_input_tensor_by_name(request, "prompt").as_numpy()[0]
            prompt = prompt.decode('utf-8')
            history_origin = pb_utils.get_input_tensor_by_name(request, "history").as_numpy()
            if len(history_origin) > 0:
                history = np.array([item.decode('utf-8') for item in history_origin]).reshape((-1,2)).tolist()
                history = []
            temperature = pb_utils.get_input_tensor_by_name(request, "temperature").as_numpy()[0]
            temperature = float(temperature.decode('utf-8'))
            max_token = pb_utils.get_input_tensor_by_name(request, "max_token").as_numpy()[0]
            max_token = int(max_token.decode('utf-8'))
            history_len = pb_utils.get_input_tensor_by_name(request, "history_len").as_numpy()[0]
            history_len = int(history_len.decode('utf-8'))
            # 日志输入传入信息
            in_log_info = {
            response,history = self.model.chat(self.tokenizer,
                                               history=history[-history_len:] if history_len > 0 else [],
            # 日志输入解决后的信息
            out_log_info = {
            response = np.array(response)
            history = np.array(history)
            response_output_tensor = pb_utils.Tensor("response",response.astype(self.output_response_dtype))
            history_output_tensor = pb_utils.Tensor("history",history.astype(self.output_history_dtype))

            final_inference_response = pb_utils.InferenceResponse(output_tensors=[response_output_tensor,history_output_tensor])
            # Create InferenceResponse. You can set an error here in case
            # there was a problem with handling this inference request.
            # Below is an example of how you can set errors in inference
            # response:
            # pb_utils.InferenceResponse(#    output_tensors=..., TritonError("An error occured"))

        # You should return a list of pb_utils.InferenceResponse. Length
        # of this list must match the length of `requests` list.
        return responses

    def finalize(self):
        """`finalize` is called only once when the model is being unloaded.
        Implementing `finalize` function is OPTIONAL. This function allows
        the model to perform any necessary clean ups before exit.
        """print('Cleaning up...')

5. 部署测试

① 抉择 9n-triton-devel-gpu-v0.3 镜像创立 notebook 测试实例;

② 把模型放在 /9n-triton-devel/model_repository 目录下,模型目录构造参考 3.1;

③ 进入 /9n-triton-devel/server/ 目录,拉取最新版本的 bin 并解压:wget http://storage.jd.local/com.bamboo.server.product/7196560/9n\_predictor\_server.tgz

④ 批改 /9n-triton-devel/server/start.sh 为如下:

mkdir logs
\rm -rf /9n-triton-devel/server/logs/*
\rm -rf /tmp/python_env_*
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/9n-triton-devel/server/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
nohup ./bin/9n_predictor_server --flagfile=./conf/server.gflags 2>&1 >/dev/null &
sleep 2
pid=`ps x |grep "9n_predictor_server" | grep -v "grep" | grep -v "ldd" | grep -v "stat" | awk '{print $1}'`
echo $pid

⑤ 运行 /9n-triton-devel/server/start.sh 脚本

⑥ 查看服务启动胜利(ChatGLM2-6B 模型启动,差不多 13 分钟左右)

办法 1: 查看 8010 端口是否启动:netstat -natp | grep 8010

办法 2: 查看日志:cat /9n-triton-devel/server/logs/predictor_core.INFO

⑦ 编写 python grpc client 拜访测试服务脚本,放于 /9n-triton-devel/client/ 目录下,拜访端口为 8010,ip 为,能够参考如下:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from multi_backend_client import MultiBackendClient
import triton_python_backend_utils as python_backend_utils
import multi_backend_message_pb2

import time
import argparse
import io
import os
import numpy as np
import json
import struct

def print_result(response, batch_size):
    print("outputs len:" + str(len(response.outputs)))

    if (response.error_code == 0):
        print("response :", response)

        print(f'res shape: {response.outputs[0].shape}')
        res = python_backend_utils.deserialize_bytes_tensor(response.raw_output_contents[0])
        for i in res:

        print(f'history shape: {response.outputs[1].shape}')
        history = python_backend_utils.deserialize_bytes_tensor(response.raw_output_contents[1])
        for i in history:

def send_one_request(sender, request_pb, batch_size):
    succ, response = sender.send_req(request_pb)
    if succ:
        print_result(response, batch_size)
      print('send_one_request fail', response)

def send_request(ip, port, temperature, max_token, history_len, batch_size=1, send_cnt=1):
    request_sender = MultiBackendClient(ip, port)

    request = multi_backend_message_pb2.ModelInferRequest()
    request.model_name = "chatglm2-6b"

    # 输出占位
    input0 = multi_backend_message_pb2.ModelInferRequest().InferInputTensor()
    input0.name = "prompt"
    input0.datatype = "BYTES"

    input1 = multi_backend_message_pb2.ModelInferRequest().InferInputTensor()
    input1.name = "history"
    input1.datatype = "BYTES"
    input2 = multi_backend_message_pb2.ModelInferRequest().InferInputTensor()
    input2.name = "temperature"
    input2.datatype = "BYTES"
    input3 = multi_backend_message_pb2.ModelInferRequest().InferInputTensor()
    input3.name = "max_token"
    input3.datatype = "BYTES"
    input4 = multi_backend_message_pb2.ModelInferRequest().InferInputTensor()
    input4.name = "history_len"
    input4.datatype = "BYTES"

    query = '请给出一个具体示例'
    input0.contents.bytes_contents.append(bytes(query, encoding="utf8"))

    history_origin = np.array([['你晓得鸡兔同笼问题么', '鸡兔同笼问题是一个经典的数学问题,波及到根本的代数方程和解题办法。问题形容为:在一个笼子外面,有若干只鸡和兔子,已知它们的总数和总腿数,问鸡和兔子的数量各是多少?\n\n 解法如下:假如鸡的数量为 x,兔子的数量为 y,则总腿数为 2x+4y。依据题意,能够列出方程组:\n\nx + y = 总数 \n2x + 4y = 总腿数 \n\n 通过解方程组,能够求得 x 和 y 的值,从而确定鸡和兔子的数量。']]).reshape((-1,))
    history = [bytes(item, encoding="utf8") for item in history_origin]
    input2.contents.bytes_contents.append(bytes(temperature, encoding="utf8"))
    input3.contents.bytes_contents.append(bytes(max_token, encoding="utf8"))
    input4.contents.bytes_contents.append(bytes(history_len, encoding="utf8"))

    # 输入占位
    output_tensor0 = multi_backend_message_pb2.ModelInferRequest().InferRequestedOutputTensor()
    output_tensor0.name = "response"

    output_tensor1 = multi_backend_message_pb2.ModelInferRequest().InferRequestedOutputTensor()
    output_tensor1.name = "history"
    min_ms = 0
    max_ms = 0
    avg_ms = 0
    for i in range(send_cnt):
        start = time.time_ns()
        send_one_request(request_sender, request, batch_size)
        cost = (time.time_ns()-start)/1000000
        print ("idx:%d cost  ms:%d" % (i, cost))
        if cost > max_ms:
            max_ms = cost
        if cost < min_ms or min_ms==0:
            min_ms = cost
        avg_ms += cost
    avg_ms /= send_cnt
    print("cnt=%d max=%dms min=%dms avg=%dms" % (send_cnt, max_ms, min_ms, avg_ms))

if __name__ == '__main__':
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        parser.add_argument('-ip', '--ip_address', help = 'ip address', default='', required=False)
        parser.add_argument('-p',  '--port', help = 'port', default='8010', required=False)
        parser.add_argument('-t',  '--temperature', help = 'temperature', default='0.01', required=False)
        parser.add_argument('-m',  '--max_token', help = 'max_token', default='16000', required=False)
        parser.add_argument('-hl',  '--history_len', help = 'history_len', default='10', required=False)
        parser.add_argument('-b',  '--batch_size', help = 'batch size', default=1, required=False, type = int)
        parser.add_argument('-c',  '--send_count', help = 'send count', default=1, required=False, type = int)
        args = parser.parse_args()
        send_request(args.ip_address, args.port, args.temperature, args.max_token, args.history_len, args.batch_size, args.send_count)

通用 predictor 申请格局能够参考:https://github.com/kserve/kserve/blob/master/docs/predict-api/v2/grpc\_predict\_v2.proto

6. 模型部署

九数算法中台提供了两种部署模型服务形式,别离为界面部署和 SDK 部署。利用界面中的模型部署只反对 JSF 协定接口,若要提供 JSF 服务接口,则能够参考 http://easyalgo.jd.com/help/%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E6%8C%87%E5%8D%97/%E6%A8%A1%E5%9E%8B%E8%AE%A1%E7%AE%97/%E6%A8%A1%E5%9E%8B%E9%83%A8%E7%BD%B2.html 间接部署。

因为我后续须要将 ChatGLM2-6B 模型集成至 langchain 中应用,所以对外提供 http 协定接口比拟便当,经与算法中台同学求教后应用 SDK 形式部署能够满足。因为界面部署和 SDK 部署目前研发没有对齐,用界面部署时间接能够应用 3.1 中的模型构造,应用 SDK 部署则须要调整模型构造如下:

同时须要在 config.pbtxt 中将执行环境门路设置如下:

parameters: {
  value: {string_value: "$$TRITON_MODEL_DIRECTORY/1/python-3-8.tar.gz"}


from das.triton.model import TritonModel

model = TritonModel("chatglm2-6b")

predictor = model.deploy(
    path="$pwd/model_repository/chatglm2-6b", # 模型文件所在的目录
    endpoint = "9n-das-serving-lf2.jd.local",
    use_gpu=True, # 依据是否须要 gpu 减速推理来配置
    override = True,

四. 集成至 langchain

应用 langchain 能够疾速基于 LLM 模型开发一些利用。应用 LLMs 模块封装 ChatGLM2-6B,申请咱们的模型服务,次要实现_call 函数,能够参考如下代码:

import json
import time
import base64
import struct
import requests
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from langchain.llms.base import LLM
from langchain.llms import OpenAI
from langchain.llms.utils import enforce_stop_tokens
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Mapping, Any

import warnings

class ChatGLM(LLM):
    max_token = 32000
    temperature = 0.01
    history_len = 10
    url = ""
    def __init__(self):
        super(ChatGLM, self).__init__()
    def _llm_type(self):
        return "ChatGLM2-6B"
    def _history_len(self) -> int:
        return self.history_len
    def _max_token(self) -> int:
        return self.max_token
    def _temperature(self) -> float:
        return self.temperature
    def _deserialize_bytes_tensor(self, encoded_tensor):
        Deserializes an encoded bytes tensor into an
        numpy array of dtype of python objects
        encoded_tensor : bytes
            The encoded bytes tensor where each element
            has its length in first 4 bytes followed by
            the content
        string_tensor : np.array
            The 1-D numpy array of type object containing the
            deserialized bytes in 'C' order.
        strs = list()
        offset = 0
        val_buf = encoded_tensor
        while offset < len(val_buf):
            l = struct.unpack_from("<I", val_buf, offset)[0]
            offset += 4
            sb = struct.unpack_from("<{}s".format(l), val_buf, offset)[0]
            offset += l
        return (np.array(strs, dtype=np.object_))
    def _infer(cls, url, query, history, temperature, max_token, history_len):
        query = base64.b64encode(query.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
        history_origin = np.asarray(history).reshape((-1,))
        history = [base64.b64encode(item.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') for item in history_origin]
        temperature = base64.b64encode(temperature.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
        max_token = base64.b64encode(max_token.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
        history_len = base64.b64encode(history_len.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
        data = {
            "model_name": "chatglm2-6b",
            "inputs": [{"name": "prompt", "datatype": "BYTES", "shape": [1], "contents": {"bytes_contents": [query]}},
                {"name": "history", "datatype": "BYTES", "shape": [-1], "contents": {"bytes_contents": history}},
                {"name": "temperature", "datatype": "BYTES", "shape": [1], "contents": {"bytes_contents": [temperature]}},
                {"name": "max_token", "datatype": "BYTES", "shape": [1], "contents": {"bytes_contents": [max_token]}},
                {"name": "history_len", "datatype": "BYTES", "shape": [1], "contents": {"bytes_contents": [history_len]}}
            "outputs": [{"name": "response"},
                        {"name": "history"}]
        response = requests.post(url = url, 
                                 data = json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=True), 
                                 headers = {"Content_Type": "application/json"}, 
        return response 
    def _call(self, 
              query: str, 
              history: List[List[str]] =[], 
              stop: Optional[List[str]] =None):
        temperature = str(self.temperature)
        max_token = str(self.max_token)
        history_len = str(self.history_len)
        url = self.url
        response = self._infer(url, query, history, temperature, max_token, history_len)
        if response.status_code!=200:
            return "查问后果谬误"
        if stop is not None:
            response = enforce_stop_tokens(response, stop)
        result = json.loads(response.text)
        # 解决 response
        res = base64.b64decode(result['raw_output_contents'][0].encode('utf-8'))
        res_response = self._deserialize_bytes_tensor(res)[0].decode()
        return res_response
    def chat(self, 
              query: str, 
              history: List[List[str]] =[], 
              stop: Optional[List[str]] =None):
        temperature = str(self.temperature)
        max_token = str(self.max_token)
        history_len = str(self.history_len)
        url = self.url
        response = self._infer(url, query, history, temperature, max_token, history_len)
        if response.status_code!=200:
            return "查问后果谬误"
        if stop is not None:
            response = enforce_stop_tokens(response, stop)
        result = json.loads(response.text)
        # 解决 response
        res = base64.b64decode(result['raw_output_contents'][0].encode('utf-8'))
        res_response = self._deserialize_bytes_tensor(res)[0].decode()
        # 解决 history
        history_shape = result['outputs'][1]["shape"]
        history_enc = base64.b64decode(result['raw_output_contents'][1].encode('utf-8'))
        res_history = np.array([i.decode() for i in self._deserialize_bytes_tensor(history_enc)]).reshape(history_shape).tolist()
        return res_response, res_history
    def _identifying_params(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
        """Get the identifying parameters."""
        _param_dict = {"url": self.url}
        return _param_dict

留神:模型服务调用 url 等于在模型部署页面调用信息 URL 后加上 ” MutilBackendService/Predict “

五. 总结

本文具体介绍了在团体 9n-triton 工具上部署 ChatGLM2-6B 过程,心愿能够为有部署需要的同学提供一些帮忙。

作者:京东保险 赵风龙

起源:京东云开发者社区 转载请注明出处
